
Resilience of the Forsaken Scholar

In a world of magic and technology Talent becomes obscure, What is talent? Many across the ages asked that question but there was one undeniable fact without talent you are nothing. I say fuck this world, I say fuck everything, I will make my own talent.

slinger87 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
30 Chs

Chapter 0: Power system

You can skip this if you want won't affect your experience.

The power system in this story is as follows:

White Core --> 45% of the population, life expectancy 80 years.

Red Core --> 30% of the population, life expectancy 120 years.

Orange Core --> 15% of the population.

Yellow Core --> 7% of the population.

Green Core --> 2.3% of the population.

Blue Core --> 0.67% of the population.

Indigo Core --> 0.03% of the population.

Violet Core --> Very few people are known to have reached this stage.

Most children reach the White Core by the age of 12 and the Red Core by the age of 24.

Average people reach the Orange Core by the age of 50 and the Yellow Core by the age of 110.

Tier 1 family have at least 1 violet core, tier 2 has at least 1 indigo core and so on and so forth.