
Resident Evil: Revival

Fifteen years after the Rockfort island incident, Steve awoke with no memories of the incident and in an Umbrella facility. New friends along with old, face the crisis of their pasts and fight for their future.

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The Nerd's Are In Lead

Clyde opened his mouth, about to speak but Steve gripped his hand hard and tight to keep him quiet.

"We were just introducing each other" Steve gave a fake smile as he spoke. "I stumbled across him while I was walking about and wanted to get to know 'em" Steve faked his laugh as well. Clyde lets go of Steve's hand. Clyde turns to Ada as she walks closer. Clyde speaks to her completely ignoring Steve

"Is he fine walking through the halls without permission? Those eyes don't say "trustworthy"

Ada was staring at Clyde with angry eyes, completely ignoring what he said: "Why is Steve defending you." She said in a monotonous manner. It was clear. Steve realized that he really sucks at lying.

"You got me," Clyde said, "The freak doesn't need to defend me," Clyde scoffs. "Why is a freak, like him wandering around unsupervised?"

Ada took a step inches from Clyde's face, "Call Steve a freak in front of me again," Ada gave a light whisper, but her tone felt as if she would shoot Clyde without a second thought. Clyde leaned back quickly filled with fear over Ada, unsure of why she would defend a freak like him.

Steve sighed and grabbed Ada's shoulder "Ada I get his perspective. I'm wearing a prisoner's outfit, wondering around, without anyone official with me, and ...The eyes... I get it."

"I don't care how promiscuous you look, I just know Clyde and what type of person he is," Ada said in her normal tone. It was nice to have someone immediately take Steve's side, however, he knew Ada took his side, seemingly because she does not like who Clyde is as a person.

Steve gave a slightly confused look as he then looks at Clyde. He was smiling. It looked weird at first, but Steve realized something. He has seen that type of smile before in his old high school. That half-cocked grin with sadistic eyes sharper than an eagles. Clyde was smiling like a man with nothing to prove, and nothing to lose. Smiling like a person who likes being on top and would beat people below him. The smile of a bully.

"Oh... I see," Steve mumbled to himself quietly, as he took a step back realizing he just shook hands with an ass. Clyde looked at Steve with a snarl and was about to take a step towards him but Ada interrupted his motion by facing her guns in front of his face.

"Do your job. Put the guns back in the armory," Ada said calmly as she then drops her gun and grappling gun to his feet as she then grabbed Steve's arm tugged him away from Clyde. Clyde glared at the both of them with seething rage, and then picked up the weapons, heading back to the armory.

Ada then lets go of Steve's arm once they were out of eyeshot of Clyde. "So why did you leave the room?" she asked as they walked.

Steve looked at her unsure if his honesty would be worth believing. "I had to think things out since everything about me is..." He gestured all of himself, "almost completely different."

"OK... And?" she said showing a bit of sass to her tone

"Walking helps me think straight" Steve replied.

Ada was about to ask why he did not ask anyone but she remembered how both her and Jason stormed off before he was done with his own crisis. She should have waited but she wanted to think things over herself, and fighting or training helps her think straight. She sighs annoyed.

"Listen..." Ada started, "That guy really isn't worth your time. He's selfish and dangerous and a prick and a liar-"

Steve interrupted, "And you obviously liked him, once," she turned to Steve, shocked he realized.

"I didn't LIKE him," Ada stated, "We only fucked once."

Steve stared at her with shock in his eyes, "And you didn't like him?... Huh," he shrugged, "Must've been some crazy sex," Steve did not want her to feel awkward about her talking about her sex life so boldly to someone she had just met who is relatively younger than her, but boy, oh boy! Did he feel awkward?

Ada once again laughed at his joke but not as hard, "I wish", she said, "The fool just wanted a good lay."

"Oh.. Oh ok..." Steve said, unsure of how to respond to that. They both went silent after that. Ada found it dumb to blatantly say that out loud and chose to change the subject as soon as she could think of one.

"... So I'm guessing you wanted a tour of the facility?" she asked knowing she sucks at giving those types of things, but of course Steve nods. She groaned lightly and gave her common smile, "Follow me then."

As they walked Ada could hear Steve humming a familiar song, a classic. She spoke, "what're you humming?" she asked as if she didn't know but totally did, she used to love it in fact.

Steve cuts off his humming to respond "I honestly have no clue. It's been stuck in my head since I woke up. I honestly hope it leaves my head soon, something about it makes me feel sad".

"Dunno what about it makes you sad," Ada said, "The song is a love song. came out around eighty-two, I think."

Steve continues to follow her trying to see if he can remember anything with that information "....Nope. That doesn't ring any bells, sorry. What are the lyrics about?" he asked.

Ada was unsure of where he was going with this. Maybe he was trying to get some of his memories back, "Hmm... I guess the song might be about a guy who misses his lover and wishes she was with him, but to be fair I never looked into the lyrics that much," She recited the lyrics in her head and of course, she started thinking about Leon. She gave a heavy sigh thinking about him. Steve was looking at her seeing her wanting eyes but was clearly somewhere else in her head.

"I didn't know a song would make you swoon," Steve teased. Ada cleared her mind of him and chuckled as she spoke

"The song reminded me of an old friend," she gave another sigh missing his breathtaking face.

They turned to a room, Ada knocked to get the attention of a Japanese girl and a scrawny blonde man. The girl gave a smile but the smile quickly died into a concerned and fascinated expression when she saw Steve's eyes. Steve gave an awkward smile and an awkward wave like he is the new kid in school.

Ada felt very awkward as she presented Steve to the nerds "Yumi, James, this is the project Wesker had left behind. You know his name," Ada then turned to Steve, "Steve, this is Yumi Nakamino, she's the doctor here, but since nobody is ever in need of medical attention, she stays with James Burt-... Burthl-... barth- his name's James. He's the only scientist left here. If a new virus is rumored to be around, his associates from the outside would inform him... Say hi!" Ada was done giving introductions.

Steve gave a smile and was about to speak but both of them jolt over to him and shook both of his hands seeing him as a new item to study.

A British voice left the lips of James as he spoke first, "It's absolutely wonderful to see you awake, Steve."

Yumi then spoke in her cute mousy voice, "I'm glad to see you in walking conditions, Steve. It was so worrying to know a kid like you were thrown into this dark world," Another kind person that cared about Steve's well being this whole time, it seemed.

"Well, I'm glad to know some people like to show that they care" Steve teased at Ada. "Anyways, thank you very much for your kindness" Steve gave a bright smile to them. With both of them up close he could get a better look at them.

Yumi, was slightly smaller than him, roughly above 5 feet. She was super cute and it was clear with her voice she grew up in America. She had dark black hair that went down to her shoulders on a ponytail. Even though she's been here for a long time, she oddly looked younger than him. Her caring smile showed confidence and her light brown eyes showed genuine care for Steve. She had one side of her bangs slightly covering her eye. Her constant readjustment with her bangs definitely showed that she wanted to look presentable when Steve had awoken. Steve could not help but smile at how cute she was.

James was the complete opposite. A tall middle-aged British man. His shoulders were scrawny and he was super thin. You really would not be able to tell how weak he looked if he had his lab coat buttoned up. His hair was blonde and getting greys as well as some stress wrinkles. He seemed very kind and sweet.

Overall, James and Yumi seemed to be the first genuine and normal people in this facility. Steve could not help but smile at the sight of their faces.

Steve heard Ada's high heels leave. He turned to her, concerned, "Ada wait, I thought you were gonna' give me a tour of the facility."

She gave a wave, knowing Steve is fine where he is at "You've already seen everything you'll need to see. Plus! You're fine where you are," Ada did not even turn back to look at him as she spoke, "We will talk later."

Steve was unsure if she felt offended for some reason or had something more important to do. Steve felt worried for her but knew she can take care of herself.

He gave a smile and a wave back and noticed that James was eye-boggling at Ada's hips, "You think she's hot, eh?" Steve chuckled

"You are joking right?" James glared at Steve with disbelief for not seeing the same thing James was, "Her hips are that of a goddess! Do you not see that?".

Steve looked back at her in attempts to try to see James' point of view. Granted, after actually looking, he understood why James would stare, but he felt as if it would be wrong to see her that way, "Eh... I guess I see what you mean, but she's a tad above my age... Or... Actually, I have no clue," Steve blushed that he forgot that he doesn't exactly know how old he is.

"Give me a blood sample and I could give you a proper number in around 12 minutes," James gave the proposal of letting Steve know his age through his blood.

Steve eagerly nodded as they went to James' desk.