
Resident Evil: Revival

Fifteen years after the Rockfort island incident, Steve awoke with no memories of the incident and in an Umbrella facility. New friends along with old, face the crisis of their pasts and fight for their future.

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A Rather Sudden Hello

Jake stared at Steve for a second before he realized he was looking for too long and averted his gaze, "Oh.. Sorry, then. I didn't know this was a reserved spot for pals, besties, and chums," Jake said as she shifted to get up.

"We could be pals," Steve spoke suddenly as he then bit down on the bread. He then glanced at Jake and chuckled, "That was a bit sudden, wasn't it? Sorry, My friend is old guy. He has no patience, so I really don't need to build things up," Steve lends a hand to shake, "The name's Burns."

Jake seemingly had a face that was odd enough to make Steve laugh at. The moment Jake saw Steve's gloved hand ready to shake, he realized this mission was probably not going to be nearly as difficult as he had original assumed. Steve's a big softie. 

Jake reached over and shook Steve's hand, "Muller," Jake said firmly with a hesitant grin as he then sat back down. Jake glanced around this damp and wet town and spoke honestly, "So, what's it like here, Burns? is it often this.. dewy?"

Steve laughed softly, "I would not know. I have only been here for... three?.. two months? It seems to be that way, though. It's quiet. Nobody ever bothers this town. That's why I was able to spot you so easily."

The air became suddenly uneasy as Steve stared Jake down. Jake averted his gaze from Steve in the hopes that he has never heard of Jake before. Steve gave a soft smile and spoke, "No worries. I'm not gonna throw you out just cus' you're new. That'd be rude," Steve chuckled a bit as he gazed down at the birds eating the bread. 

Jake had palmed his gun underneath his jacket, ready to pull it out if necessary. His grip loosened the moment the tension eased. Jake relaxed somewhat as he pulled out a sack wrapped over his shoulder. The bag rattled lightly as he pulled out an apple and began eating it quietly. 

Jake was dumbfounded. He did not have an immediate response to this situation. Either Steve is fully aware and is trying some type of ploy to play Jake into his good side or is genuinely ignorant of him. Either way, Jake felt like it was necessary to act soon if not now. Jake chewed quietly as he thought to himself.

Steve glanced over to him, "So what brings you here, Muller? This place isn't the vacation type. No offense, but you don't exactly look like the type who enjoys vacations," Steve chuckled to himself.

Jake retorted, "looks often deceive, Burns. I mean... Look at those at those eyes of yours," Steve suddenly lowered his gaze as he tucked his shades further into his brow. "Eyes like those... Well, I would not be shocked if you kept those lookers to only certain folk, but here you are, being a bit more social than I'd like," Jake's snarky remark had a bit of harsh tone behind it. 

Steve's eye's lead to the opposite direction, as he silently stood up, disrupting the birds pecking the bread on the ground. Steve then walked off.

Jake felt a wave of worry leave him. The tension was gone. The threat was no longer eyeing him down. Jake finally glanced at Steve and saw the back side of him. He patiently watched as the boy walked. As he watched he felt something tug at him. Nothing physical. Something inside. A tightness. A feeling he rarely felt. Guilt. 

Jake had a hint a subtle frustration in his eyes as he watched Steve continue walking down the hill road, towards the docks. His body wanted to act on impulse, like always. He felt some kind of relatability with Steve. Something that was aching him to talk more with Steve. To find a resolution with him amicably. To talk, like how Redfield had recommended. 


Jake chose to bury that feeling down. all other feelings go down there too when it comes to these kind of missions. It was rare for Jake to act on impulse. The last time he did, though... He saved the world.

Steve was down the hill by the time he heard a set of feet run to him from behind. he swiftly turned to face Muller who raised his hands casually as he stopped running and faced Burns, "Hey. I.. Didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I just speak out of turn, sometimes. I have a problem with socializing and I just.." Jake began to stammer trying to locate the right words which was visibly annoying him.

Steve could notice the frustration and he could not help but show a soft smile as he finished Jake's train of thought, "you suck at being a nice person to new people? I'm friends with someone like you. Don't worry," Steve gave a chuckle and a shrug.

Jake denied, "No! I'm a really nice person! I just suck at showing it... And I tend to piss off pussies who cant handle my honesty," he said it like he was proud he could find the right words. 

Steve stared at him and he scoffed, "Pussies do piss, after all," they both stood there for a moment before they both began laughing together at the sudden realization that their humor is not too different.

After their moment together Steve gave a wave, "Don't get worked up over me. Its probably best you act like I don't exist," Jake tilted his head as his smile quickly faded. Steve continued, "Have a good vacation, Muller. Goodbye," He said before entering the train tunnel that was clearly under a construction. 

Jake gave a slow and confused wave as he realized what just happened. He enjoyed his company for a moment. His target really was not evil. Chris and his sister were right. Steve is not a violent creature. Just a cocky dude. No visible abilities, besides the notorious glowing eyes.

Jake was taken aback by the encounter. It felt like he was with his siblings again. just enjoying the time to talk. Steve was just like him. This was why Chris hired him. 

Steve entered the base as James and Clyde were playing a game of chess with a sorted set of different types of cans and bottles. Clyde gave a wave, "Prodigal child! I beat the nerd five times!"

James remarked, "I knew you would be good with strategies, but damn! you're no fun!"

Steve grabbed his bag and pulled out his sub machine gun's and and handed one to James, "We're in trouble. Jake Muller is at our front door."