
Resident Evil: Revival

Fifteen years after the Rockfort island incident, Steve awoke with no memories of the incident and in an Umbrella facility. New friends along with old, face the crisis of their pasts and fight for their future.

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A Deal Must Be Struck (part 3)

Yumi's weak body soon started to wobble. Steve broke his paralysis and rushed over and cradled her. One hand on the back of her head as the other held her by the back as he gently lowered her to the ground. His tear-filled eyes glowed brightly as they darted from her eyes to the fatal wound that had more thick crimson soak away her pure life. He stammered as he cried. Steve tried to think of something that would work. All that planning and strategizing in the gym's and he could not find a solution to save someone who loved him.

Steve's lip quivered as he barked, "M-Medkit! Get.. Get me a medkit, damn it!!!" he went to one knee as he had Yumi's head and shoulders rested on his legs. Yumi's delicate weak gaze never left Steve's eyes as she bled out. Carlos ran next to Steve and got on his knees as he opened a small pouch pack from the rear of his belt. Steve saw him and the tear-filled boy spoke softly with uncertainty and panic, "H-... Help me..."

Carlos spoke calmly as he handed Steve a white thick wrap of medical gauze, "Place it on the wound and keep firm pressure on it," Carlos' voice was sharp and clean as he was focused to save Yumi.

Steve grabbed the gauze and followed instructions and applied firm pressure to the bullet sized hole right under her chest. The blood would not stop. His hands were soaking into the deep red as he did what he was told to do. Steve could not speak. He was dumbstruck as he watched the thick gauze soak in the blood like a sponge. Steve screamed in his head, demanded himself to help Yumi. To save Yumi. That this was just another vivid nightmare of his fears, and even then, he would save her. He knew though. This was her last moment and yumi was just on his lap slowly dying as she stared into his eyes.

She smiled. Yumi smiled blissfully and happy to see Steve. Carlos saw the blood pooling around them. Carlos' eyes were wide at the realization that the bullet went straight through her spin and ribs.

Steve had his eyes focused on her wound. He whimpered and cried softly with gritted teeth as he just postponed her end. Something cold then touched his cheek. He lightly gasped as his eyes met Yumi's eyes. Yumi's hand caressed Steve's tear-soaked cheek. She looked so tired but happy. Her soft delicate voice whispered, "..B-Beautiful..." Her gaze had still been studying his glowing eyes. Steve was confused. She continued, "You're... So warm."

Steve instinctively held the hand that comforted him as he wept, "Y-... You're gonna be... OK," Steve lied as adored her.

She ever so gently shook her head. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine... You need to take care of yourself."

Steve lowered his head as he cried out, "I promised to protect all of you..."

"And... You did," Yumi's voice got choked up. She gave a gentle cough as small bits of blood slipped out. Steve Instinctively got his face closer to hers as he let her forehead rest on his. He could not hear anything other than her staggered heart and her raspy breath. Her delicate lips soon spoke in a whisper, "...I... Love you, Steve," Yumi exhaled softly as her body went limp.

Her heart stopped...

Steve's eyes widened as he looked at her relaxed face. Steve said her name. Steve couldn't hear his own voice. He said her name again, then again. He lightly shook her body which wobbled lightly and lifelessly. The lump in his throat grew as he started to cry out angrily, as he felt the true devastation.

The young girl's voice returned. The one in his dream. Alexia, "The one you cared for most is now dead?.. hmm.. pitty," Steve snarled in frustration as he lowered Yumi's head to the ground. Of course, the one person he did not want to hear from is going to haunt him. The voice gave a light giggle before she spoke again, "The one who caused this is right there, behind you," Steve panted as he slowly turned his head to see Todd still restrained by the other members other than Carlos. Steve glared. Rage filled his expression. Alexia whispered in his ear, "What are you going to do to him?"

Steve's eyes looked at Clyde as he stood and walked over to Clyde. The look on Clyde's face was shock and a hint of shame, "Steve... I," before Clyde could even think of something to say he reached from Clyde's behind and pulled out his Glock, Turned the safety off, aimed directly at Todd's forehead and fired. Steve had no expression other than hatred and anger as he watched the young man's head mushroom out from the armor-piercing bullet. Brain matter and bits of shattered skull splattered across the men who held Todd's instantly lifeless body down. The moment Todd's head had exploded, Kyle and Tucker jumped away from Todd's body.

They all looked shocked and speechless to such a quick and sudden action. Steve lowered the gun and handed it back to Clyde, "We are now even. Don't follow us, Cara. You will end up the same if you do," Steve then turned and started to walk his way to the back exit of the facility.

Cara's instincts then kicked in. She looked down and checked her assault rifle. The moment she looked up, Steve was inches away from her face. Cara looked back down and her assault rifle was somehow in Steve's hands. Behind Steve, Clyde and James looked around as they tried to find Steve. They both located him as Steve faced Cara with glowing red eyes. The look of anger and hatred he had left Cara frozen.

Steve spoke calmly, "Don't stop us either," Steve turned again and continued to walk. Past Jason, Past Carlos. He kept ahold of Cara's assault rifle as he gestured Clyde and James to walk with him. James followed out of fear while Clyde followed Steve calmly. Billy glanced at the team then at Steve and his friends and chose to follow Steve as well.

Cara was seemingly petrified. Steve had practically teleported to Cara just to make sure she would not aim her gun at him and walked away. A part of her was still shocked that her youngest team member was instantly killed right in front of her. Even if Todd was intended to kill Steve. Killing Todd did not feel justified. It was murder. It WAS murder. Cara did not know how to process it. She never lost a team member like this before. Steve's strength and abilities very much exceeded her expectations. Cara fell to her knees. The single word loomed over her thoughts. Failure. Every choice she made. every decision she tried to find and make within the seventy-two hours of this mission. Every choice she tried to make was seemingly pointless. Had she taken away Todd's gun from him earlier, he would have been alive. How would she have known that Todd would have reacted that way before, though?

Carlos glanced at Cara and watched Steve and his allies leave. He stood and looked at Yumi's delicate body as the pool of blood around her slowed to a stop. That all happened within seconds. It all seemed to have been going in the right direction, but fear alone had it all go downhill in an instant. Carlos gave a heavy sigh as he then pulled out the satellite phone and called Chris.

Steve had opened the back double-sided doors of the facility and saw a black speedboat yacht parked at the wooden floating docks. Steve tilted his head at the sight of it but a part of him really did not care. In his head, he was still sitting back there in the halls as he held Yumi.

Billy walked past him and spoke softly, "I told you, I climbed," Steve gave a silent nod as he really was spaced out.

Clyde patted his shoulder, "Are you ok?"

Steve blinked as he rubbed his eyes and gave a nod, "This happens often for you, being a merc and all?" Steve's voice was weak and torn from the crying.

Clyde gave a heavy sigh as James walked past them. Clyde spoke calmly as he clearly thought of the few people who had died around him, "I want to say you don't get used to it, but you do easily. At least, that's how it is for me. I'm sorry, Steve. Yumi was the nicest out of all of us. She did not deserve to go."

"That's life," Steve spoke as he started to walk, "The people you care about most are the ones to go first."

Steve thought about the words Yumi said to him. They rang in his head as the anger and frustration left him. "I love you" was what hurt him the most. He couldn't say it back. He knew he couldn't.

Steve then froze as he realized he had said the same thing once. A long time ago to Claire. Steve stopped walking as his eyes widened as all the memories rushed into him. Every second of the prison island. The Rockford Island. The Antarctic facility. The Veronica Virus. The hell that he went through with Claire. The rush of memories came with the emotions. The mistakes. The promises. Everything that Steve had done to stay alive. He remembers saving Claire even when he was infected and turned.

Clyde walked up to him and noticed Steve's wide eyes of pure and sudden shock. A tear slid down Steve's cheek as James and Billy both looked back to see Clyde and Steve. They all seemed to patiently wait for Steve. Even after failing Yumi, They all were willing to be by his side.

Steve finally blinked and broke free from his rush of memories and saw his friends. Clyde spoke up, "We should get moving. Save the tears for later."

Steve gave a nod as he wiped the tear away with his sleeve and openly spoke, "These tears aren't for her. They're for someone else..." Steve stood straight and walked on ahead to the docks, ready for the next chapter of his life.