
Resident Evil: blacklight

after dying, a young man named Mark James Morrison finds himself in a new body in the universe of his favorite game franchise with powers from a strange system [ notice: English is not my mother tongue, moreover, this is my first fanfic. please be patient with me. ]

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The New Life

The first thing Mark James Morrison noticed when he opened his eyes was that the roof over his head was not his. the second thing he also noticed, was that he really couldn't remember what his roof should be like, in fact, he couldn't remember many things, one of which being his own name.

"What a curious situation I find myself in, isn't it?" He murmured the young adult with dark brown hair, slightly tanned skin and light green eyes for himself, sarcasm practically dripped in his voice.

With a grunt, the 21-year-old man moved slowly until he sat on the grave just to feel the dizziness and moderate headache of a hangover.

'What the fuck is that? I haven't had a drink in years. ' thought the young adult of well-defined constitution while gently massaging his temples with his fingertips, only to feel your headache reach its peak after hearing one:

[ Ding! ]

[ Prototype system installed successfully! ]

[ Ding! ]

[ Successfully infected host. ]

[ Ding! ]

[ Blacklight virus successfully contained. ]

[ Ding! ]

[ Welcome to the world of resident evil, and good luck! ]

At the sound of each [ Ding! ], Mark stood out before shaking slightly when he heard the robotic and monotonous voice that followed the sound of the bell. With wide eyes and wide mouth, the man with short hair read the last message that floated in front of him. However, soon his fear and worry were drowned out by the acute pain that hit his brain. Making him close his eyes suddenly very hard while gritting his teeth, Mark felt as if he were remembering several moments in his life at the same time.

'Shit!' screeched Mark mentally while holding the sides of his head tightly in a foolish attempt to lessen his pain.

With a low growl, the man in the blue tank and black shorts buried his face in the pillow in an attempt to drown out his sore screams and moans. The flashes of black and white memories bombarded his mind, while Mark remembered forgotten moments in his life.

As sudden as it emerged, the acute pain was gone. Leaving behind, the slim man of physique defined with a new package of memories of a whole new life in his mind.

With a more mental than physical effort, Mark turned around while panting. With a trembling hand, the man of slightly above average stature wiped the cold sweat off his forehead while trying to calm his emotions and adapt to the flood of information that invaded his brain. With a shaky sigh, Mark opened his eyes to face the ceiling and reflect on his current situation.

Only biological son of the late and brilliant geneticist Emília Morrison and ex-military Jonathan Morrison, Mark James Morrison and the older brother of Violet Hill Morrison. Currently, Mark is a trained police officer who recently accepted a job offer in Raccoon City after graduating from the New York Police Academy.

"Raccoon City ..." Whispered Mark in a distant tone as he narrowed his eyes in deep thoughts. "It was not in this city that an apocalypse happened ... Zombie!" His eyes widened like dishes when reality hit him hard. Being a fan of the old games saga, especially the original trilogy, Mark knew in detail what had happened, to some extent, in Raccoon City. As Mark remembered all the events in the franchise in his mind, he readily knew how dangerous this place was, and how dangerous it would get.

With his eyes still wide, the tanned-skinned boy jumped out of bed before running desperately to his apartment window. Stumbling over the carpet, the man with green eyes quickly regained his balance before reaching his destination.

A sigh of relief escaped his lips when he saw a perfectly normal city through his eighth-floor window. Unlike the future chaotic and zombie-infested city and panicked people, the current Raccoon City was in a more peaceful, orderly and lively state possible.

The distant song of birds resonated among the constant noises of urban life, car traffic slowly followed the streets as pedestrians walked down the sidewalk just below. The industrialized and somewhat Gothic architecture of buildings and buildings was in stark contrast to the lively spirit of the people below.

Relieved, the young adult with dark brown hair looked with satisfaction and relief at the street just below and the buildings rising on the horizon.

However, his attention was soon diverted into the room, when the clock radio over the dresser beside the bed suddenly started playing on a strangely familiar radio station.

"Good morning Raccoon City! Here is his dear, unguarded, beloved favorite presenter, Christian Waller. Bringing you the hottest news and reports of the day, here, on Raccoon News Radio." The presenter's lively voice resonated throughout the room, along with static noise in the background.

With narrow eyes, Mark looked at the time displayed on the digital display of the black and rectangular device: { 7: 21 }.

'I don't think I woke up so early in my life.' thought the man of a defined physique with a fun snitch, before looking away at the calendar on the table next to the door while ignoring the radio host's voice.

Stuck on the bluish wall with adhesive tape, there was a somewhat faded and stained calendar from 1997, a large red "X" marked the days of September that had passed.

"September, 27, 1997." He murmured the young adult with a small sigh as his shoulders relaxed visibly as he approached the table.

'If I'm not mistaken, the franchise starts with the Resident Evil Zero incidents, which runs from July 23 to 24 next year.' pondered Mark as he rubbed his chin with a contemplative expression on his face.

"This is more than enough time for me to send myself away." Mark commented in a whispering tone and a smile on his face, however, his smile slowly faded when the boy felt a sudden dizziness in his head.

A slightly hurt groan escaped his lips, while the man with dark skin carried a hand to his forehead, a thought, an emotion, a desire invaded his body with powerful waves as Mark felt a twinge in his chest. Knowing what was about to happen, and the impact of losses that would be, Mark couldn't feel good about the idea of just leaving when he could do something to help, and who knows, even save some lives.

An interesting thought, since, from what he remembered from his raw memories in another life, he would never risk it in such a way with the vague idea of saving unknown people. Don't get him wrong, Mark was never a swindler or an evil guy, he was just someone a little more reclusive who aimed at his goals more than anything else.

"Okay, okay. I think I can do something." He murmured the young boy after sighing 'Maybe, just maybe I can do some to save some people. Who knows, even prevent the destruction of the city. ' rationalized Mark with a sigh relieved, after feeling his sudden dizziness fade quickly.

", Well, I think I should set that date somewhere." The dark-haired man whispered before he started rummaging in the papers and books on his table, only to stop abruptly in the middle of his action when a holographic screen, semi-translucent and crimson in tone, it appeared in front of his face.

[ Ding! ]

[ Support system: found that you would like to set the date 07/23/1998 as an important date. Would you like the support system to warn you about the arrival of that date? ( Yes / No ). ]

Mark looked fascinated at the marred screen with swirling yellow circles and circular lines in front of him for a second, practically mesmerized the man with dark skin tried to look at the screen from different angles, only to see that she followed her line of sight. Hesitating, he slowly raised his hand to touch it.

"Wow ..." The man with green eyes whispered with a amazed sigh when his hand passed harmlessly through the holographic screen, before whistling in approval.

'This is very interesting!' thought the young adult in the blue regatta while I nodded it, before starting to ponder the idea presented to him.

Knowing that there was a small possibility of simply forgetting the date later, and that branding would do more good than harm, Mark promptly responded with a resounding "Yes." and a nod, thus causing the holographic screen to bend over you, before revealing a new window.

[ Ding! ]

[ The date 07/23/1998 was successfully marked! ]

The dark-haired man nodded slightly before the reddish screen completely disappeared from his line of sight.

With a slightly more relieved expression, Mark pulled the chair from the work table back before sitting down with a muffled thud and a silent grumbling on the wooden chair.

"I think it's good that I take a look at this system, first of all." He murmured the young adult with green eyes when he reclined on his seat.

Gathering all the knowledge he had about Japanese and Korean novels with the system isekai theme, Mark gathered all his courage to utter his next words.

"System?" The young man with dark skin and light green eyes asked in a dubious, almost hesitant tone, just to be left unanswered.

'Great, it's not a smart system. Or else he just decided to ignore me. ' rationalized the man with dark hair, before frowning slightly and sighing.

'Maybe ... have a menu?' thought Mark with some reluctance, before a new holographic window opened in front of his face.






Store ( Blocked );



"Wow, that's all? And why is the store blocked?" The blue racing man questioned as he raised a surge in curiosity "Well, it doesn't matter now. One thing at a time, Mark, one thing at a time." Crossing his arms as he leaned on the chair, Mark commented briefly before opening his [ Status! ] With a small mental command without the slightest effort.



Name: Mark James Morrison

Race: blacklight

Age: 21 ( apparently )

Level: 1

XP [ 00/100 ]


STR: 11

CON: 11

INT: 15

LCK: 12

Extra points: 0


Metamorphosis ( lvl: 1 ): after being infected with the blacklight virus, his body gained the ability to change shape and shape his body freely based on DNA data in his biomass and knowledge.

Consume ( lvl: 1 ): after being infected with the blacklight virus, you have gained the ability to absorb biomass and DNA or the essence of other entities, copying and assimilating it into its own being to obtain genetic memories, powers, skills and physical presence of the entity. However, currently you can only [ consume ] instantly smaller entities or at a level below yours. Larger entities needed to be slaughtered first, before being consumed and assimilated.

Evolutionary adaptability ( lvl: 1 ): due to the ability of the blacklight virus to constantly evolve based on the situation and information presented in the biomass consumed, you can adapt to almost all situations. The more biomass consumed, the more adaptive resources will be released.

Adaptability ( lvl :?? ): Considered its most dangerous ability, the blacklight virus is in a perpetual state of evolution and is said to be constantly changing and evolving.

Superhuman strength ( lvl: 1 ): after being infected with the blacklight virus, your physiology gives you immense strength, which always seems to be evolving.

Superhuman senses ( lvl: 1 ): after being infected with the blacklight virus, his senses were improved to levels much higher than that of a normal human. Opening a range of possibilities never seen before.

Superhuman resistance ( lvl: 1 ): after being infected with the blacklight virus, you gained great resistance, to the point that the more danger is exposed, more adapted your body becomes for your survival.


The young adult with green eyes read his statistics carefully, before whistling and nodding in approval, before popping his tongue.

'I have some pretty crazy skills here, very good too. But pretty crazy. ' thought Mark with a satisfied expression on his face, before his forehead frowned slightly when he curiously realized that his powers were derived from another franchise of games focused on biological weapons with a viral theme.

Shrugging, after all, he would definitely not be complaining about something that would help him survive in the future zombie apocalypse world, Mark straightened his stance before deciding to review his inventory.

"Is it if I have an initial equipment package like us classic games in the franchise?" He whispered the young man with dark skin to himself, before seeing how a holographic screen with quadratic spaces appeared next to his status screen. Mark recognized almost instantly, the 10 empty slots characteristic of the franchise.

"In perspective, this is very much compared to the classics, and little compared to the latest games in the franchise." He commented the dark-haired boy without knowing whether he should be happy or sad about his condition. Suspiring in resignation and helplessness, Mark shook his head to clear his mind before straightening his posture slightly.

'Well, at least let's test how it works.' with that thought in mind, the young man with slightly tanned skin while picking up a ballpoint pen thrown on the table between piles of papers and books.

"Very well." Straightening his posture once again, Mark looked at the pen in his hand before starting to focus on a single goal in mind. Put the pen in your inventory.

It took a few seconds, but after imagining saving a pen he would imagine in a backpack he would imagine, Mark was finally able to put the item in his inventory. A satisfied expression appeared on his face when he saw the venet almost instantly disappear from his hand, before appearing in his inventory. After repeating the process with another pen, only much faster due to knowledge of the previous processes, a smile slowly blossomed on his face after seeing how both ballpoint pens happily occupied the same space.

'Well, now I know that an item can occupy the same space as a similar item or the same type previously stored. Can. Looking a lot, more can be of great help. ' rationalized Mark by taking the pens out of his inventory and keeping them in a pens door at the end of the table.

"Well, I think I already wasted a lot of time. It's time to start my day." Mark commented in a whisper before getting up from the chair and walking towards the next door, which was open.

Knowing that he lived alone, the dark-haired boy ran out into the bathroom door down the hall. On his walk, the dark-haired boy began to draw up a preliminary plan. From what Mark could have guessed, if he wanted to increase his level and skills he would have to complete some missions or kill some monsters. Assuming that monsters are zombies and other mutant variations and creatures created on the basis of viruses, parasites and fungi in this world, Mark did not see himself rising to the level anytime soon.

In addition, something told him that he would have to level up immediately 'Wait a minute, would the system give me some points for killing or consuming some animals. I mean, as I recall, Raccoon City is in the middle of a mountain range through which to run three rivers, Marble, Aimes and Circular. Perhaps in some points you can hunt and kill some criticisms of the forests. ' rationalized the twenty-year-old man hopefully, before opening the bathroom door, which creaked softly when opened.

"I think it's worth a try." Mark commented as he passed the door. "Okay, I already have a plan and yeah, brush your teeth, take a shower and change your clothes before having breakfast and going out to hunt something." With a satisfied smile, the dark-haired boy began planning his next steps while picking up his toothbrush and briefcase.

[ mission alert:

Fermenting: with less than a year for classic timeline events to happen, you feel coerced to become stronger and level up quickly.


Go to the Raccoon forest, kill and consume 15 animals of different species.

Bonus: kill 3 deer;

Bonus: kill 5 animals with one shot, at least 25 meters away;

Bonus: kill a bear;



Accept the mission?

( Yes / No ) ]

After reading the mission and seeing that he had nothing much, Mark quickly accepted it with a wide smile on his face.

'Well, if that doesn't work out, maybe I won't get a new hobby. That's if I'm not killed by the bear. ' thought the boy before he shuddered slightly with his thoughts and started brushing his teeth.