
Annette Birkin

The elevator door jitters open, Ada, Ben, and Leon stepping out into a small, dim, room. The scenery is the same as everything else, concrete walls, and pipes of various sizes on and around the walls. A single door made of rusty-metal bars sits in the back right corner. It leads into a smaller room the continues to the left. At the end is a short wire fence separating a massive pipe that comes from the ground and goes into the back wall. To the right is yet another door, this one a normal metal one.

The faintest sound of a woman's voice can be heard coming from the other side of the door. Ada opens the door to a straight corridor. A woman in a labcoat with blond hair tied up in a ponytail kneels over a corpse.

"He was here…" She mutters as they open the door.

"Annette Birkin," Ada says as she draws her gun on her.

"H-Hey, put your gun down," Leon says. Annette slowly stands up, keeping her arms at her sides.

"She's the one responsible for all this Leon," Ada replies, pushing Leon's hand away from her gun.

"Who are you?" Annette asks, looking at Ada skeptically. She glances over at Ben, "You're here for G, aren't you?"

"Where is it?"

"I don't have time for this," Annette pulls something from her pants pocket, chucking it onto the corpse. The corpse suddenly bursts into flames, creating a short flash. Annette turns and runs.

"Stop!" Ada shouts, running after her. As she runs to the other hallway, Annette shoots at her.

"Watch out!" Leon jumps in front of Ada, grabbing her. As the two fall to the side, a bullet hits Leon in the back of the shoulder. Annette runs through a door, locking it behind her.

"You guys okay?!" Ben exclaims as he runs over to them.

"I'm fine," Ada replies, getting up and brushing herself off.

Leon doesn't respond.

"Leon?" Ben asks as he kneels down, "Hey, buddy, get up," He taps his face. No response, "Leon?" Ada looks down at him with a troubled look.

"A shot to the shoulder shouldn't do that…" She mutters to herself, "Roll him onto his back," She orders as she walks over to some pipes that had been shot.


"Turn him on his back, so he's facing up,"

"O-Okay…" As Ben rolls Leon over, Ada closely examines the bullet holes. There's a clear substance surrounding the holes. Ada removes a glove, using a fingertip to pick up some of the substance. She smells it, "Bullets that double as a tranq? These weren't for humans…" She mutters as she wipes her hand off and pulls off her other glove. She walks back over to Leon, pulling out a small compact mirror.

"He's dying, or already dead, and you're checking your makeup?" Ben asks worryingly with a raised eyebrow.

"He's not dead, yet," Ada responds as she kneels down at Leon's side, "The bullet was covered in some sort of tranquilizing chemical. I got to remove the bullet so I can patch him up before he really dies of blood loss," She presses a button on the side of the mirror, the bottom opening up to reveal several small instruments, a pair of long, thin tweezers, being one of them.

"Here I was thinking you were bullshitting the whole FBI thing," Ben mutters as she also pulls out a small knife. She cuts off Leon's left sleeve, uncovering the bullet wound. It went almost entirely through, just barely poking out through the front of his shoulder. She pulls out the bullet, the blood being smeared by the clear substance, "Hopefully too much of it didn't get into his system," Ada states as she tosses the bullet to the side. She takes of her coat, revealing her red cocktail dress underneath.

"Were you expecting to be at a ball?" Ben asks. Ada just glances at him with an irritated look as she digs through her coat for something, "Sorry...just, trying not to freak out right now…"

Ada shakes her head. She pulls out a small first aid.

"Help me push him up against the wall," She orders. She proceeds to wash both of the bullet holes with rubbing alcohol, then wraps his shoulder and upper bicep in gauze. She drapes her coat over him.

"That should do it," Ada says with slight relief as she stands up. She starts walking off down the corridor Annette had run down.

"H-Hey! Where are you going?!" Ben exclaims.

"I need to get Annette before she gets away," Ada responds. Ben looks at her, then looks at Leon. He kneels down, grabs Leon's pistol, and stands back up.

"Don't worry pal...I-I'll make sure we're safe…" He tells himself more than the unconscious Leon.

Ada looks around the corridor for any way to get to the other side of the door, and spots a ladder leading to a massive fan connected to equally as massive vent. She pulls out an EMF Visualizer.

"Guess this came in handy afterall," She points it up at the fan, the small screen on the EMF showing her all the electronic components inside. The wires leading to the power source glow. She follows it to a box on the other side of a wall. She starts pressing some buttons just below the screen until she hacks into the supply. She turns off all power, the fan quickly coming to a halt.

Ada puts the EMF back into its holster and climbs up the ladder into the vent. Some rather large sized roaches crawl along the sides and top of the vent. As she walks through the vent, the sound of another fan gets within earshot. The vent curves to the right, and reaching the other end, she can barely see through the spinning blades. Annette enters the room, putting a card in front of a scanner. A low beep goes off and she heads through a heavy metal door.

"You're not getting away that easily," Ada says as she pulls the EMF back out. She turns off the fan in front of her and jumps down into the room below. As she finds the source for the door, a nearby corpse starts to get up. As she finishes hacking into the system and unlocking the door, the zombie lunges for her. Ada turns, barely seeing it in time. She jumps to the side, kicking the zombie's back and causing it to fall forward onto the ground. She slowly opens the door, peeking her head through. Annette is walking on top of a walkway in the far right of a massively open room, and heads through another door to a smaller, upper, room that has several windows looking into the larger room.

Ada opens the door as Annette goes through her door. She runs across a separate runaway, hurrying to some stairs that lead down below just before Annette walks by the windows. She hears something coming from the other room. Annette stops and looks around the room. She sees the lift leading up start to head down.

"Damnit…" Annette mutters before she hurries through a large door. The lift reaches the top, Ada peeking through the windows to see no Annette. She hurries over to the door and goes inside the room. She pulls out her EMF again, but it's too dense for the scanner to be able to show anything. That's when she hears a loud bang from behind.

Ada turns around and sees the Tyrant entering the large room outside.

"You have got to be kidding me," Ada mutters to herself in pure disbelief, "How the hell did you find me?" She glances at the large door, "Annette…"

As the Tyrant makes its way to the lift, Ada looks around. She spots another door leading to a different room. She runs up to you and tries to open it, but it's locked by an electronic lock. She quickly starts scanning the area, trying to find the power supply. Just as she finds it, she can hear the lift start going down. The lift slowly reaches the top as she hacks into the door, a quiet beep going off as the door unlocks. The window to Ada's left shatters as she runs through the door, the Tyrant stepping through it to chase after her.

It's a deadend. Nothing but random junk lying around, and a large, broken, ventilation cover. She runs around some tables, heading for the vent cover. The Tyrant shoves the stuff to the side as it pursues her. She grabs onto the vent, and jumps up, going feet first through the vent. She falls down several feet, but lands smoothly. She's now in a long, very tall, corridor that stretch several meters to her right.

Ada quickly hurries down the corridor as the Tyrant starts banging on the vent, trying to break it open.