
Reset the apocalypse

[ Warning : If you are looking for a powerful protagonist story then you better skip this story ! If you are looking for a cheat system stories then you should skip this story too . if you are having limited patience then you should definitely skip this story too. if you are under +18 then you must skip the story at any cost . If you want a story that you never read before then you should not skip this story! Read at your own risk ! ] ........... A grownup fairytales not for children .......

Drunkenstories · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Chapter 6

Shadows of War

Setting aside the sudden change in the game scenario of his previous first game and present game, Jake Crawford, now in the thick of the 90s military battleground scenario, felt the weight of the mission pressing down on him. The echoes of footsteps had faded, but the tension lingered in the air as he navigated the war-torn landscape.

Surveying the surroundings, he decided to cautiously move forward, keeping an eye on the remnants of a bygone war. Crumbling buildings and abandoned military vehicles painted a grim picture of the conflict that had unfolded in this desolate place.

The damaged Colt gun in his inventory felt like a meager reassurance in the face of the challenges ahead. Jake knew that survival required more than just firepower; it demanded strategic thinking, adaptability, and a keen sense of awareness.

A transparent map appeared in his side view where a big green mark was shining brightly, that's where his destination was , The north camp.

Sub mission 1 : bring back reinforcement to support your team.

This mission objectives is very clear, he has to deliver the quest letter to the camp and he has to lead them to the general Ferdous location.

"This mission will never be simple...!"

As he moved through the warzone, he noticed signs of recent skirmishes—bullet casings scattered on the ground, patches of dried blood, and the distant sounds of sporadic gunfire. The scenario felt eerily realistic, and Jake couldn't shake the feeling that every step he took was being observed.

"It's better if I get a clear view...."

He didn't want to walk blindly since he knew that the enemy soldiers are up ahead and he was trailing behind them so who knows what they are up to !

The landscape seemed to stretch endlessly, with narrow alleys and open fields offering both cover and vulnerability. Jake's military boots crunched softly on the debris-covered ground as he advanced cautiously, his senses heightened.

In the distance, he spotted a partially collapsed building that seemed like a potential vantage point.

His eyes lit up

"That building will be fine ..."

Climbing through the remnants of shattered walls, he reached an elevated position that provided a clearer view of the surrounding warzone. Luckily it seems he was in warzone so there was no civilians here or else he would have to be in constant watchout for unknown dangers .

From this vantage point, he could see groups of enemy soldiers patrolling the area. Their movements were deliberate, a stark contrast to the chaotic aftermath of the battles that had unfolded here. Jake felt a sense of urgency, knowing that his mission to bring reinforcements was crucial to the survival of his side.

He didn't want to fail his side missions since completing them would give additional rewards along with the main rewards .The rewards are essential for increasing his strength and with that he can survive for upcoming dangerous missions.

But .....

He didn't understand one thing in the story ! How did the enemy knew that he was currently going to the north camp to bring reinforcement. Unless there was a traitor in thier camp but there was no indication of traitors in the story unless the system has other plans ?

Thinking about it , he narrowed his eyes.

Based on his understanding of the game , there will be a possibility of a bonus mission on this type of patterned stories. And bonus mission will always comes with high rewards along with high risk.

His mind raced with thoughts of strategy and tactics. Should he attempt to stealthily maneuver past the enemy patrols, or engage them in a direct confrontation? The damaged Colt gun in his hands served as a constant reminder of the limited resources at his disposal.

Checking his inventory, Jake noticed the quest letter he had received upon entering the scenario. Retrieving it, he unfolded the worn paper and read the contents:

[Quest Letter]


Our forces are on the brink of collapse, and we desperately need reinforcements from the north camp. You, being my most trusted soldier, have been assigned the critical task of securing the reinforcements and bringing them back to support our dwindling ranks.

The enemy is relentless, and you should expect heavy resistance. Your survival is paramount; the fate of our remaining forces rests on your shoulders.

May victory favor the brave.

General Ferdous Lorin

Time limit - 23 hr 45 mins 12 secs


Jake absorbed the contents of the quest letter, understanding the gravity of the situation. Even though he knew the system for five years straight, he still underestimated it's shamelessness .

The side missions had a time limit , if he didn't open the scroll and read it content then he would have failed the side missions and he would get a penalty.

"F#### "

He even had a plan before, since the time limit for main mission is surviving for 7 days then he would jus hide for five days then the next day he will sneakily bypass the enemy's pursuers and reach the north camp . After reaching there , his mission would be eighty percent complete since he would bring all these entire camp to the warzone then the few enemy pursuers can't even do anything to him !

In one fell swoop, he would have completed both the main mission and side missions easily but now he has to hurry up and complete the side missions within a day .

The quest was not just a virtual scenario; it felt like a genuine wartime mission. Every decision he made would have consequences, not only for his virtual self but for the fictional forces he represented.

With the quest letter in hand, Jake Crawford made his decision. The mission was clear—to survive a week in the battlefield and, more importantly, to bring back reinforcements to support his team. The warzone awaited his next move, and the shadows of war enveloped him as he prepared to face the challenges ahead.

Taking a deep breath, Jake steeled himself for the imminent confrontation. His eyes scanned the area for potential escape routes, and his hands instinctively tightened into clenched fists . The echoes of his footsteps grew lower , each step a reminder that survival in this game demanded more than just strategy – it required adaptability in the face of relentless adversity.

If he dies in the game then he will die real too so every step he is taking, he is risking his life too .

"Let's hope that the mission are not that tough !"

To be continued...