
Reply 4444: Underworld VS Condoms

Liam, a student of the Under-World Officers Academy must complete a mission on which the fate of the world depends, in exchange for bountiful hair for his next life. The mission is... wait... To completely remove all condoms from the Earth??? Uploads every week.

DaoistgMN4ar · Oriental
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1 Chs

Knock Knock


Unfortunately, the night of the assignment was cold like the freezing tears of the cloud smashing everything beneath it. As the wind flew out of nowhere with its cold blades scratching as it passes by, a black van stopped in front of a house. Even though the house was quite unsightly and seemed like the least important thing on the Earth, the van dropped a fetching woman with black hair and a short bald man in a delivery men's jacket. After the van checked the delivery men walking out, it vanished out of thin air.

"That prick doesn't even want to be near here," said the woman as she skimmed through the guidelines on the mission. "They leave the hard jobs to us, the students, AKA free labor slaves!"

"Yeah." said the bald man carelessly. It was clear that his mind was floating around somewhere else.

"Pay attention when I'm talking! I'm your senpai after all." The woman said, then she started to read the guidelines. "Step one, knock on the "package's" door. Step two, wait 10 minutes. If the package doesn't respond, you may break open the door, and blah blah blah. And the last step is to shove a giant d*ldo through the anus to extract the soul." She said as she shook a black d*ldo in the air.

"Okay… So, who's going to do shove the d*ldo part?" asked Liam nervously.

"Who do you think it is?! I'm a female!"

"Yes, ma'am! I'm happy to do it!" said Liam excitedly. One could see a subtle expansion in his genital size.

"Wh- what kind of persuasive person made you voluntarily take the hard job?" asked the senpai as she looked at Liam.

Even though Liam wanted to confess that the sight of someone squirming to resist the penetration of the d*ildo persuaded him to take on the most arduous task, he told her: "Well, you are a female after all! Sometimes, the man got to sacrifice!" he said as if he was a hero being interviewed in the Jimmy Fallon Show.

"I mean, it's fine by me- but you know that the package is a male, right?"

"Well, I told you, the man must sacrifice. You should buy me a meal when we get back to the Underworld!" said Liam as he told himself that it was wise for him to hide how aroused he is thinking of a man squirming desperately to avoid the "punishment".

"Well, let's not waste any more time and proceed with the mission." said the Senpai as she knocked on the door and yelled "Delivery!"

"The package isn't responding." said Liam after a few minutes passed.

"Well, the guideline does tell you to break open the door, right?" the senpai said as she covered up the sentence about the wait length.

"Hey, we follow orders!" replied Liam as he smashed the doorknob of the house. Because the house was old and poorly built, the whole door broke down. After the door collapsed, Liam slowly walked in, followed by his senpai.

Inside the house was dark and scary. The smell of the rotten food emitted from the house forced Liam to close his eyes in obnoxiousness. As Liam walked a bit and a bit further, a bright light shone suddenly.

"Ahhh!" Liam yelled.

"You got scared out of that? Are you sure you're the strongest student in the Underworld Officers Academy Class 4? So this is how Juniors are these days!" mocked Liam's senpai after she turned the lights on, not knowing that a man with dirty hair and a stained shirt stood right next to her, holding a trimming knife.

To be continued.