

  Evelyn's POV

  "You look familiar," your approach as you come near me with a cup of black coffee. "What are you reading?" you asked. It was a breezy morning, and you gave me a warm ambiance. Even?Van Gogh?can not paint my unidentified reaction to my face. You gave me an impression of an ideal man yet a mysterious one.?

  After 15 seconds of pause and processing your dark brown highlights in your hair, your expression of relaxed and slow to wrath, you reminded me of someone, but I could not tell. "Sorry, but this sit is taken," I responded with a shaky voice, then you smiled at me in return. You sat confidently and gave me company. I could not believe I was sitting next to you while gazing at France's beauty through this coffee shop's window. I could not even stand to take my order of blueberry cheesecake.?

  What do you need from me??A question I had in my mind.?