

  Mary’s POV

  It was a new day for some but not for us. Monitoring the flowers that grow in my garden, they are just beautiful. They are all perfect. While people say that where there is life, there is hope. I am not sure where to believe. I have been keeping my avenue straight. I do not like making any turns, maybe more minor challenges. At some point, I have always wanted to rest on the grass with dried flowers and leaves. The chirping of birds and the little dances of trees’ leaves could be great too.

  I believe there is still peace in this world, and only humans can find that. However, ironically speaking, they were the ones who initiated the war. The love and hate concept is an old version of giving a hug to your friend and later on will stab you in the back. There are a lot of concepts in every corner of our imaginations. Some may still believe in a fantasy-like life, and that is okay. We create our own version of our stories; some may not end well, and others may not.