
Chapter 47

  It was a half reassurance for us, after all the things we have discovered, and after proving the innocence of Mr. Reynold. We cannot avoid being bothered by the fact that the real culprit has not been caught yet. We only have two options, to take bigger steps with risks behind us or outsmart the killer. But how are we supposed to do such a plot? The only thing we have on our desk is the all-black coat, mask, and the hat of that unidentified person. Those things cover up for his identity and the next step he will make.?

  We made sure that we utilized our sources properly and wisely. After a few days that we solved the allegations against Mr. Reynold, we assisted him with the forensic sketch artist and asked him to recall the details of the appearance of the unidentified person who joined him in the cab.?

  It was a tiring one for us. But our efforts will not be in vain.?