
Chapter 3

A phone call around 3 AM just disrupted my sleep. An unknown caller just called. I had five seconds before I answered it; I was half awake. “Hello?” with my sleepy and confused voice as I try to know who calls in that late hour. Nobody answers, but all I can hear is a snoring bear or some creature or animal that people do not usually have interactions with. I keep saying “Hello? Who are you?” but there is no answer. The call was dropped after one minute of listening to a sleeping animal. As much as I wanted to think about it, I had to go back to sleep. 

When I woke up in the morning, I checked the clock, past seven. I have to hurry because I have to go to work. I have no time to prepare myself, and I will just change my clothes and go straight to the Verano Police Department. 

While I am driving, it is getting darker and darker. My view is somewhat blurry, and I am not sure if it is because of the windshield of my car. I immediately get out of my car and figure out what is wrong. But the atmosphere of the place gave me a flustering impact and feeling. I was just on the road, driving, trying to be at my destination. But what is this strange feeling?

I returned inside my car, and I did not feel comfortable at all as I sat. I feel numb and stagnant. The wind from outside is blowing. Even the trees are petrified to sway their leaves. I cannot drive; I cannot even touch anything. I am just sitting in my car, facing the road. I wonder why it is getting darker, and it does not feel like it will rain. It was late when I realized that I was just alone on the road. Why are there no other cars here? What is this strange feeling?

I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself to figure out what was really going on. “1, 2, 3, and breathe” I keep telling myself that. After a few minutes, I started to hear the raindrops. It does not feel like it is raining; it is more likely that someone is crying, but nobody is willing to help. 

Knock, knock, and knock. A man came out of nowhere. I barely see and recognize his face. He is knocking on my window asking for help. I pull down my car’s window and start to accommodate his concern. 

“Sir, how can I help you?” I asked.

“I am looking for the right way of this place. Do you know where exactly I am?” he responded with his dripping hat. From what I saw, he was with his pet, wearing a black shirt, pants, and hat. 

“This is Lucia Street, Sir. May I know where you are headed to?” for the first time in my life, I have never been this confused and concerned to someone. We are in the middle of nowhere, and it is just the two of us trying to reach our destination. 

“I am sorry but may I borrow a phone? I just have to call someone.” He responded with a sudden request. 

I immediately turned my attention on looking for my phone, and when I looked back in my window, the man was gone. I do not know if I should be terrified, but I stepped out of my car despite the rain and looked for him. I have never been seen this street so dark to the point that I cannot see anything coming, so I get in my car and finally start to drive. I am not even getting that far when the man suddenly appears in the middle of the street. I almost hit him, but I reacted on time enough to hit the break. 

“Have we met before?” I randomly asked even if there was nobody in the car but me. I started screaming like a demented person. 

“Alice! Alice! What is happening to you?” my mom is standing beside me, frantically asking what is happening to me. 

I opened my eyes right away when I heard my mom’s voice. “Mom? What are you doing here? Why am I still here?” 

“Alice, you are dreaming. Are you okay? How are you feeling? I was just cooking our breakfast downstairs when I heard you giving a loud cry and asking strange questions like who are you?” my mom says, and I just have a puzzled face the whole time. 

“I had a bad dream, I guess. But thank you, mom, for coming to wake me up.” I deniably answered. But deep down in my mind, even if it were just a dream, I would still want to know the reason behind it. I am uncertain why I am asking those questions while dreaming. Will it be the man I met on the street?

“By the way, Alice, don’t you have work today?” my mom asks, and I just nod while having an unidentifiable expression. My mom sets up my window and asks me to go downstairs for a quick breakfast. I hope this is going to be a normal one for me. But from the back of my head, it feels like the man I met in my dreams has a resemblance with me. Who can that be?

“Well, mom, I have to stop at the police department today. I have to get some files that Chief Rylan asked me to get.” I said with a very unpleasant feeling. I can say that I am not fully recovered from that dream.

“But Alice, you look so pale. And I do not think you can drive. Something bad might happen. Can’t you ask your boss if you can get that on some other day?” I can also say that my mom is worried.

“Okay, mom. I will call and ask if I can get it next time. I will be okay, mom. Do not worry. I will have to rest.” I responded. But behind those words, I have still gazed in awe about the meaning of my dream. There must be something I need to know from the man I met on the road.