
Chapter 24

  "Are you ready?" The question I would ask myself every day before I go out to my room and prepare to see what is ahead of me.?

  "Alice! One of your colleagues is here!" My mom called me from our living room. "Coming, mom!" I responded from my room while getting ready. That was the first time when someone went to my house to see me for a work-related concern.?

  "Who is that, mom?" I asked, approaching the door. I saw Detective Alex standing outside our house. "He is there. I think it is for your work, or is he courting you?" My mom jokingly whispered to me before I went out to see Detective Alex. "Do not be silly, mom." I said.

  "Detective Alex? You are here." I said. He turned back to me and greeted me with a good afternoon with an apple drink. "I also gave your mom some bread just to be sure. I do not want to give her a strong drink yet." He said.

  "Oh, thank you for that, Detective, but you do not have to do that. By the way, why are you here?" I asked.?