
Ren 10 (a ben ten fan fiction)

A Ben 10 fan fiction following the author's life if he lived in one of the Ben 10 worlds and got the Omnitrix somehow, he would be at least slightly smarter then Ben...okay maybe not who knows, he will make this up as he goes on for now, but it will probably have legit plots and stuff as well.

Demonlord_KuraiShi · TV
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21 Chs


Ben Tennyson is hanging out with his friend they're both the five years old and were born on the same day coincidentally. His friend's name is Ryan Jeffery, he currently lives next door to Ben's house with his mom and dad, they are the only family he has since he is an only child and so were his parents. His grandparents are gone already as well, so his mom and dad are literally his only living family, but its okay because he knows they will be around for a long time. He is happy to have his mom and dad, and also happy to have such a good friend as Ben, Ben's parents are nice as well. Ben's family treats Ryan as if he was one of their own, and Ben's parents get along well with Ryan's parents so everyone is happy and has fun with each other.

HOWEVER, that all changes on this day, while Ben and Ryan are in Ben's bedroom playing a Sumo Slammers video game, Ben notices a lot of smoke coming from Ryan's house outside his window. Ben asks "Are your parents cooking out today?" Ryan has a confused look on his face and drops his controller before saying "No, we were going to do that next week, I wonder what all that smoke is from?" Ben's face turns into a curious one as he says "Wait, you don't think your house could be on fire do you?" Ben laughs a bit at his own joke and then they look at each other for a few seconds before both their faces turn to those of fear and worry. They both then look out the window once more and see flames come out of one of the other house's windows.

Ryan says panicking "OH NO, QUICK LETS GO CHECK IT OUT, I HOPE MY PARENTS ARE ALRIGHT!" They both run down the stairs and Ben's parents ask if everything is alright, they explain what they saw and then continue to rush outside with the two boys. Everyone's mouths are agape at the huge fire they see, they wonder what could have started it but more importantly they worry about Ryan's parents and if they are okay or not. They call the fire department and Ryan tries to run inside to see if his parents are okay but Ben dad stops him and says "Ryan you can't go in there it's to dangerous!"Ryan responds to him with "But what if my parents are in there?!" Ben's dad says "Either way you can't go in, all we can do is wait for the fire department now, the flames are too big."

Ryan says while sniffling "A-alright, I will stay out here with you all." Ben's dad hugs Ryan for his decision and then goes back to stand with Ben's mother. A few minutes later the fire department arrive and start putting out the fire while some go inside to see if Ryan's parents are in there and if they are okay. Then the bad news came in a horrifying way, out come the 4 fire fighters that went in, they are split into couples. One couple is carrying a man and the other are carrying a woman, both of which are covered with fire blankets and seem to have huge burns on their bodies visible even with the blankets covering most of them up. Ryan starts to tear up as he knows who those people are and why they are covered. Ryan is now an orphan, he starts to cry out his parents names and Ben and his parents go to hug and calm Ryan down a bit.

Fast forward a few days and Ryan is sleeping in Ben's bed without knowing its morning and Ben has already gone downstairs to talk to his parents about something important... They are holding adoption papers, and it seems that a new brother is about to begin his new life with his family born a new.

It begins, woo I have always wanted to write a Ben 10 story. After all, its been my greatest fantasy ever since I was literally ten years old to have an Omnitrix and be Ben 10. Now I can bring that fantasy to life. I'm going to try to push out a chapter or a few tomorrow at around noon.

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