
Remnant: Quetzalcoatl

Typical fanfic a guy dies then meets god gets some wishes and reincarnates. But what wait where are his wishes.

Webmonger · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Reincarnated into Rwby

A man can be seen crawling in the high grass moving ever so slightly. Inching forward he holds up his gloved hands and strikes out grabbing a black mamba by the back of its head.

The man then rises slowly and tries to put the snake into a specialized bag for snakes. After fighting for a few minutes he gets its head in and slowly slides the rest of the body in.

Unknown to him another mamba was just meters away. Usually snakes would run when the can but not this one.

Slowly making its way towards the man the mamba waited until he started to tie the bag to strike. The man who was tying the bag was suddenly bite in the back of the neck and instantly jumped back watching as the mamba slithered away in the grass.

Running to the medical bag the man popped open a kit for venomous snake bites and reached for the mamba anti venom. Just as he started to reach for the venom his arm stopped moving then his vision got blurry.

He tried to fight but his vision slowly faded and he passed away.

-Godly Plain-

"Who called the meeting." A god asked

"Wasn't me."

"Me either."

"It was me.....Uhhhh so I have a soul that um shouldn't be here right now." A god said.

"What do you mean?" Another asked.

"Well he shouldn't have died so early someone or something interfered causing his death. He shouldn't have died for another 60 years." The god replied.

"Well shit you can't bring him back and he can't come to my universe." Another god said.

"I don't have room either."

"I got some room but I don't think he would survive very long."

"Why don't you just send his soul into a new body in a random universe."

"Bullshit then one of us will be stuck explaining to the big man why are universe has an enigma."

"I'll take him." A god spoke up.

"For real."

"Yeah just drop him in a random body in my universe the boss already said he wanted me to increase the mortal level of my universe."

"Thanks man I'll get you a galaxy smoothie the next time we meet."

"Alright everyone that's the end of this meeting get back to work."


"Push honey push!" A man yelled at his pregnant wife.

"I am!!" A woman shouted back as doctors where trying to get her baby out of her.

"Congratulations it's a boy what would you like to name him." The doctor said holding a baby.

"Bring him here I want to see him." The woman said.

As the doctor brought the baby over both parents jolted in surprise. The woman's hands were shaky as she held onto her baby.

"Honey didn't you say that in your family's bloodline the brighter the scale and hair the more venomous you are." The husband asked.

"Y-Yes but this is crazy." The woman stared at her baby.

The child had bright green hair with Kline green scales running down the back of his arms and neck, and sides. Opening up his eyes they were golden with reptile like pupils.

"Look at his back what is that tattoo." Pointing at his back the wife became confused at the symbol of a snakes body in a circle with the head licking the tail.

"I got it let's name him Quetzalcoatl." The husband said.

"Do you like that name I'll call you Quetz for short." The wife smiled at her child.

[Quetzalcoatal POV]

'Waking up after getting bit by a black mamba isn't really what I expect since I was out in the middle of nowhere. I immediately noticed I was a baby because the size of my hands and people around me.'

'Looking around I noticed that everything looked...different kinda like the anime rwby. I looked at my "mother" and I must say she is beautiful but she looked odd she had topaz reptile like eyes and dark yellowish hair and SCALES on her.'

'Wait a minute if I think logically I might have been reincarnated into rwby. First I get bit by a extremely venomous snake, then black out before I could use the anti venom, next I wake up as a child in a world that looks animated.'

'Looking around again I see a very tall brown haired man that looks completely normal with no animal traits inviting him I saw a doctor writing on a paper. Somehow I was easily able to see what he was writing and saw Faunus as my race confirming that I am in Rwby.'

'Good news is I know the plot/story line somewhat, I'll have more of a psyical edge because I'm a Faunus, and there are many attractive women. Bad news is I don't know where I'm at, I will get discriminated against everywhere I go because I'm a Faunus, and I'm in a world full of crazy people and soulless monster that want to kill me....Hurray.'

Hello guys haven’t uploaded in a while but now he I am.

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