
Remembering What Was Forgotten

A girl forms a contract with a boy to save his life. The problem? The boy has forgotten the terms on which the contract has been made and the girls life depends on him remembering it.

Kayla_Jackson_4824 · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: For Us to Meet Again...

The room was pentagonal in shape. Video monitors lined two of the walls and a table that matched the shape of the room sat in the middle of it.

A man stood near the table and another leaned against it. Both were tall with light blonde hair, blue eyes and tanned skin. They wore matching dark navy colored uniforms with a white cloth sash around the top of their left arms. One of the sashes read "Company 1" while the other man's sash declared he was part of "Company 2". Even though they were clearly twins, I didn't need the sashes to tell them apart.

The brothers turned towards me. I locked eyes with the first for only a second. His smile sent my heart into a flutter even though the expression on his face made it clear he didn't remember me. This would be like meeting four the first time for him. I returned his timid smile before turning my gaze to the second brother.

A wide mischievous smile spread across this brother's handsome face. I dashed across the room and threw myself into his arms. He laughed, burying his head into my hair and lifting my feet off the ground. I squeezed him in a tight hug.

After a moment, he whispered, "It's good to see you, Kimi." His voice sent a warmth spreading through me.

He lowered me back to the ground and I pulled back so I could look at his face. I couldnt help but take in the beauty of his face, from his sharp features to the soft shape of his lips. The topaz blue of his eyes seemed to glow in the dimly lit room.

"You look beautiful as always." he teased with a smile. I shoved him.

"Don't lie to me." I replied.

"I would never lie to you." he feigned hurt.

Someone cleared their throat behind us. I turned to see the rest of my team had entered the room.

"I'm glad it was just us who walked in on that little display!" Raena mused. She stood between a tall, thin, reddish-brown haired man and a dark-skinned man with closely shaved hair. She crossed her arms and smiled smugly.

I just smiled back at her.

"Let us introduce ourselves. My name is Gabriel but you can call me Brie." he bowed slightly, "and this is my twin brother, Carter."

I looked towards the brother who had been standing quietly to the side. He looked slightly confused but turned towards the three newcomers and smiled before bowing slightly.

"My name is Raena. This grumpy looking stiff to my left is Darren and the young one is Mason."

"We've met before." Darren stated flatly, disdain thick in his voice. He locked eyes with Carter before stating, "Not that some bother to remember."

"Actually," Carter replied, " I do remember you. A grumpy looking stiff is a perfect description."

Darren opened his mouth to reply but before he could the doors behind him slid open.

"I assume you have all made your introductions" Grand Master Bennets deep voice rumbled through the room. I gave a nod in reply and joined my comrades in line.

"Good." he turned his attention to Carter and Gabriel, "Welcome to Sadalbari. As lieutenants, I expect you to perform your duties at the full extent of your capabilities and to push your limits until you overcome them. Any questions?"

"No, Sir." The boys replied in unison.

"Since it has been a while since your last visit here, Kimi will show you around and make sure that you are properly oriented. Carter, you are my lieutenant. I expect you to be here every morning at 0600 for your daily assignments. Gabriel, you are with Company 2 and will report to Master Katharina."

"I have work to do before tomorrow so I will take my leave." The Grand Master promptly turned and went back out the way he came in.

I couldnt help but shake my head. He's always so cold. I felt bad for Carter. I looked at his face but it was still a mask of calm. He ran his hand through his wavy blonde hair. A smile played on his lips. He caught my stare at that moment and I felt the warmth rise in my cheeks.

"He seems like an interesting man." he said with a chuckle.

"He will warm up to you." Katharina replied with a smile. I turned my gaze to her. She was a tall, curvy woman with thick, curly, brown hair that fell to her shoulders and big hazel colored eyes. She would almost look human if it weren't for her oversized cat-like ears and vertical slit shaped pupils. Her white midlength coat hung loosely. I smiled back at her.

"Carter, this is Kat." I said as I waved a hand in her direction, "She's the leader of Company 2 which deals with information and technology. The man beside her is Oliver, leader of Company 3."

"Company 3 is made up of medics. My little Kimi is lieutenant in my company. She's very good. Your lucky shes on your team." I blushed at the compliment. I could feel Carter's eyes on me as Raena intertwined her arm with mine. I kept my eyes focused on adopted father and hoped my face didnt give me away. His short black hair was brushed back from his face and his greenish blue eyes seemed very bright in contrast with his pale skin.

"I have a class to lead in 20 minutes." Darren stated flatly, "Dinner at 6pm?" he raised eyebrows as he met my gaze.

"Sounds good. We will meet you in the commons"

He nodded.

"See you..." Mason said to me before turning towards Carter and Gabriel. He bowed slightly and turned to follow Darren out the door.

Raena let out a low whistle. "I also have a class to attend but I will see you guys at dinner. Be ready to get asked personal questions." She said with laugh and a grin. She waved as she backed out the door past Kat and Oliver.

Kat turned to Oliver. "Time to return to our stations it seems"

"I agree. I have patients I need to check on," he sighed.

"I'm sure we will be seeing more of each other," Kat called to Carter, "and I'll see you in the morning!" she purred to Gabriel. Gabriel smiled widely at her. " I cant wait!" She simply laughed and followed Oliver out the door.

I turned around to face the boys. "Shall we get started with the tour?"