
Remembering What Was Forgotten

A girl forms a contract with a boy to save his life. The problem? The boy has forgotten the terms on which the contract has been made and the girls life depends on him remembering it.

Kayla_Jackson_4824 · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: I've Waited Forever...

I clapped my hands twice and watched as the students switched roles in their sparring groups. The six students who had been attacking in the previous session took on defensive positions while the six students who had been fending against their attacks readied their weapons.

I couldnt help but smile as I thought back to how these same students struggled with this concept in their first few weeks at the academy. Most of these students had been unable to understand why medics should learn combat skills.

I glanced at my watch. Fifteen minutes til 2 pm. I clapped my hands again and the students halted.

"Time to do your cool down exercises everyone! I have a meeting today so Janey can lead the cool down. Make sure your practice weapons are placed back on the rack before you leave. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am!" They answered in unison.

"Have a good day. We will meet tomorrow at 0900." I waved goodbye and started up the paved path leading to the main building at the center of the compound.

I couldn't help feeling excited. New members were being introduced to our team today. Two new S rank lieutenants to be specific.

I straightened my skirt and brushed my fingers through my hair. I had purposely stayed out of the sparring groups during class today to make sure I didnt look horrible when I saw them.

We had been friends when we were younger but I hadn't seen them in person for several years. Since then I had grown. I wasnt much taller but no one could deny that I was female.

Lost in thought, I reached the main building faster than I expected. The grey panels and clear glass windows reflected the bright sunlight. 'Building Alpha' glimmered in big silver letters over the main entrance. A still-water fountain shimmered in the courtyard in front of the building. I glanced it the water as walked past. I could see my dirty blonde hair reflecting in the clear blue water.

I climbed the two short flights of concrete stairs leading and pushed through the front doors.

I flashed my badge at the security guards before passing under the detectors. My weapons appeared on the monitor behind the guard. He glanced at the screen before returning his attention to me and saluting. I smiled and nodded before continuing forward.

The lobby was a large, high ceilinged room. A sitting area with large couches and pods filled a large portion of the room to the right of the front entrance. A large multilaned escalator stood directly ahead and a reception desk sat slightly to right.

A large board behind the reception desk showed all available mission reqeusts. There had been a increase in missions reqeusts coming in recently and the board seemed to be constantly changing as missions were accepted and new missions posted.

I hopped on the escalator and rode it to the top. I continued straight, down the long familiar hallway, making the usual turns and nodding to other members as I passed. I slowed my pace as I neared the sliding metal doors that lead to the Command Center. Only high ranking members were allowed to pass through these doors.

I glanced at my watch again. Five minutes to spare.

I scanned my badge and the doors slid open.