
Remembering Christmas, The New Santa

In a world where the existence of Santa Claus is a well-kept secret, but because no one has ever seen him before, and thought their family bought them their gift, for 10 years no one believes in Christmas the Spirit of Christmas is fading, as the world's belief in Santa Claus has dwindled over the years. Determined to save the spirit of Christmas, Max embarks on a quest to reignite the world's belief in Santa, journey through enchanted forests, encounter fantastical creatures, and visit children from different cultures, inspiring the joy and wonder of Christmas in people's hearts once again. Along the way, they uncover ancient secrets about Santa's origins and discover that the future of Christmas depends on their success. Sorry, I'm not feeling motivated to write this novel anymore. Other Novel: Apocalypse Operation Apex: 5 Demon, A Vampire Knight Destiny, do check them out if you want,Thx Disclaimer: Cover Pic is not mine comment if the owner wants it removed,Thx PS: This is my side novel while I work on my main novel.

Danger_God · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

Evil Snowmen Hideout Part-3

-Congratulation host on leveling up to 3 Rewards: -

-Congratulation host on obtaining 10 Christmas points -

While catching his breath and regaining his energy, Max suddenly heard a notification from the system resounding in his head.

"Oh, I completely forgot about the Christmas points I had from my last level up and from the beginner Claus gift pack," Max exclaimed, a bit surprised that he had 40 Christmas points.

"Why not use them all now? It seems like I could really use the boost," Max said excitedly, realizing the potential benefits.

With enthusiasm, Max allocated 10 points each to his physique, strength, speed, and defense, ensuring a well-rounded improvement in his abilities.

As the Christmas points took effect, Max immediately felt the surge of power coursing through his body. His strength increased, his vision became sharper, and his skin grew tougher and more resilient.

"Adding those Christmas points was truly worth it," Max exclaimed, his excitement evident in his voice.

Feeling invigorated by his enhanced abilities, Max pressed forward, venturing deeper into the dark cave.

He descended a flight of stairs and soon encountered a massive door made entirely of hard, black ice, standing at an imposing nine feet in height.

"What's the deal with this enormous door?" Max wondered aloud, approaching it and running his hand along its cold surface.

Max looked up at the door handles, noticing their position way beyond his reach. The handles seemed designed for a giant's grasp, piquing Max's curiosity about the door's purpose.

Standing between the two doors, Max decided to push against them. To his surprise, the doors started to budge, prompting him to exert more force until they swung open completely.

As the complex doors revealed their insides, Max was met with a sight that left him astounded.

"Are you all the ones that open this door?" Max uttered, shock evident in his voice.

Before him stood two towering snowmen-like figures, each reaching a height of ten feet. Their icy forms were adorned with black eyes, sharp teeth, and spiky ice protrusions on their heads, backs, and elbows.

"More Children?" Max exclaimed, worry filling his voice.

Max's attention swiftly shifted to four unconscious children lying on a solid block of ice, thankfully wrapped in multiple blankets.

"I must act quickly; they can't remain in this cold for much longer," Max said, his worry turning into determination.

Rushing towards the children, Max checked their bodies, feeling their warmth. He promptly retrieved more blankets from his magic sack and covered them, offering them some protection from the bitter cold.

"You'll be alright, little ones," Max assured them, a hint of joy in his voice.

Just as Max was about to lift the children, he found himself once again surrounded by evil snowmen.

"Ah, don't you guys ever quit?" Max expressed his frustration.

Fortunately, there were only ten evil snowmen this time.



Their mischievous grins and coal-black eyes revealed their malevolent intentions as they closed in on Santa, ready to attack.

Undeterred by the odds stacked against him, Max stood tall in the center of the circle, his fists clenched and muscles tense. The frigid air seemed to heighten his focus and determination. He analyzed his icy adversaries, bobbing and weaving with precise footwork.

The first evil snowman lunged forward, its frosty fist cutting through the air. Max effortlessly dodged the attack, gracefully sidestepping the blow. In a fluid motion, he countered with a swift left hook, shattering the fragile creature into a mound of snow.

Engaging in a dance of punches and evasive maneuvers, Max found himself amidst relentless attacks from the remaining snowmen. However, his lightning-fast reflexes allowed him to parry, dodge, and counter with unparalleled precision. His fists became a blur, each strike landing with the force of a locomotive, sending the snowmen hurtling through the air.

Yet, the snowmen were crafty. They adapted to Max's tactics, launching simultaneous assaults from all angles. Max's instincts kicked into overdrive, his senses heightened as he bobbed, weaved, and evaded the onslaught of icy blows. In response, he unleashed blistering combinations, striking with calculated ferocity.

With each successful hit, the snowmen cracked and crumbled, unable to withstand Santa's devastating punches. Max's movements were swift and calculated, his determination unwavering.

Nevertheless, the snowmen persisted. The few remaining gathered their strength, their icy bodies regrouping for a final assault. They unleashed a flurry of powerful hooks, uppercuts, and jabs. Max's fists blazed with an ethereal glow, channeling the very spirit of Christmas.

One by one, the snowmen succumbed to Max's onslaught, disintegrating into piles of snow.

"Haha!" Max's victorious laughter echoed through the clearing, a testament to his indomitable spirit and unwavering dedication to protecting the joy of the holiday season.

Surveying the aftermath of the intense battle, Max observed the wintry remnants of his enemies scattered about. With a satisfied nod, he adjusted his gloves and brushed off the snow from his suit.



But as Max went about fixing his attire, a sound of cracking ice reached his ears. He turned around, only to witness the two snowmen breaking free from their icy sculptures, a large piece of ice falling to the ground and shattering.



The snowmen emerged, now fully awakened and roaring angrily at Max.

"Oh no," Max said, his worry showing across his face.

Max considered making a run for it with the children to find an escape, but he soon realized that the large ice door had closed behind him.

"Dammit!" Max exclaimed in frustration.

Glancing at the menacing snowmen and the unconscious children, he knew that this would be his last moment to survive, and he had to give it everything he had.

Max decided to assess the two snowmen before engaging them in battle.

-Evil Ice Golem-

-Level: 5-

-Strength: 130-

-Speed: 90-

-Defense: 125-

-Skills: Ice Shard Barrage, Frost Nova, Avalanche Slam-

-Ice Shard Barrage: Using its arms, head, or back, it launches a rapid and relentless assault of sharp ice shards.

-Frost Nova: By slamming its fists into the ground, it creates a shockwave of frost and ice that ripples outward. Anyone caught in its blast radius becomes encased in a layer of ice, temporarily immobilized and vulnerable.

-Avalanche Slam: With a powerful stomp of its massive feet, it sends shockwaves through the ground, triggering a cascading avalanche of snow and ice. The wave rushes toward its targets, crashing down with immense force and burying them beneath a wall of wintry debris.

"They aren't snowmen, All right I can still do this" Max was shocked, but he quickly hyped himself up.

"Alright, I can do this," Max encouraged himself, mustering up his courage.

The Ice Golems, towering at nine feet tall, stood motionless, their icy bodies shimmering under the light.

Max took a moment to gather his energy, his breath visible in the freezing air. Stepping forward, he removed his coat and hat, tossed them aside, and assumed a stance that combined his mastery of martial arts with the poise of a seasoned warrior. With a glint of determination in his eyes, he whispered, "Let's dance, boys," hyping himself up for the upcoming battle.

Without warning, the Ice Golems lunged forward, their massive fists aiming at Max with bone-chilling force. Max, nimble on his feet, evaded their attacks with agility, his movements a blur as he gracefully maneuvered through the flurry of snow and ice.


Seizing an opening, Max swiftly retaliated, landing a powerful kick on the first Ice Golem's knee, causing it to stumble backward. Despite the stinging pain in his leg, Max pressed on, launching a barrage of lightning-fast strikes aimed at the weakened knee of the golem's icy structure.

With each powerful hit, the Golem's icy body cracked and shattered, sending small shards of ice scattering in all directions.



As Max was focused on the first Golem, the second one took advantage of the situation and hurled an icy shard towards him. Reacting with lightning reflexes, Max spun away, narrowly avoiding the freezing attack. Swiftly closing the distance, he skillfully grappled with the Golem's arm, attempting to twist it behind its back. However, the Golem swung its arm forward, propelling Max backward and slamming him into an ice wall.


Ignoring the pain in his back, Max quickly refocused his attention on the Golem. Realizing that brute force alone wouldn't be enough, he relied on his strategic mindset.

'I can't keep this up,' Max thought, his determination unwavering.

Circling the Golem, he carefully analyzed its movements and weaknesses.

Spotting another opportunity, Max unleashed a combination of precise strikes. His fists connected with thunderous impact, causing cracks to spiderweb across the Golem's icy exterior. Unrelenting, Max intensified his assault, each strike becoming faster and more ferocious than the last.

Yet, the Ice Golem proved resilient. It retaliated with a sweeping punch, sending Max sprawling across the snowy ground. Undeterred, Max quickly flipped onto his feet, his indomitable spirit fueling his determination to prevail. With a fierce glimmer in his eyes, he tapped into the Joyful aura.




The Golem slammed its right foot into the ground, causing snow and a shockwave to rush toward Max.

In a display of incredible power, Max summoned forth his joyful aura a swirling vortex of energy channeling it through his body. The raw energy surged through his veins, amplifying his strength and speed. With renewed vigor, he lunged at the remaining Snow Golem, each strike infused with the radiant power of a joyful aura.

Each blow caused the Golem to shatter further, until finally, it crumbled into a pile of snow and ice, defeated. Max stood amidst the remnants of his icy adversaries, the clearing now quiet, save for the gentle rustling of the cold wind.

Max breathed heavily, his chest rising and falling with triumph. Wiping away a small trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth, he retrieved his clothes, adjusted his hat, and straightened his coat. With a hearty laugh, he muttered to himself, "Ho, ho, ho! Another victory for the spirit of Christmas!"

Turning his attention to the children, Max swiftly gathered them up, determined to find a way out of this place.

"What's happening?" Max asked, surprised by the sudden change.

The ice cave slowly began melting away, revealing that Max was actually standing in the center of an abandoned warehouse.

"I don't know what's happening, but let's get these children some help first," Max said, feeling a sense of relief.

He transported the children to a nearby hospital, calling an ambulance to ensure their safety. Once they were in good hands, Max looked back at the warehouse one more time.

'I need more knowledge about what just happened' Max thought curious, then he quietly left the scene.

Later, Max discovered that the children were just asleep an nothing happened to them, Max was relieved that the children were safe and grateful for the opportunity to prove his strength and protect the joy of Christmas.

As he walked away from the hospital, Max couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. He knew that there would always be challenges to face, but with his newfound powers and unwavering determination, he was ready for whatever came his way.

And so, Max went and finished delivering presents for the rest of the night.