
Flashback series: Birth Death and Rebirth


Sixteen years after,

jeth calls out "Rhenna,Rhenna darling can you please come? Hurry up love?" ,

He was calling out to his daughter,he had tried to forgive himself for And's and Anna's death but he just couldn't.

The event on the day of Andrew murder, still flashes inside his head and hunts him to the core every night his slept.

Although he got what he wanted, lasca Salem and power ,he was never happy actually he had never felt happiness since thst day.

Ever since then,he had taken and treated Rhenna as his daughter although he had a daughter Alena.

"coming dad"Rhenna shouted in response as she stopped playing Princess doll with Alena her sister and playmate,and started running towards Jeth's office.

"yes dad am here" curious Rhenna answered her dad jethro who was busy writing on a paper.

jethro who was focused writing,took up his head looking straight at his daughter smiled "love come over here have a seat" he said as he stood up held her hand and gestures her to sit on his seat.

"well Rhenna I need to tell you something very urgent" he chipped in, Rhenna who was quietly and anxiously worried was looking steadfastly at jeth.

"Rhenna,I haven't been really honest to you, you see this chair you're sitting on it belongs to someone who was special to me, but I didn't know the value of him until I deliberately let go of him" jeth told Rhenna remorsefully Possibly maybe because he couldn't have peace after that.

"Dad why are you telling me all this now?" Rhenna asked,she just couldn't get what he was saying.

Rhenna had grown up to been in her teens actually sixteen,why did he have to tell her of all time now jeth thought.

There was more to why he must tell her the truth.

It was actually because of he was running out of time,he had just been diagnosed with blood cancer,the doctor had told him he had less than three months to live.

Surprisingly,it was a matter that might give him redemption from eternal doom.

"love,that special person was your..." jethro had berely finished his sentence when he was interrupted by Mel who was eavesdropping on their conversation.

"his your what? your what? tell her what jeth?"

"you want to tell her about what we've kept for all this years?"

Mel angrily cut in.

"I have to tell her, I am running out of time, I have to don't you sense guilt inside you?" jeth replies Mel in a calm but decisive way.

He wanted to protect his daughter Rhenna from his wife,due to his diagnosis of him having cancer and him living for less than 2 months.

"I must tell her,its now or never,

she's my daughter accept or not she is.but I must let her know maybe I might have and get redemption,

take Alena and leave my office I want to speak to her alone" jeth said not looking and minding the frown on Mel face.

Mel took Alena who was also eavesdropping and left jeth office.

Turning to look at Rhenna who was watching the drama,that just unfolded before her.

"yes, love as I was saying" jeth continued "I know you must be confused about what unfolded before your eyes, sometimes you just need to bring the best in you to do something you ordinarily can't,

I am not your real dad Rhenna,I killed him,yes I did,I was so selfish

pls Rhenna pls forgive me?"

Rhenna couldn't believe her ears,did she just heard him right?.

"then she's not my mother right?" confused.