
Relife: The Story Of Kim Baek Hyun

A story about a Young developer Kim Baek Hyun, who is both Overworked and Overtired and finally dying in his computer Before he got reincarnated in his own World by a mysterious Entity, will he survive or will he die in Despair in front of his own creation? Find out by reading these story! Update everyday so hurry up and put these into your reading these cus i update these everyday anyway bye

Hehehee · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

The truth and Question.

Inside the dungeon, the temperature dropped significantly, the cool air a welcome relief from the desert heat.

The passageway led us to a series of interconnected chambers, each one more intricate and dangerous than the last.

The walls were adorned with ancient symbols and carvings, telling the story of a long-lost civilization.

As we ventured deeper, we encountered a series of trials designed to test our intelligence, agility, and strength.

The first trial was a labyrinth of shifting sands, the floor constantly moving beneath our feet.

We navigated it carefully, using the amulet's light to guide us through the ever-changing paths.The second trial was a series of puzzles, each one requiring us to decipher the ancient symbols and align them correctly.

Failure to solve the puzzles triggered deadly traps, but our careful study of the scrolls paid off, allowing us to progress without incident.The third trial was the most challenging: a gauntlet of fierce guardians, each one more powerful than the last. These ancient protectors were formidable opponents, their strength and speed unmatched.

We fought with everything we had, relying on our skills and teamwork to overcome them.Finally, we reached the heart of the dungeon.

In the center of a vast chamber stood a grand pedestal, upon which rested a large, ornate chest.

The air was thick with anticipation as we approached, knowing that whatever lay inside could be the key to unlocking the secrets we sought.

The Treasure Within, with cautious reverence, I reached out and opened the chest. Inside, we found another collection of ancient scrolls, a beautifully crafted amulet, and a set of ancient, intricately designed tools. These tools seemed to be instruments of some kind, their purpose unclear but their craftsmanship exquisite.

Elara carefully picked up one of the scrolls, her eyes scanning the ancient text.

"These scrolls seem to contain knowledge about the ancient civilization that created these dungeons.

It looks like they were master of building and scholars, their knowledge far beyond what we had imagined and anticipated.

I examined the amulet and tools, marveling at their design and their beuty.

"These artifacts are incredible. The craftsmanship is unlike anything I've ever seen. They must have had advanced technology and techniques to create these!." As we gathered our findings, I couldn't help but wonder about the civilization that had created these dungeons. What had driven them to construct such elaborate and dangerous places? What secrets had they been trying to protect? Or what had made them hid to create these dungeons?

Vol 17-18 is combined please understand creating Many chapters at once is quite hard.

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