
Relic N502

In a world destroyed by the emergence of a portal to Another Space (AnoS), which spews out monsters from other worlds, humanity is nearly extinct. To fight this threat, humans created an armor called Relic. In the past, there was a legendary hero known as Rellic N502, who managed to clear 2 AnoS in one day and eradicate 30,000 B+ and A+ level, as well as disaster level, monsters. However, he was killed by Professor Dr. Hades Silk and was held in prison, although he is still alive today. N502's armor, which has extraordinary power and energy but cannot yet be used by anyone, is stored and the case is closed. The focus of the story shifts to Akaya Sinanhomiya, a child who enters Meka Academy. There, he learned how to control and fight monsters using the Relic. Despite initially having average abilities (76% strength and 7.7% energy), Akaya was unexpectedly able to synchronize herself with Relic N502. This unlocks great potential in battles against monsters and reveals the mystery behind the Relic N502's incredible power.

ZeeshID · Action
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21 Chs

Chapter 3: First Battle

The huge door to the battlefield opened with a roar, revealing a terrifying scene. Outside, a C rank Gobliz monster was rampaging, destroying everything in its path. The creature had pitch black skin, with glowing red eyes and sharp fangs ready to tear anything.

Akaya stepped out of the hall, feeling the ground shake beneath her feet. He could feel the power of Relic N502 flowing through his body, giving him confidence he had never felt before. Around him, other students rushed to set up their Relics, while the instructors and elite soldiers began to set up defensive formations.

"Akaya, follow me!" shouted Lieutenant Crount Tanrum. He ran towards the front lines, and without hesitation, Akaya trailed behind him. Amidst the din, Crount gave orders in a calm but firm voice. "We have to hinder the monster's movements. Akaya, you and I will attack the weak point on its back."

They both moved with incredible speed and coordination. Lieutenant Crount jumped high into the air, using his Relic to produce an energy blast that forced Gobliz back several steps. Akaya followed, taking advantage of the moment to launch a direct attack on the monster's back.

When Akaya's attack hits the target, the holographic screen on her helmet displays important information:

Target: Gobliz

 Grade: C

 Weakness: Back

 Status: Injured

The Gobliz let out an angry roar, trying to turn its body to attack Akaya. However, with newfound agility, Akaya managed to dodge and launch another attack. He felt his confidence grow with each successful attack.

However, suddenly the Gobliz changed tactics. With a swift movement, it twisted its body and swung its tail with powerful force. Akaya didn't have time to dodge. The monster's tail hit him hard, throwing him into the air and slamming him onto the ground.

Akaya's whole body ached. His vision blurred for a moment, but the sounds around him woke him from the darkness that had almost taken over. He saw Lieutenant Crount running towards him, blocking Gobliz's attacks with his Relic.

"Wake up, Akaya! The battle is not over yet!" Crount shouted, his voice firm but full of worry.

Akaya gritted her teeth and stood up. He knew he couldn't give up now. Gathering his remaining strength, he attacked the Gobliz again, this time with a more careful strategy. Together with Crount, they managed to significantly injure the Gobliz.

However, just when they thought they had the situation under control, another AnoS portal began to open in the distance. From within the portal, more monsters began to emerge, bigger and scarier than the first. C+ rank Vervatos, B rank Mounts, and B+ rank Natos appeared, threatening everything around them.

"Again?" Crount whispered, his eyes wide with worry. "We can't face this alone. We need help."

Akaya stared at the wide open portal, her heart pounding. How can they overcome this attack? And what will happen to the remnants of humanity if they fail?

In the midst of the chaos, a familiar voice sounded through their communication system. "This is the Moon Army. We are on our way. Hang in there!"

Akaya and Crount looked at each other, hoping that the help that was coming would be enough to save them from the destruction that seemed inevitable. But, with more monsters coming out of the portal, they knew that this was only the beginning of a bigger battle.