
Relaxing In Shameless and Beyond

A Man who doesn't want a crazy adventure like most chooses to live his life in Shameless while laughing at the Gallagher Antics

Cold_Phantom19 · TV
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39 Chs

[12] When there isn't an Episode (2/20)

After a three hour workout we were both sitting against the wall catching our breath, she had sweat that went down from her neck to her the valley between her breast. Though they weren't the biggest they did fit in my palms perfectly if I was actually able to grab them, she smirked when she caught me looking and leaned over towards me.

"Like what you see." she asked whispering in my ear.

"Cut it out." I said knowing she wasn't the type to be like this, she was more of the type to not let anyone in her pants unless they got married, hence her being a virgin. Looking away I coughed into my hand and took another drink from her pink water bottle, it was a thermos type so the Gatorade she put inside was still cold after three hours.

After a quick taste strawberry lingered on my lips, it was from her lip balm or something but it had glitter so that was annoying, "What time did you want to do this tonight anyway?" I changed the subject just so she would stop.

"Hmm I have to meet my father at the country club for lunch later but I will send the car at seven expect it at eight." she moved closer leaning her head on my shoulder, I didn't move away from the contact though.

"Well let's go shower then since you have to leave soon."

"Ugh Fine," she pouted before smiling again, "Do you want to shower with me?" she went back to her flirty self.

"Stop it." I said pushing her head away and standing, I reached down and pulled her up she fell into my arms before smirking and walking away swaying her hips again. The death of me I swear.

^^^^Four Hours Later^^^^

I was getting dressed when Lip walked into the room, "Got something interesting going on if you are dressed like that."

"Yup rich girl from the northside taking me out for a dinner. I assume it will be classy seeing as her family is Bill Gates rich."

"Oh yeah who is she the Dayton Princess?" He joked.

"Exactly, that is her." I said making his laugh come to a stop.

"Seriously? How on earth did you meet that princess?!?!" He asked getting interested in this now.

"Gym. I kind of helped her out two years ago with something and now we are friends I guess... of course she fell for my good looks and now she is asking for a date, also for me to take her virginity."

The weed he was smoking at the moment he coughed back trying to catch his breath since it came as a surprise that she was a virgin, "What the hell man, are you going to do it?" he asked taking a seat getting into it.

At that moment my phone chimed with a message from her telling me the car was outside, "Well looks like you are going to have to wait to find out." I smiled and walked out the room to his groan.

Going outside there was a town car that was waiting for me, the driver got out and opened the back door for me, "Sir." I nodded stiffly and got in, inside was empty but on the seat was a box of chocolates and roses, "The miss said to bring this to her when we show up at the door." the driver said getting back in the front.

I stared at it and sighed, what was wrong with this girl. Along the way I threw the stuff out the window which made the drivers eyebrows go to his hairline, he was shocked someone didn't listen to her. After a forty minute drive we were going up the drive way to the door of the mansion, there was no other way to call this mansion it was no house.

Getting out when the car stopped I walked to the door and knocked, it wasn't even three seconds later that she opened the door with a wide smile but it dropped seeing my empty hands. "What the hell, where are the roses and Chocolates?" She folded her arms glared at me.

"Katie we will settle this right now. I agreed to the date and let you set up everything but unlike your other suitors I won't be letting you control how I act, got it?" I glared right back, I also noticed the four people hiding to the side that watched us but we both ignored them.

She gave a cute growl before huffing, "Fine, let's go." she slammed the door and pulled my arm along, forgetting that her family wanted to meet me.

We walked to the car and got inside it was tense but I wasn't going to let that effect my mood, "So what did you have planned first?" Because of the little fight I didn't notice what she was wearing, it was a little black dress that hugged her body no doubt expensive as hell.

She tried to act all hurt and annoyed but it dropped the moment I asked, "Well first I got us reservations at 'Dreams', then after that I thought we could go to my friend Emily's party she is throwing for her eighteenth birthday."

It sounded like a good plan and it was nice and simple for a first date, "That sounds like a good plan, knew a little rich girl like you could get seats for us at the best restaurant in the city."

"Could you not call me that." her voice sounded a little hurt, "Tonight I just want to be the girl and you be the guy, we enjoy a nice night out together."

Her face dropped and she looked sad giving me puppy dogs eyes when she looked over at me, I fell for it instantly since it was a date and there was no reason for me to act like we were of different social classes. "Fine I won't call you that again. So how was lunch with your dad?"

"Fine." she went into the rest of her day about what she did and asked me questions occasionally about what I did, she was honestly curious about my day. After that she asked about my family and such everyone knew about hers so she thought it was a good idea to learn about my family.

When we made it to the restaurant the waiter was extra polite to us fawning over Katie, we were taken to a separate room for private dining so we could have a good time. After sitting down I whistled impressed, "Wow this is really upscale." The food on the menu was something I had never heard of well most of it anyway.

"Need help?" she asked seeing that I was giving weird looks to the menu.


She giggled and moved her seat next to me, "Well this here is...." she explained everything on the menu to me but most of it like snails sounded like something I would throw up. "So what are you having?"

"Obviously the stake medium rare." I said seeing as it was the only thing that was normal on the menu.

She nodded along, "Well that sounds good and luckily here they give you a big portion of that. I am going to order the strawberry cake and just share your food.... well if that is okay." she looked at me shyly.

"Sure that sounds fine, I had a big lunch anyway." I nodded.

When the waiter came back Katie didn't move from my side and we ordered, when the stake came out it was the size of a medium sized cake these people were cutting big slices of cake. We started to eat with her getting some of it she smiled happily her cheeks stuffed with food, I couldn't help but kiss her cheek she looked so cute at the moment.

She sat there stunned before smiling happily like I just bought her a limited edition purse or something, she hummed happily while eating her strawberry cake after that. When we finished she paid the bill and w left, she wouldn't let go of my arm the whole way though even when we got into the car she leaned on me happily.

After awhile we made it to her friend Emily's the party was raging on it was at a boat house, the music could be heard all the way from where we sat in the car. Getting out we started to walk to the house every guy we passed stared at her in a lustful way but she looked at the in disdain, when we got inside my head was already hurting from the music.

It didn't take long for her to find her friends they were in a circle talking about something, I was going to go and get a drink but I was pulled back to her side. I could feel the stares and glares from the others around us, it was really annoying but when you are with the it girl then it kind of came with the territory.

"Where are you going?" she asked pouting at me, on other girls it was annoying but on her it was cute.

"Well I was going to get a drink but you turned into an octopus and won't let me go." I said on a sigh.

"Fine, but hurry back don't get trapped by these other girls. Also bring me a vodka cranberry."

"Don't worry none of these other rich girls could grab my attention like you." It was true half of them had boob jobs that obviously looked fake while the other half hated southside trash like me. Going into the kitchen I walked to the counter and made myself a glass of jack and coke and made her vodka cranberry, no doubt if it was someone else something would be slipped inside.

This was the feeling I got from being around these rich lacrosse playing preppy boys that were around me, walking back towards Katie I paused for a moment seeing familiar green hair. When I looked closer I saw Savannah along with her brothers staring at me, she was looking at me curiously but didn't come near me.

I raised a brow but didn't say anything and moved over to Katie, I felt her eyes on me the entire way though as I got closer to the group of preppy girls. "Here you go milady." I said handing her the drink.

"Thank you." she smiled sweetly kissing me on the cheek, for some reason though the room suddenly got a lot colder, shrugging it off I took a drink.

Ten minutes into talking with her friends I needed to get away from this it wasn't bad but I could hardly follow all the talk about clothes that made no sense to me. Katie saw my expression and giggled, "Fine I will stop torturing you with this, let's go for a swim." she grabbed my wrist and pulled me out the back door.

As we went out we passed Savannah who glared at me but she didn't stop me from going out with Katie, Katie felt her look and glared at Savannah before putting me in front of her. "Who was that?" she asked as we made it outside.

"The girl you are looking for."

"Oh so that is the girl I need to kill then for taking what was mine." she growled.

"While you being this way is cute we aren't dating so please tone it down some. Also don't try that I am pretty sure her and her brothers have guns on them at this moment." I warned her wrapping an arm around her neck, "Plus I am with you at the moment so don't worry about her."

She nodded and smiled happily, we finally made it over to the water where she started to strip her clothes.

When I was young, me and my mama had beef

Seventeen years old, kicked out on the streets

Though back at the time I never thought I'd see her face

Ain't a woman alive that could take my mama's place

Suspended from school, and scared to go home, I was a fool

With the big boys breakin' all the rules

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