
CHAPTER 92 A Secret

  My heart suddenly froze at her words. I looked at her in disbelief before I laughed nervously. "Pregnant with Claude's pup?" I asked, scoffing. "That is impossible. I am certain that I am taking my fertility control before—"

  I halted as my heart stopped for nanoseconds from realization. Wait...

  Wait up...

  When was the last time I took my fertility control?

  I gasped as I mindlessly placed my hand on top of my stomach, wide-eyed before I looked up at Cherish. "N-No... I am not..." I gulped, panicking inside.

  Cherish sighed. "Older sister, allow Doctor Gilbert to check up on you. Having migraines and morning sickness are not supposed to be normal unless you are conceiving a pup," she said and glanced at Gilbert.

  "H-Halt!" I immediately stood up and distanced myself from them. "I am not... I am just tired and... perhaps, I have eaten some rotten food from your cooks..." I said as I was starting to get defensive.