
Rejected By Husband, Chased By The Billionaire CEO

Bound by the laws of loyalty and sacrifice, twenty-seven-year-old Lola Hart, a hardworking and devoted wife is forced to endure a childless marriage, a nagging husband and ungrateful in-laws. Her monotonous life is flipped upside down when her husband passes out in her arms on their fifth wedding anniversary celebration. When diagnosed with a rare heart condition that required immediate surgery, Lola is force to offset the medical bills alone, leading to some ugly trends. Despite her efforts in saving her husband's life, Lola is abused, humiliated, betrayed and kicked out of her home by the same man, who took an oath to love her unconditionally. Amidst Lola's trials and temptations was an anonymous billionaire CEO, who was ready to move mountains just to put a smile on her face. What would happen when Lola discovers that her secret benefactor and admirer, was no other person than Richmond Gibson, her husband's boss? *****An Excerpt "In other to solve the riddle behind your viral infection and pregnancy, I need to know if you have slept with any other man aside from your husband and Mr Forde." "What!" Lola's piercing eyes shot daggers at the chief. "Why don't you answer the question and save us all the drama." Ian's lawyer scoffed. "I didn't sleep with Mr Forde, Sir." Lola banged her fist on the Chief's desk, screaming at the top of her lungs. "He was the one who raped me and he was the one who infected me. I love my husband so much and I will never...ever cheat on him in a million years." The chief of police was about to reprimand Lola for shouting in his face when suddenly, the entire room was engulfed with the pleasurable moaning of a familiar voice. "So Mrs Lola Hart, you were saying?" Ian's conceited lawyer added the final nail to her coffin. ******* Hello readers, Thanks for selecting this amazing book. This story is dear to my heart because it looks at some of the challenges married women face. The intriguing life of the FL will make you laugh. It will make you cry. It will make your angry and it will make you happy. Best of all, it will keep you on the edge of your seat. Please, support this book by voting massively with power stones and golden tickets, gifting, leaving comments and adding to your library collection.

Tres_Aguila · Urbain
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Lola's Request

Imelda's soft words cut Lola so deeply that she resumed sobbing aloud.

Lola shut her reddened eyelid tightly. She wanted to badly vaporize from the surface of the Earth.

'What was the point of living when the people she cared about the most betrayed her in the most hideous manner?' Lola pondered.

"I loved him..." Lola's croaked voice echoed in the room as she continued to cry bitterly. "He said he loved me too. I swear I've never cheated on him with anyone. How could he do this to me? How could he cheat on me with my best friend? All I did was try to save his life and I got abused for it."

Imelda was moved to tears by Lola's heartbreaking revelation. She blinked severally to stifle her tears while consoling Lola.

"Shhh... It's okay, sweetheart. Don't hurt yourself any further by thinking about it."

Imelda's attempt at consoling Lola proved abortive as the latter kept on voicing her grievance.