
Rejected and Very Special and The Beginning of an End

Rejected and Very Special: With the many rejections that have ripped at this young heart, will this young goddess ever find love before the last pieces are chipped away? After years of heartache, she finally has the pleasure of finding her final mate, the one that accepts her. Sounds like she will get her happily ever after, but will the chaos come to an end? Her name is Sapphire, the daughter of the moon goddess. Although broken, this young girl still holds the power to kill you with one look. She is the rider of the most powerful dragon known to man. She has been rejected by 200+ mates that didn't seem to find her fit to be a forever partner, but her mother never gave up trying to find her the perfect one. Has she found the perfect one? Rejection is never too far, and with Sapphire, it has always been closer to her than anyone in the world. Will the kidnapping of a loved one jeopardize her new mate? Guess you will have to read to find out..... let's embark on this journey together and start at the very begging. The Beginning of an End: ~~Book 2~~ NOT COMPLETED She is the most powerful shifter that has ever lived. She holds in her possession the sword of legacy, the egg of a forgotten dragon race, and a pure white wolf with electric blue eyes. At the age of 15, Blaze is forced to grow up 3 days before her 16th birthday, the day most special to shifters, the day she meets her mate. Her mother was taken away to train, while her father is away in a place that is now forgotten, called Mystic Mountain. She is left at her home with her mother's sister Adaline. When things go wrong while she is on vacation with her aunt Sapphiria, Blaze has to embark on a journey to find what once was lost. She finds destiny and tricks fate, but is she still safe? Will she be rejected by destiny? Will her trick of fate come back to haunt her? Will she ever find that mate of hers? Follow Blaze through her hardships as she struggles to find herself, and find the person her mother has not spoken to in years.

Luna_Moonstone_8 · Autres
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38 Chs

(19)The Battle Part 2

Hey, guys, I'm sorry it took so long....I've been busy with school and all. But here it is! Love you all.

Sapphires POV:

I ran after their scent as fast as I could. I was later stopped by a panther shifter. I shifted into my Tigerlily form (all cat forms at once) so we would be more equal.

She pounced at me at the same time I pounced at her. We collided mid-air. I growled and bit into her neck. Once we hit the ground I had to let go.

She slashed her claws down my side. I let out a hiss and pounced. I bit into her neck and didn't let go this time. She slowly stopped moving.

I got up, shifted into my cheetah form, and started running again. This time hissing as I went. I finally had made it to the room he was in.

I pushed on the door but it didn't budge. I rammed my whole body into it and it broke down. I look around the room. As I look into the far corner I see him.

I whimper as I see how bloody and bruised he was. I walk up to him and lick his cheek. The door slammed shut just as I cut the ropes on his feet and hands.

I look up to see Jake. I growl and launch myself at him. He smirks and then snaps his fingers. I fall to the ground in pain.

He shifts into his bear form and attacks me. At this time I'm slashed almost everywhere, and I have a broken arm and leg. I stand up ignoring the pain.

I growl and launch again. He knocks me down and stands above me. At this time Bell comes in and Jake and her kiss as I'm here slowly dying.

I just knew Bell was on his side, and she is also his mate! Then he goes to bite down on my neck and I look up, I know this is the end I love you, Skylar.

He gets closer and closer and then his weight is lifted off of me. Skylar had shifted into a wolf and had attacked Jake.

Skylar finished him and Bell off then came over to me. He licked at my wounds as they started to close. He lays down beside me and cuddles up to me.

It will only take about 30 minutes until I'm healed. All we have to do is wait.

~30 minutes later~

I'm all healed by now and we make our way out of the house. I and Skylar are leaning on each other and licking each other occasionally.

Once outside I see everyone there. There is blood everywhere, and we have many dead. Most of the dead are from the other side though.

Almost all of the people that are dead from my side are from Adaline's pack and the rest from Zacks pack. I'm just glad I have my family together and Skylar.

I sigh and look around more. As I look I notice that there are people from my small group missing. At this time I heard fighting, and I took off running.

Once I got there I saw Camila on the ground with Shadow over her in her wolf form growling and Ria and Alex standing near a tree terrified. By this time our pack is here.

Omg a Morfis Shifter, the most dangerous creature in our world. A cross between a dragon and a lion. The Morfis Shifter leaps trying to kill Camila but Shadow jumps up and is slashed across the face.

Then the Morfis Shifter shifts into its human form and pulls out a bow and arrow. The arrow is silver the most deadly to our kind.

I start to run towards them but I'm too late. The arrow goes straight through the heart. We all fall to the ground in disbelief.

Camila burst out crying as Shadow falls to the ground, dead. She cradles Shadows head in her lap while rocking back and forth at this time the Morfis Shifter is gone.

"Can yall stop crying it's depressing" Shadow whispered? We all looked up surprised she is still alive. "Let me heal you," I said.

She looks at me and smiles "No, it's my time to go. I'm ready, our parents are waiting on me, I'm not needed here anymore. Camila is able to take care of herself now.

I love you all, take care..." the packs are all crying by now, even though they don't know her, and at that time she died with a smile on her face, her task's on this earth were done.

Her sister gets up and takes off crying. A thunderstorm soon started after that. The pack all gathered around and said their goodbyes.

I called Skylar to come over and take her to the packhouse. But once we touched her she burst into a cherry blossom tree with unnatural galaxy-colored flowers.

I guess this is her way of showing us she wants to be remembered as something unique and one of a kind.