
Father rage

The sky which was slowy turing blue was quciky turn into a hellish sea of flames. [I have seen father angry in the past but never this angry] while I was sweating and hishing still tie to the the poll. I saw father decent from the sky. People usally said I look as handsome as a devil I never really care about what the people say about my looks, but looking at my father right now made forget about my bleeding wounds and my earth shaking rage. Is this handsomely and terriflyng how people percieve me?

Father look muderus and extreme rage was seeping from his body. Some of the assassin that were complely naked and close to my sister were ingulft in flames.

"aaaahhh!!!...ahhhh!!!!!...Help me!!!! please help me!!!!"

"Get the fuck away from me!!!" merciless said their companions while shoving them away.

The ones that scream were not the ones that father attack. No, they weren't giving time to scream. Not now and they will never get the change. The flames that were used to kill them were notorius for burning souls. The ones the were screaming were those that were next to them. They were stupid enough to think that their spell shields were capable of protecting them. The flame quickly burn through them and landed on their bodies. Unlike the unlucky assholes or perhaps lucky the flames did their jod correctly this time. That is burning their bodies slowly and letting them experience agonizing pain. Then their souls would suffer the same fate.

"AAUGHH AHHH AHHHH!! IT WON'T COME OFF!! THE FLAMES THEY ARE NOT COMING OFF!!!!" They scream and roll. Some of them were semi-smart to cut off the infested parts off their body only to see the flame reappear where they cut themselves. Other's jump into the well. Father throw a rock thus sealing their fate to drown however theirs souls would also be burned. And lastly the weak-will ones that couldn't take the pain quikly commited suicide. It was satisfying to see them die but seeing their souls coming out wailing from their dead bodies cover in flames was a bone chilling moment.

The souls seek help from their stiil living comares. Father didn't move to stop the fleeing assassin the souls chase them for help. It only result in also killing them.

After father make sure no one escape he move towards the leader. Moment later the assassin spill who send them follow by the eering screams of the leader when they finally ended. Father began walking towards us. In his final moments the leader suffered pain beyond what any man could take. Father fury was so intense that even someone cold like me couldn't bare to see it to the end. It was that terrifying. Even so I was relief to see these bastards suffer gruesome deaths.

They deserve it for almost defiling my sister. They should have been prepared to die the moment they choose to make an enemy of the Phoenix family.

[I don't know who was behind this but whoever it was. I will make sure to return the pain and humiliation I suffer today twice as fold!!!!!! And it will be hell to pay for almost touching my sister!! THIS I VOW IN MY LIFE!!!]

I didn't know then that this vow will later take me many years to accomplish.


[argh...Where am i?] When I open my eyes I found myself in mansion infirmary. It where my family physicians work. My father, hire the best man. Will Jones who is a physician because of his passion for it. Back then when I ask why he hire him. Father responded "Right now he may behind the others but he has more value than the others because his goal is not just reaching hight medical rank. Unlike the other who only want money he want to surpass his limits. In three years he will have reached the others and in five he would have surpass them." Five years like father predicted while the other so called top physicians where still in the high medical rank ours was now a medical lord. Will is one of the kingdom medical lords and the youngest at age of 26. The other two are in the service of the imperial family.

Recalling how later the female lead will appear and take the number one physician title makes me feel sad when I remember seeing Will doing his best to reach where he is today. Later when the best physicians are call to save the Emperor. The female lead easily does it. Will despairingly tries to catch up as to not bring shame to the glorious family he is thankful to. And is devastated when he doesn't sees the wide shortening. Ashame and broken he leaves the family and is later kill for refusing to serve the other nobles.

[Will was one of the innocent people drag into that indifferent bitch pointless death spread. This time I won't let her easily be the best at everything. Some people littery put everything they had into their careers. it's just not fair.]

I decided that I will he give him the heavenly doctor manual that the heroine found to him when I get my hands on it. When I stood up and try to move enormous exhaustion shot throughout my whole body.


I collapse onto the wooden floor immediately after I move my foot. [.....Well now I can somewhat guess what happened. Still what is with the bruises? Specially the purple eye.] I thought touching the big swollen eye.

"ow" sighing....I decided that I will rest first to recover from the backlash of Banshee Cried.

"Hey Alisa help me" I said. After a few moments later hurry footsteps are coming towards my direction.

Alisa opens the door and the first thing that greets her is my collapse body on the ground.

"Young miss!!!" She screams and hurriedly helps me get on the bed.

"Young miss, Why are you on the ground?" she ask after helping me.

"My limbs were numb so I was stretching is all" I say. [Well I can't say that can't move now can I?]

"Then why couldn't you get up? aiiiii!!! don't tell you were trying to do night crawling?!!!"

"T-that is not it!!!!" i frankly said. " it is because my body was too relaxed to move yeah that is why." I hurry say.

Was I Alisia this talkative? mmm I can't remember well . since I was a love lunatic back then I guess it couldn't be helped.

Alisa didn't look convinced but leave when a maid says she needs her help. something about her room being attack by a crazy miss going nuts....wait was she referring to me? no...no...no no way right?

Recovering comes first so I will cultivated. Closing my eyes I drift back to sleep. One of my family incomplete techniques can be cultivated while sleeping. Luckily I now know where to find the rest of it. Thanks to a certain someone. [Seriously what's with everything my family ever needed was easily give to her???] I may be thirsting for revenge back then and did many things in the heat of the moment but now I have time. Right now what I need to do is make a proper solid foundation for my cultivation so I don't face many trials when leveling up. I don't want to lose anyone of my family no matter what. To assure this, i will need devastating strength. Losing them one time was horrifying enough. At the same time I will steal most of her strengths. She owns me a large dept.

I was later told when could I leave. As well as the fate of the assassins. I wish I never had since Zoro didn't hold back on the details. I decided I won't cause trouble for the time being. Father is still in a foul mood.

After three days and one extra day in the infirmary. Thanks to my brother Apollo as the first thing he did went he could move was to go to my room and jump on top of me. His weight broke the bed and hurt my back forcing me to rest an additional day. Of course he didn't do it because he was being mischievous. No, his aim was to incapacitated me from going training with dad in the woods so he can interrogee me.

[I will remember his prank. Oh yes i will] I darkly grin. My brother efforts in asking was becoming really annoying. But we manage to come to an agreement to talk when father and I come back. Even he could see that I wouldn't give up on going with Father. So he gave up however not entirely

"Why can't I go too!!? I demand you acurse doctor to release me!!! I want to go train!!!" My brother screams at Will. Will only smile and boy what a chilling smile it was.

He respond in a calm low voice. The one he makes when he is really really angry.

"YOUNG MASTER YOU NEED TO GODDAMM REST." He injects a needle in Apollo throat immediately My brother loses his voice. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?" He ends while raising another needle still smiling at Apollo.

Apollo looks at me for help. But Will next words shut me right up. "Ah that reminds me. The young miss injures are still not fully heal maybe she would like to keep you company?" Will smile at me while raising another needle in his hand.

I bolt out of the room. Never looking back. I didn't stop until I got to father. Then hurriedly leave the mansion.

Will really is a terrifying man. He may not be a match for the four ghost but My brother and I are easy prey for his needles and since father trust him so much he usally behaves like an unruly doctor.

Mother also often uses him to capture us. One time when I was running from mother. Will shot his needles at my legs, incapacitating me then he merely watch as Mother come to pick up and took me away screaming. He found my screaming annoying and shot a needle at my neck silencing me. After that whenever I ran from Mother I never run anywhere near his office.

Back to the present i am riding the horse at full speed towards my father side. It started with me being in the lead but father and the others were also riding their horses at full speed and keeping pace was a little challenging. Nonetheless I wasn't falling behind.

"Father!! What kind of training are they going to do?" I ask him out of curiosity. The training methods my father use to train new comers were famous for being harsh. But are renowned for having visable results. Of course there are always death in the training but the suvivors are all caple soldiers regardless if they are loyal to us or not. If they are spies send from the emperor or sons send from the opposin faction then we just train them then realest them. Of course after narrowing down theirs numbers while they are with us that is. It's even better for our country as some of them go back to being worthless so by kill future pest we solve later pain's. Also in the case were we find a rear talent then we will try to rope them in to our side.

Father looking annoy at my carefree face said " It's not 'THEY' it's 'US'. You are also going to take part in this training session as well. After seeing you getting your ass handled to you. I came to the realazation that I wasn't training you hard enought! So i will have you take part in the...." He stops, looks at me in the eyes. A motion i dread as I know whatever he is going to say next is something I can't refuse. He grinns " Beast hunting".

"What?!!!!" My scream resonates throughout the forest entrance.