
Reincarnation with Rimuru from Tensura

In a new fantasy world, Rimuru Tempest, after reincarnation, finds an unexpected companion in the form of a cute, slime like himself. Together, they forge a brotherly bond while shaping their destiny as they navigate this new world. However, with the introduction of this intriguing new variable, the story takes an unexpected turn, veering into uncharted territory. What transformations will unfold due to the presence of this endearing little slime? Join Rimuru on an adventure brimming with moments of joy and forged alliances with unlikely comrades. Along the way, he'll uncover the enigmatic secrets veiling this world, and face unspeakable tragedies and sacrifices, some of which will leave him in awe and others heart-broken. Amidst the discovery, he'll also confront heart-wrenching trials that test his resilience and rock the very core of his newfound home. A Prologue to Chaos & Destruction. Recommended to read the Original Story by 'Fuze' first, as the story skips lots of content and It is heavily inspired from it. Also keep in mind that the introductory chapters are more or less same (for the context) with few changes here and there. But there will be changes, and a lot of it in the upcoming chapters.

ETRNITY01 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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74 Chs

The Plan

It has been a week since Hiiro fell unconscious due to some mysterious turn of events, events that I was still not fully aware of.

Curiosity gnawed at me, wanting answers, but I couldn't afford the time to investigate just yet.

While Hiiro was undeniably important to me, the mere thought of losing him filled me with despair, loneliness, regret, and simmering rage.

However, I had a responsibility that I initiated myself, and I had to see it through.

There were a few reasons I could find solace in leaving Hiiro to rest while I focused on my duties.

First, the Link had been fully restored, allowing me to sense his presence and well-being. This meant that if anything out of the ordinary happened in the future, I would be immediately notified, a detail I'd made sure to convey to the Great Sage in a very 'proper' way.

Another reason was the presence of two individuals, two of the village's most powerful and deeply regretful beings, Hikari and Ranga.

I say regretful but they were filled with sorrow and loneliness more than anything and right now, one of them had a very complicated situation, Which I had to address to very soon as well.

But I could entrust Hiiro's care to them while I implemented significant changes in the village. These changes began right after that eventful day with Hiiro.

The very next day, I gathered the group that sought to join our village.

I had no reason to refuse their request; in fact, it was perfect timing, given the plan I'd devised with Rigurd. More hands were needed, and so I welcomed them into the village with one condition: absolute loyalty. There were no other options.

And thanks to what Hiiro had done previously, they fully understood the weight of those words and the consequences that may follow, if not taken seriously.

Rigurd also outlined the rules I'd established.

And that's how 500 goblins became part of my village.

The goblins were very happy as their faces lit up  sheer ecstasy. This just showed how much they have had to endure to make it till here. Some of them were even shedding tears of joy.

But, you know, I wasn't exactly feeling sentimental at that moment.

I mean, can you blame me? My little brother was pretty much in a coma, and here I was, unable to do a damn thing about it.

Yes, he would wake up soon enough but at the end of the day, that was nothing more than an excuse. An excuse to rid the guilt of not being able to be there when he needed me.

And I knew that more than anyone. 

I couldn't help but feel a twinge of powerlessness.

People kept telling me how strong and mighty I was, but then there was this being so close to me, lying there motionless, not a word escaping him. I couldn't help but wonder if I was as strong as they believed.

If so, Why couldn't I do something to help him, then or now?

I wanted to scream out these questions, but who'd have the answers, anyway?

The Great Sage? Bruh...

Oh, don't get me wrong, it's incredible and all. I owe a lot to it as well; without the Great Sage, I wouldn't have made it this far. But when it comes to emotions and matters of the heart, it's like a computer on the fritz, only capable of crunching numbers based on what it knows or sees in or from me. Just like 'that' day.

And it can't be blamed for what happened that day.

After all that talk, all that bullshit about doing everything carefully, not being arrogant, and stuff. Here I was.

And I know, I'm making a great deal out of this matter but there was a reason for it.

I couldn't help but think; What if this type of thing happened again in the future?

This type of Overthinking was Hiiro's personality and It was my job to ensure him that everything would be fine. But..

Oh.. How the tables have turned...

Getting back on topic, The Great Sage, for all its wisdom, isn't all-knowing. And It's not about to hand out answers unless I poke and prod it for them and that too, is if it knows at all.

Sometimes, I wish I could tinker with its settings, make it a bit more user-friendly, maybe even get it to crack a joke or two.

By the way, it was pretty darn obvious to the Hobgoblins, in my village that I was in a very lousy mood. 

None of them knew the details about Hiiro or his current whereabouts, except for Hikari, Ranga, and Rigurd. But they could probably piece together that my mood had something to do with Hiiro and his missing whereabouts.

I wasn't exactly putting on a disguise or anything, but I figured there was no need to spill all the beans and make a big fuss about it as well.

And Besides, Hiiro, well, he's always been one to dodge the spotlight, even when it comes to the smallest of things, So, I thought it would be better to keep things lowkey, although I was doubting how long it would last.

From what I could see, Not for long.