
Reincarnation : The World of Pandoria

CHAPTER ????? : ????? (Pov ???????) |Time - Unknown| |Date - Unknown| |Location - °•°○●□¤▪︎☆♡| Step..* Step...* "Huff...ha...Huff..." (???????) Ever since I had opened my eyes, my journey for power up to this present moment, has been filled with nothing but cold soundless darkness Step...* Step...* "Huff...ha...Huff..." (???????) And for all my untold power and might, I couldn't do the one thing I had promised myself to fulfill, even if it cost my very life Step...* Step...* I was helpless Step...* I couldn't do it Step....* Step....* "Huff...ha..Huff..." (???????) Right now I carry a burden of unimaginable regret that I know in the deepest depths of my heart could never be undone...not now Step....* Step...* Step..* Step.* I may have failed, I may have regrets that I so wish to correct, but in the end all I can do is, keep moving forward "Heh, it's the only thing I can do at this point." (???????) Step.* CLANK....!!!* ============ (Pov FurineG15) |Time - Unknown| |Date - March 2024| |Location - Earth| "I tried coming up with a more attention grabbing synopsis, and that's because the last one wasn't really...well attention grabbing." (FurineG15) "So I just took a page out of the the most diabolical and the most delectable form of bait from one particular anime called 'dotuto cough*' and click baited my novel, did it work, did my synopsis catch your attention!?" (FurineG15) ..... .... ... .. . "Well you wouldn't be reading this if it hadn't." (FurineG15) 'I'll maybe change the synopsis again later down the line but as of right now, Mmm...not really.' (FurineG15) "Anyways hope you stick around and enjoy the the read and well yeah." (FurineG15) FurineG15 out \[ ^ o ^]7 PS. Chapters will be released randomly PPS. Cover not mine

Furine_G15 · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Chapter 10 : First battle

In commemoration to this special chapter you are about to read now, I will try and extend the word count from my usual +1000 to around +3000

Why? well it's my first time writing a fight scene so I'm pretty nervous how It will turn out but let's just see how it goes

But I will try and make it a memorable first fight

FurineG15 \[ Ò o Ó]7 "OUT!!!"

PS. Wish me luck


(Pov Gallant)

|Time - 00:32:56| |Date - 22 Lost 1111|

|Location - Dungeon ?????|

Leaning against a tree to get some rest after walking for hours, I sat there contemplating on a way to hunt for food

I have never hunted anything, that includes my experience as Gallant in this world, as him being blind and all really stalled his growth in these types of things


'The first thing I need to do is find my prey.' (Gallant)

But there was a problem with this

'I can't see beyond my senses limit.' (Gallant)

Although the skill {Enhanced Senses} is a life-saving skill for a person with my condition, it does come with limitations, particularly limitations tied to my strength

As beyond my sphere of 5 metres, there is nothing but darkness, so how could I see my prey if it is only within this limited range

I stopped and thought, trying to come up with a plan to deal with this, while also placing my current strengths and weaknesses into account as well

The only thing that I could currently use is my {Enhanced Senses}, so what can I do with it

'Hmm?....oh! right, I can try that.' (Gallant)

After getting some rest, I immediately stood up and put my plan into action

I placed my small hand onto the ground and began to place most of my concentration on my sense of touch, leaving less attention to my other senses

It was hard to put my focus on one of my senses, but after a while I finally got it down, though a bit rudimentary if I had to judge





I felt same unclear vibrations coming from all around me, some vibrations felt like they came from small animals or monsters, other vibrations were numerous signifying a group or pack of monsters, while the most terrifying of all felt as if a giant was walking a bit further away from my location, there seems to be more living beings around me than it seems

Cold sweat drenched my back in fear at the thought of remaining ignorant to the dangers in this forest

Luckly it seems my presence was too small for any of the monsters to take notice of....at least I thick?


Anyways after clearing my head I returned my focus on my touch and tried to pinpoint the location of a small preferably lonesome vibration I could sense




'There.' (Gallant)

After spending some time I eventually found the approximate location of a small lone monster...maybe?, funnily enough the monster was found in the same direction I was heading towards


Exiting from my highly concentrated state I felt a small weight at the back of my mind It seems I had accumulated a small amount of mental exhaustion

'Concentrating, for long periods of time really takes a lot out of me huh?' (Gallant)

This just goes to show how much my current strength really is a burden...

I rested a bit to recover some of my mental strength before moving towards my first prey

After walking 'silently this time' for a few minutes, while taking regular pauses to sense the approximate location of the prey I had locked onto, I had finally reached the location of the monster I had been looking for

Hiding behind a tree covered in bushes and shrubs just 4 metres away from my prey, I kept myself silent as I locked my senses towards the monster, I was actually shocked at what I saw


'A Goblin?' (Gallant)

Yes an all too familiar species that any novel reader could recognize from dimensions away

A small child sized humanoid figure that was about my height...uh wait maybe it was a little taller like a 5 year old and only wore a single loincloth, it had a hunched back, a big head and nose, thin long arms and short thin legs, and a big belly looking like a child who suffers from malnutrition, kind of like me...without the belly of course


Anyways the color of the goblin from my perspective is a dark green glowing figure and from the center of its chest was an unusual black...flame? that kind of disgusted me for some reason

'Ugh...it's blood probably doesn't taste all that good either.' (Gallant)

Although I would rather not drink the blood of a goblin, it is better than starving to death

"GiGiihaha!~" (Goblin)


The goblins figure was holding a typical club as a weapon and currently our dark green colored friend is using it against what seemed like a horned rabbit, and from the rabbits transparent outline it seems to have died

'How do I go about this, do I set a trap or something?' (Gallant)

Goblins are always depicted as the weakest monsters in every novel I've read, this often gives the Mc a slightly wrapped perception of this species, which usually ends up with them underestimating the goblins way too much

However I won't make that mistake, I have to take this hunt seriously

'Haha..it's funny how I am plan on killing a living being instead of letting myself get taken over by fear right now.' (Gallant)

Although I am scared of dying like any other living being in the world, I do not want to let fear control my life, like what happened before at the wagon

'Seems that incident was a blessing in disguise.' (Gallant)

I thought smiling in satisfaction...


A-After getting distracted for a moment I finally focused back on forming a plan

'Ho-...oh lets try that.' (Gallant)





|10 minutes later|


"GiGGiihaha!" (Goblin)

A while later I had finished preparing my trap, and had taken refuge on top of a 5 metre tall tree which was kind of difficult to climb on while setting up the trap as I had to make as little noise as possible to not catch the goblins attention

Looking at the goblin in question still hammering the horned rabbit corpse, I started getting nervous for some reason...

But I forced my nervousness down and got my plan into motion

'I'd rather regret doing something than not.' (Gallant)

I thought as I raised my hand in a throwing motion, in my tight grip I held an ordinary rock, building up enough potential energy I threw the rock with all my might


"Gi-..?" (Goblin)

The rock crashed against a tree right beside the one I am currently on, successfully distracting the goblin and getting its attention

'GiGi~?' (Goblin)

The goblin showed confusion and vigilance towards the sudden noise I had just made... at least that's what I think

'Gi~?' (Goblin)

The goblin looked towards the direction the rock was thown

'GGiGi~?' (Goblin)


Just like I wanted the goblin walked directly to the place the sound came from

'Almost there...almost...' (Gallant)

My eyes sharpened in focus as the goblin got closer and closer, so did the time for me to act

'Gi~?' (Goblin)

The goblin had now reached the tree I held myself on, meaning it was just below me

'Now!' (Gallant)

Grabbing a rock bigger than the last one that should actually be called a very small bolder , I held it with all my strength gathering the potential energy in a throwing position, then I threw it right at the goblins head


"Ga~!!!" (Goblin)

It seems the goblin noticed the danger coming from above, as it tried to dodge the incoming rock

'Too late.' (Gallant)

I thought as I took my senses away from the goblin not wanting to see a watermelon explosion right in front of my face

This is my plan while the mantis is distracted by the fake cicada, I the oriole attack from above





A painful bang resounded throughout the forest, which just goes to show just how much force the rock carried I was surtain that the goblin Is dead, though I still remained apprehensive about going there without being sure

I spread my senses back to the goblin and was surprised, what I saw made my blood run cold

'It's still standing...h-how!?' (Gallant)

I was shocked at the goblins survival particularly at its head not exploding, I was terrified at the thought of the goblin coming for me out of anger because I attacked it



With that the gobin fell over flat onto the ground lossing its dark green glow signifying it's death


I unconsciously let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, I felt relieved beyond relief

"Well...Huff...that ha...was stressful..huff." (Gallant)

After calming down a bit from that stressful situation, I got down form the tree slowly as falling down now would be painful and thats double with my enhanced sense of pain

Getting down I locked my senses at the dead goblins corpse, then I started walking cautiously towards the corpse


Still looking at the dead corpse, a sense of fulfillment washed over me at the prospect of killing my first monster in this world

'I d-did it.' (Gallant)


Suddenly as I was just arms reach away from the corpse, I was hit by an overwhelming sense of disgust

'Ugh...what is that?' (Gallant)

I thought in confusion at the sudden disgust I felt...but then...


I paused for a moment and thought for a second...

'Why?...do-!!!' (Gallant)

Before a horrible realization hit me....


I focused more closely to the goblin corpse, more precisely its chest, I saw it clearly




{Name : None

Age : 36

Race : Death Goblin



'Oh dam-' (Gallant)

"GiGihehe~" (Goblin)


The next moment I felt weightless, it was dark, my senses were struggling to process this unexpected situation

'Wha-?' (Gallant)


Pain overwhelmed my senses clouding my mind from properly thinking straight

"GiGGiihaha~ GiiGihaha~!!!" (Goblin)

All I could process was the unrestrained laugter of my attacker

Seconds later my mind cleared up somewhat as although the pain was unbearable I've been through worse back at the castle dungeon, now I could finally process what was fully going on

"Cough...what t-the...hell?" (Gallant)

I said as I coughed out blood


Locking my senses towards the goblin I was shocked that it was alive and well with its figure glowing as it did before, I saw it jumping around in a silly dance while laughing as if it won something good

A thought come into mind

'It was a trap...' (Gallant)

From the way the goblin is acting right now, it either knew I was watching it or it didn't and actually had its gaurd down and died?

Then I remembered what I saw before I got hit by it

'Death Goblin?' (Gallant)

The pain eventually subsided a bit and I quickly picked myself up as laying against whatever...I crashed into will make me an easy target for the goblin

"GiG~??" (Death Goblin)

The goblin sounded out in confusion, it seems the goblin thought it had taken me out with that attack

"Cough..ugh...I'm...t-tougher than I l-look haha." (Gallant)

"GIGahhh~!!!" (Death Goblin)

Without even wasting a single second the goblin aggressively charged towards me in full force, ready for a horizontal attack


In mere moments before I could even blink a club was just inches away from my head

'Fast!' (Gallant)


Feeling the air pressure from the attack I instinctively knew I wouldn't survive an attack like this to the head

'Move!!' (Gallant)

But I couldn't, my legs weren't fast enough to do so

Bang!* Crack!*

'Ah!.. ugh.' (Gallant)

My small body was flung akin to a kite lost in the wind as the weightless feeling fell over me for a second time


I crashed into a tree causing pain to pass throughout my entire body


I leaned my back on the tree I crashed into for a second to assess the damage I had taken

"Cough...cough...ugh!...damn i-its really b-broken huh?" (Gallant)

I said placing some of my senses to my left arm which I had used to protect my head from the club, only to see a crooked arm leaking blood and exposing some of my bones

'Although painful it's better than dying.' (Gallant)

I got up seconds after a quick check at my condition just in time for the goblin to charge its next strike

"GiGiiahhhhh!" (Death Goblin)

Moments later it's club was just inches away from my head...again

It moved fast, faster than I could react....but unfortunately for it I was prepared this time

As I clumsily rolled my small and battered body to the side


"Gahhhh!" (Death Goblin)

The goblins attack missed its persistent target unintentionally hitting the tree behind said target, which caused it to hit the tree in full force, sending vibrations towards its hands mistakenly letting go of its club

My senses shone at that as I quickly got up and made some distance from the goblin

"Giahhhhh!!! AHHHH!" (Death Goblin)


Seems like the goblin is annoyed at the fact that I am still alive....at least that's what I sense

'Ugh...seems this Goblin is only good at surprising its opponents on the first attack. ' (Gallant)

Which was good for me, with my arm broken, having an unexperienced monster that only knows how to charge is just what I need right now

"GiGiiahhhhh!" (Death Goblin)


The goblin continued to charge bare handed towards me with an even faster speed that normal eyes just could not follow, luckily my senses could still keep up and with this advantage I did more than just dodge

"Giahhhhh!!" (Death Goblin)

'Now!' (Gallant)


I dodged the goblins attack by clumsily sidestepping to the left, then I tried to go on the offense

I readied my right leg preparing for a counter-attack at full power

'Ahhhhh!' (Gallant)







"Gi~??" (Death Goblin)

By tripping the goblin off its feet, it's body full of its own charged up momentum was thrown off balance, tipping its body forward in a falling motion

'Next step.' (Gallant)

Bang *

I stomped my right foot firmly onto the ground, clenching my right hand into a fist, I winded up my body in a punching posture and...

'Take...this you damn goblin, Normal punch!.' (Gallant)


"Gi-!!!!" (Death Goblin)

My fist landed right into the face of the goblin, although my punch is weak as hell, using the goblins own momentum against it really strengthened the power behind this punch

The goblin was sent back a few steps before falling onto the ground sprawling in pain like a child would do

"Giahhh ahhh ah!" (Death Goblin)

While the goblin was embarrassing itself I was gritting my teeth in pain, although the punch was effective, it also brought pain to my fist and the pain doubled because of my enhanced sense of pain

'Damn damn damn!!...ugh when I get out of here alive I need to get a weapon.' (Gallant)

I thought but I instantly threw that thought aside and focused back onto the silent surroundings






I focused my senses to the goblin that was just sprawling on the ground while shouting and screaming as if its life depended on it...and when I saw the goblins transparent outline it was true

'Uh??? I-It died...from a-a punch.' (Gallant)

I could have jumped up in excitement and all for killing the goblin however I put my focus on its chest just to make sure

And it was there...

The black flame

'It's alive.' (Gallant)

Nano seconds later....




"GiGGiiahhhhhh!!!" (Death Goblin)

The goblins dark green glow returned and it seemed really really angry

It's eyes fell upon me, with a maddened aura surrounding it

This aura was connected to my senses trying to affect my mental and emotional state

'Ugh damn it's happening again.' (Gallant)

The same thing that happened back at the wagon was currently taking place, only stronger than Miss Willow and the others aura combined

If the goblins encroaching madness keeps up it would only be a matter of time before I fall into madness

"Giahhh!" (Death Goblin)

Before I could think any further the goblin charged towards me only a bit more aggressively than ever

'Dodge dodge dodge!!' (Gallant)

A back and forth exchange is now taking place, with the goblin recklessly charging at me landing a couple of hits, and I who had to continuously dodge and counter-attack at every opportunity

After getting to know the goblin a little more I think I figured out its trick on how its still alive

'It has a passive skill that revives it upon death."(Gallant)

"Gah-oup?" (Death Goblin)


'Another punch in.' (Gallant)

A skill like that may sound like a cheat but it does come with drawbacks, and if my theory is correct then the downside of this skill lowers it's users HP by 99%

'Huff..ha...I can't keep this up for...Huff.. long...' (Gallant)

Even if I know this I can't kill the damn thing and with me having to put my entire focus on this fight the encroaching has gotten faster, I hadn't really tried to stop this from happening which threw my focus into chaos

'What should I do?' (Gallant)

"Gahhhhhh!" (Death Goblin)


I focused on the goblin that was now rampaging in anger at not being able to kill me

'What can I do.' (Gallant)

After a while of thought that I rarely get in this fight I noticed something

'The flame.' (Gallant)

In every exchange I had with the goblin that Disgusting flame I always present and was never extinguished since the fight began

'What if it was?' (Gallant)

But that begs the question...how?

It can't just punch the the lights out of the flame

'What can I use' (Gallant)

I turned my attention to my surroundings to find something to use to as a weapon, anything could be better than my bare hands...even a stick would be better

A moment later I thought back to the perfect weapon I could use


I ran towards the only weapon I that could kill this thing

"Gi~?" (Death Goblin)

The goblin noticed my strange sudden move...

"Giahhhhh!!!" (Death Goblin)

It aggressively started running after me

"Huff...ha...Huff.." (Gallant)

A moment later I found the weapon

'There.' (Gallant)

"Giahhhhh!" (Death Goblin)

The goblin being faster than me was just a few seconds away

But seconds were enough


"Got it." (Gallant)


"Gahhhh!" (Death Goblin)

The goblin attacked me from behind with its teeth preparing to shreed my very flesh, in normal circumstances an attack from behind would have caught anyone off guard



Not to me

I turned around at my fastest speed I could muster sticking my busted left hand towards the goblins teeth


Blood spray out like a fountain as my arm was almost cut off, now normally I wouldn't have done this if I had a sober mind but with the goblins maddening aura constantly trying to encroach me, I was anything but sober

Holding the weapon in my right hand as tightly as I could, I wound up for one final attack

'Ahhhhhh!' (Gallant)





Stab!* Phsssh!*

I stabbed the goblin straight into the center of its chest

"Gahhhhhhhh!!!" (Death Goblin)

A sceam like non before sounded out throughout the forest as the goblin fell on its backside unable to move a muscle for some reason

The black disgusting flame became agitated as a single somewhat broken horn ran right through its black body

'Ugh...damn disgusting.' (Gallant)

I thought as I slowly backed away trying to get as far away from the flame as possible

And luckily I did


As the flames burn brighter and stonger than ever

"GAAHHHHHH!!!!" (Death Goblin)

The goblin burned in its own flame, dying a slow and painful death

This sent shivers chill down my spine, as this got me thinking about how the world works

'Skills have downsides.' (Gallant)

A few minutes later nothing remained of the Death goblin but ash and single black stone that I felt the same disgusting feeling as the flame did




Whew* Thud*

"Huff...that...was cough...a t-tough fight..." (Gallant)

I felt physically exhausted, pained and mentally fatigued at the same time


'Huh?' (Gallant)

{First kill has been successfully acquired

*Soul Essence from first kill successfully absorbed

*Rank I achieved

*Level 1 achieved}

'Huff...I'll...ha look into that later, let me just rest for a...Huff a bit...' (Gallant)








'FU*K! MY FOOD!!' (Gallant)

That was a long chapter I have to admit, Good thing its the only one that will ever exist....for now...maybe?

Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter

FurineG15!!! \[ ^ o ^]7

PS. pls tell me what you thought about the fight qas it good, bad or just average, just let me know

Furine_G15creators' thoughts