
Azure Fortitude Mountain

Ling Feng brushed past Shi Tian and headed for the door after he had paid the bills, Shi Tian in anger reached for Ling Feng's clothes, Ling Feng who senses his presence coming over immediately swerved to the left and went out through the door.

Shi Tian gritted his teeth because the rule of the Myriad house was that there were no fighting allowed in the vicinity. Shi Tian casually just gave a command to the elder with him and said to pursue Ling Feng.

Ling Feng knew they would pursue so he started walking towards the Azure Fortitude range, on his way he had started to open the orb of the master of Dao.

Ling Feng immediately sensed a group of Aras following him, seeing this he smiled to himself he had everything he needed to enter into the Azure Fortitude Range to get the heavenly flame.

The auras immediately came out and blocked Ling Feng, Shi Tian came out from their midst and said "I warned you before but now you have forced this young masters hand" Shi Tian. waved his hand and two elders who wast the peak of the Spirit Master stage came and attacked Ling Feng brutally.

Ling Feng who knew he had no chance against two cultivators at the peak of the Spirit Master stage immediately using his Phoenix Fire.

Ling Feng put his hand at his back like a rocket ready to launch and igniting the fire, the two elders thought he wanted to burn them they immediately stopped this pause was enough for Ling Feng to flee.

Almost immediately using his Spirit Qi to control his direction, using the force from the Phoenix Fire he was propelled like a jet, Shi Tian was fuming in anger without hesitation the two elders immediately pursued Ling Feng, Ling Feng was not surprised to see the two elders pursuing him, he looked ahead he could see the Azure Fortitude Range, he had already used up 90 percent of his spirit Qi from his spiritual sea, taking an Energy Recovery pill form his storage pill he was very close to the Azure Fortitude Mountain .

The Two elders who saw what Ling Feng was about to do were at a loss for words, They stopped venturing because Ling Feng had already entered into the Azure Fortitude Mountain.

Shi Tian reached where they stopped and asked " Why have the both of you stopped pursuing him?" The two Elders said " He has entered into the Azure Fortitude mountain and nothing and no one has ever lived or survived in the Azure Fortitude mountain.

They turned back and left meanwhile inside the Mountain range Ling Feng immediately stopped he had just avoided the crimson colour light and was scanning area without his holy senses, The reason why the Azure Fortitude Mountain was dangerous was not because of bandits or the Pavillion of souls it was because almost everyone a brilliant crimson colour would sweep out and destroy everything thing in its path.

Only Ling Feng knew why the Azure Fortitude Mountain Range was emitting the crimson colour light that was very destructive it was because He was the one made the Azure Fortitude Mountain.


It was here that he buried most of the demonic sect people he killed, he had to do this because only the Soul of a cultivator from the demonic sect was capable of killing people and at that time him Xia Feng did not have a powerful soul technique he couldn't destroy them totally.

Thinking Back Ling Feng wondered there was any way for the mountain to recognise him because his spiritual seal was still there that was why anyone who came into the mountain will die immediately.

Ling Fen walked to the centre of the mountain where he had left the Spiritual seal and suddenly spread his spiritual strength and it bombarded against the spiritual seal.



The Mountain suddenly trembled and shook then he heard a voice in his mind " Welcome home Master"

Ling Feng was surprised because he did not think that the method will work, He was very happy and started cultivating after a while, There was a slight fluctuation in his mind and Ling Feng noticed but he ignored it and Brough the sword he just bought and was mastering sword art, as he moved Ling Feng felt something was drawing him close to a cave in a secluded area in the mountain. Leaving his training he ventured inside the cave.

As Ling Feng entered immediately a bang sound was emitted and the cave was closed, as he ventured inside a Spiritual Avatar immediately spread out,Ling Feng was surprised because this figure looked like himself as Xiao Feng then it said " Are you the new Inheritor of the Dao of Heaven?"

Ling Feng was surprised and without answering his Spiritual Avatar, Ling Feng unsheathed his sword and started waving his sword on the walls, sparks could be seen flying everywhere and some words could be seen been imprinted on the wall The spiritual Avatar was surprised because his duty was to impart the Heavens Dao into the next inheritor and here was someone who writing the cultivation technique of the Dao of Heaven.

Ling Feng stopped briefly then turned to look at the spiritual Avatar when almost immediately the spiritual avatar immediately bowed and said " Master Xiao Feng Welcome I thought you were dead"

Ling Feng casually waved his hand and said " is there any new Information on the technique of the Dao of Heaven?"

The Spiritual Avatar said " The Nine Heavenly Flame Spirit which surround the Dao of Heaven has made an update to the the technique of which I will teach you, but the most crucial part is that your sword and your storage ring are still in the middle realms"

"So what is the update to the technique?" Ling Feng asked

The Spiritual Avatar became serious and said " You need the power of the Heavenly Flame"