
Reincarnation of the five oppositions

A world where the Arts are everything. Spells, incantations, curses and everything in itself. It is simplified in an Art. The monarchs decided to rebel against god. Plunging the world into chaos. They wanted to establish themselves as the only five gods. Leaving god in oblivion.  When everything was going well for their interests. Five young men opposed their words. Their weak bodies were chains that prevented them from developing their potential. Finally, God created a plan to defeat the monarchs. With their last battle about to begin. God decided to freeze their souls in time. Allowing them to reincarnate after 120 years. Preparing for them, bodies capable of withstanding their potential. Thus reaching the pinnacle of the Arts and defeating the monarchs in their ascent.

German_Fuentes · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 18: Birth of Katherine (I)

POV. Primordial Abraham

I had been on high alert since the day Angela announced her pregnancy, I couldn't afford to be distracted. The person who had cured her problem had said that they would try to kill our baby and it was something I couldn't ignore.

No one would believe the words of a stranger, but this stranger claimed that my wife had been healed and was pregnant fulfilling her words, therefore, I had to believe that her words about a possible murder had some truth.

The months had passed normally. There were days when Ángela suffered severe pain, but it was only momentary until the date finally arrived.

I was on my way to my wife Angela's room. In my hands was a tray with this morning's breakfast. She had let Ria take care of her while she brought her breakfast.

When I was about to reach the door of the room, a scream startled me, causing my concern to skyrocket immediately.

I burst into the room only to see the bed covered in blood and my wife gasping as she leaned on Ria's shoulder.

I was afraid that the murderers had entered in my absence, so I walked with hasty steps towards them.

"What happened? Why is my wife bleeding?" – I asked in a serious tone while looking at Ría, who had a worried face.

Before Ria could answer my question, Angela stepped forward and responded urgently.

"The baby is coming" – she responded, leaving my body frozen in shock.

Ria quickly took my hands and looked into my eyes.

"I'm going to look for the midwives, please take care of her until she comes back" – she said, quickly leaving the room.

'What the hell should I do?

I have never been present at a birth.

I didn't know how I should react; my shoulders were tense. My wife leaned on my right shoulder while she suffered from the pain that was coming on her.

"Be strong, the midwives will come soon" – I commented, feeling stupid for my words.

My wife couldn't help but show a wry smile on her face when she saw my pathetic performance.

"Haha hahaha seriously that was the first thing that came to your mind when you saw me in this situation" – she said making me feel very embarrassed.

"You should tell me to breathe or try to calm down" – she said, trying to sound calm.

'Don't blame me Angela, I've never been in this situation' – I thought to myself.

"Sorry my love, I have never been present in this type of situation" – I said trying to justify myself.

My wife seemed calmer as our comical conversation went on.

Minutes after Ría had left to look for the midwives, the doors to the room opened and a group of four women entered wearing long clothes and some sheets in their hands.

The four women were midwives by profession and came immediately when Ría requested their services.

The women walked towards us and bowed to both of us respectfully.

"My lord Baltasar, I must ask you to leave the room and leave everything in our hands" – said one of them as she pointed to the door of the room.

I felt reluctant to leave my wife alone. She was afraid that the murderer would appear while the birth was taking place.

I reaffirmed my thoughts and responded to them without waiting for them to agree.

"I'm not leaving this room until my wife and son are in my arms.

"We have been warned that someone might try to murder our son and might be waiting for this opportunity, so I assure you that I will not leave this place, I promise that I will not interrupt your work, so you should not worry." - I said with a serious tone.

The four women looked at each other and finally agreed to my request.

I kissed my wife on the forehead as I separated from her.

I got comfortable lying near the bedroom window while she made sure nothing interrupted the birth.

The midwives began to work. One of them prepared a cloth with hot water to clean my wife's face. The other midwife began chanting her Sorcery Arts for the purpose of keeping my wife's signs monitored, while the remaining two were waiting to receive the baby. One of them would take it and wrap it, while the other would close the wounds that would be generated.

The minutes began to pass and I felt more and more anxious, I could see that my wife's weakened condition was getting worse and worse.

"We must help her or the baby couldn't drown" – said one of them, attracting my attention.

"What do you mean by help? Explain yourself"—I demanded seriously, I needed him to confirm whether this help he was talking about would endanger my wife's life or not.

"We must make a small cut so that the baby can have more space to be born, or he could drown" – said the midwife who had spoken earlier.

I was reluctant to let my wife be hurt, but before she could respond, Angela beat me to it.

"Do it, do what you have to do so my baby can be born" – she said with a tired face.

She could see that he cared little about harming himself as long as the baby was born.

"Do it" – I said in a serious tone.

The midwives went to work once again. They proceeded to make the cut and the birth session continued for a few more minutes until finally a cry calmed me down.


I felt my tension ease immediately, I had been very tense seeing that time was moving forward and the baby was not yet born.

One of the midwives wrapped her in a sheet and turned to look at me with a smiling face.

"She's a girl" – said the midwife, leaving me petrified.

The midwife walked over to me and handed me the baby.

I immediately examined her entire body, her eyes and hair were blue, her skin was white as snow and she gave off incredible tenderness.

I felt that all the sacrifice my wife had endured had been worth it, this she was our daughter and she had been born to be the heir to the Old Ones.

"She's healthy, right?" – My wife asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I turned to see her face, tired of her, I could see that she was very weakened, but the smile on her face showed the happiness she felt at this moment.

"Yes, she is completely healthy" – I responded, showing a smile while tears of happiness came out of my eyes.

I walked towards her and handed her our baby hoping she would enjoy this moment.

When my wife took the baby, tears began to flow from her eyes, she knew how much she had fought for this day to come and today she had finally fulfilled her greatest wish.

"I promise that you will not suffer again, little one, I will make sure that no one hurts you again" – said my wife, leaving me stunned.

She didn't understand the meaning of her words, but she didn't really care.

I don't know when it happened, but when I visualized the state of the room, all the furniture was levitating in the air.

My eyes widened at this phenomenon, but I quickly reconsidered and put myself in a fighting state.

Furniture began to fly from one place to another violently.

I began scanning our surroundings for our enemies while chanting an Art to protect everyone inside the room.

"Art of Sorcery: Void Barrier"

All the furniture that hit the barrier was being swallowed until only the bed and the people inside the room were left.

"Calm down, Baltasar, there is no enemy" – said a voice, attracting my attention.

When I turned toward the source of the voice, I visualized my wife with a smile on her face, caressing our baby's cheeks.

"This phenomenon is an Art of Sorcery and the one who is generating it is our baby" – she said, making my mouth open in disbelief.

I focused on the origin of this Art just to confirm that my wife's words were true. My baby had cast a Sorcery Art after being born, this was an unprecedented event.

My baby had shaped her core right after she was born and not only that, but she was able to cast a Telekinesis chant. She was a prodigy and the Primordial family could finally rest in good hands. I was very happy despite my state of shock.

The bed fell to the floor and the phenomenon ended.

My happiness was short-lived, as an incredible pressure began to envelop our room.

This new phenomenon was not caused by my daughter, someone else was about to enter the room and it was someone very powerful.

I positioned myself in battle formation while the midwives stood next to the bed. The four of them were scared by all the events that were unfolding before their eyes.

My wife was also alarmed. She was hugging our baby tightly as if she were going to be snatched away at any moment.

The pressure was getting stronger and I started to worry.

This enemy had not yet reached the room and his power had already surpassed mine.

I didn't know who I would fight, but I was willing to give my life to protect my family.

The room was assaulted by an inexplicable darkness that enveloped it. Such was the darkness that I could not see my own body or that of others.

When the light filled the room again, I was startled by my wife's chilling voice.

"Who are you. Hand over my baby and maybe I will let you live" – she said releasing her murderous intent immediately.

When my eyes followed my wife's, I could see two men dressed in black who held my baby in their arms while inspecting every part of her small body.

The two people seemed to be unaware of my wife's warning, as they seemed to be immersed in her own conversation.

"Are you sure it was from this baby, where that incredible power came from" – said one of them.

"I'm sure, you know I'm never wrong" – answered the other.

My anger immediately overflowed and I jumped at them with the aim of snatching my baby away from them.

"Art of Sorcery: Chains of Submission" – I chanted my art hoping to subdue them on the spot.

One of the figures turned to see me and disappeared from the scene. The chains immediately emerged, but could not subdue any of them.

"Don't worry, we don't want to hurt you" – she said once close to my right ear.

I felt something cold touch my throat only to realize that it was a dagger that was being pressed into me.

I felt helpless, I was a great sorcerer and I was not able to last a single second in this battle.

I turned to see my wife who had our baby in her arms again, her eyes were wide open, I didn't know what her disbelief was due to, but at least I knew that our baby was not in danger.

"Why are you guys here?" – my wife asked in disbelief, making me feel more confused about who our attackers were.

"We have come to fulfill the promise we made to an old friend" – said the man who was in front of my wife.

The dagger that was pressing on my neck was withdrawn.

When I felt free, I approached my wife to see who these people were.

The man who had been pressing me with the dagger spoke in a charismatic voice.

"We are the twin brothers Hugin and Munin, but you can also refer to us as the twin crows" – said the man showing a smile.

My disbelief grew deeper and deeper. These two were the most powerful familiars in existence and any witch or warlock would pay whatever price was necessary to make them her familiar.

"As we said, we are here to fulfill a promise, we will be your daughter's relatives" – said the man, pointing to our baby.

I didn't know what could surprise me. My daughter formed her nucleus within minutes of being born. She had released her first song and now she was being chosen by the legendary twins Hugin and Munin.

'This is a joke, right?'

I wanted someone to tell me this was a dream, but seeing my wife's relieved face made me finally process the current situation.

"It seems like he has prepared everything for your birth…~~"

I thought I heard a small whisper from my wife as she caressed our daughter's face, but I quickly dismissed it as something in my imagination.