
Reincarnation of the Blood Emperor

“The gods took everything from me.Now I’ll take everything from them and screw all of them up, this I swear” Asdek is now on a life long mission to annihilate all the gods from existence as a form of revenge for his people who were slaughtered by the gods. He had committed suicide as a result of intense guilt and pain. “This isn’t how death should feel like”Asdek said to himself as he realized he wasn’t dead completely. He had been transported to a region between life and death he met s primordial (the first god).It just so happens that their ideology coincided. The being gave Asdek power,power that gives him a chance to fuck up the gods as he so desperately wants to.

Asdek08 · Livres et littérature
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20 Chs

Choosing three Divine Abilities.

Asdek had a look of astonishment as he looked at all these abilities. These abilities were just amazing. He begun to look at all ten of the abilities.

1.Space-time manipulation:An incredibly difficult concept to master,it grants the user with the ability to travel through wormholes they created themselves,create black holes depending on the amount of energy one has, make distortions in space itself and upon further mastery can travel through dimensions and also storing some body parts in a dimension without causing harm to the body of the user.

2.Absorption and transformation:This ability grants the user the tendency to absorb the abilities (not divine)from beings and can choose to absorb only energy or mana from living things and even enemy attacks when ability reaches a certain mastery rank working with the transformation divine ability allows the user to transform himself and any other thing to something else entirely with little restriction centered on the amount of mana the user has makes the user a terrifying foe.

3.Erasure:The ability grants its user the tendency to erase objects, beings and upon higher mastery rank, entire events from existence that they even get lost in time.

4.Celestial manipulation:This ability grants the user total control of the movement of celestial bodies such as meteors,asteroids ,planets and at peak mastery even stars.

5.Probability warping: This ability can grant its user the power to change the odds of events retroactively.Can even increase the odds of the losing side of a battle for them to win(fate related ability)

6.Aura manipulation:This terrifying ability grants its user the ability to control and manipulate the auras of others influencing their emotions and actions.

7.Dream and soul manipulation: This ability grants the user the the power to control and manipulate the souls of others as the dream helps the user enter into the dream of others control and manipulate the victim's dreams.

8.Divine intervention: This ability grants the user the privilege to call upon past gods, goddesses and even god beasts to do one's bidding for a certain period of time.

9.Causal loops: This divine ability grants the user the power to create closed timelike curves making victims relive the same event infinitely while the mana and energy used in each loop is not replenished.

10.Life impactation:This divine ability gives the user the power to impact life into dead or even non-living things to retrieve information from them or to perform a mission for them.This divine ability doesn't have any time duration only the mana and a slight life essence may be sapped from the user.

"....." As Asdek saw the abilities and skills he was being offered to choose three out of he couldn't help but stare blankly at Trojen

" Hell I want all of them!"Asdek suddenly shouted out almost startling Trojen.

"You can only take three of these skills."Trojen said in a sighing voice.

"These divine abilities are going to be etched onto your soul if we burden it too much it might break apart killing you. And trust me when I say it won't be a painless death".Trojen explained to get this unreasonable mortal in his right mind.

"Damn I can't seem to choose ,all these abilities are just too nice and alluring to leave some behind." Asdek said with a defeated sign.

"Let me start to weigh the pros and cons of all these abilities" Asdek said as he pulled himself out of his revery as he wore a contemplative expression on his face.

"So let's take space time manipulation"Asdek said as the ability book floated towards him.

"Space time manipulation huh? I can have dominance over space and time to some extent.I can slow down time or speeding it up travel through wormholes create spacial rifts and many heaven defying skills.But the law of space and time is one of the hardest laws of reality to understand and cultivate properly. But I'll still choose it.Thinking about it in the long run I can become a force to be reckoned with provided if I have proper mastery and understanding on space and time." Asdek said as he made a decision.

"Now the next Divine ability,Absorbtion and transformation, also one hell of an overpowered ability. I can transform into any species I have absorbed the DNA of, while using their abilities at hundred percent it's potency.Cool but I know the downside of this ability, The more powerful the form you take is, the faster your mana is drained." Asdek said with a knowing smile.

"This guy how can he know so much about divine abilities it's not like heaven defying abilities like that are common knowledge" Trojen said inwardly with a look of astonishment.

"Now the third….Erasure huh? Another broken ability very overpowered but this one also has a crazy limitation to it.The more powerful the thing or the person you wish is in relation to you, the more energy it consumes and sometimes even life essence is consumed I can't have that"Asdek said blatantly refusing to choose the ability.

Forth…. Celestial manipulation. Nice ability to be honest but before I can use this to it's full potential I would have to be in space.Or maybe I'll want to destroy the whole planet so I control the sun to produce solar solar flare to end human civilization for good. So this ability although it's obviously overpowered and broken it's a no go for me because it's not versatile as the rest." Asdek said as his figure exuded an air of cold calculativeness and wisdom.

Asdek was an emperor of the greatest bastion of humanity 'Vorne' and apart from being immensely powerful he had to have had some brains in his skull which he had been using for war strategies and to fights against political uprising. Strength does not always come from the muscles but also the brain. That's why every great king has a greater advisor. Asdek had no need for an advisor though . Although he was not being narcissistic he knew well that no one could best him in cunningness and brain power.

" Okay so onto the next divine ability. …..oh this doesn't get any less exciting" Asdek said in a bright tone as his eyes almost sparkled with excitement. He was cold and calculating and although he was one of the strongest if not the strongest during his time he took pride in his intelligence more than his strength.

After an unknown time had passed Asdek gave out a low sigh of gratification.

" I'm done now . And I've decided on the three divine abilities I want " He said

'Finally' Trojen said with a sigh as he adorned a tired look on his face. He had to look at Asdek as he took every minute detail weighing its pros and cons.

'Truly fit to be called 'The Blood Emperor' he's not only brutal on the battlefield but also in knowledge.' Trojen thought to himself.

"Good now single out your pick so that I can etch them onto your soul" Trojen said.

"Okay. My pick of the divine abilities shall be….."

please if any mistakes are spotted don’t hesitate to inform me. Help motivate an inexperienced writer with votes and gift.❤️❤️

Asdek08creators' thoughts