
Reincarnation Of Grand Heavenly Demon

In the mystical realm where magic and spiritual energy intertwine, the soul of the Grand Heavenly Demon, Baek Han Wool, finds itself reborn in the body of Rowan, the ill-fated third son of the Grand Duke Barron Woltar. Rowan, an illegitimate child despised by the Duke's first wife, Amelia, and her sons Carlo and Leon, faces a tragic end as he succumbs to suicide, leaving behind a perplexing mystery. As the essence of the Grand Heavenly Demon inhabits Rowan's vessel, a profound question echoes: was this an act of heaven's punishment or the machinations of someone orchestrating this peculiar soul incarnation? In the depths of his new existence, Grand Heavenly Demon reflects on the scorn he endured, vowing to unveil the truth behind Rowan's demise and the reason for this unexpected second chance at life. Amidst the echoes of disdain, the Heavenly Demon contemplates his mission, fueled by the desire to prove wrong those who labeled him a moron and a worthless child of the Grand Duke Barron Wolter. With determination burning in his ethereal essence, the Grand Heavenly Demon, now embodied in Rowan's form, sets out on a quest for answers, promising to unleash a retribution befitting his celestial nature upon those who dared to mock him. Authored by Kaiwenko, this tale unfolds with Karan Rathod weaving a narrative that blends the supernatural, the mysterious, and the relentless pursuit of redemption.

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Dharma celestial demonic body !

but how can you forget about me

I think young master has gone mad....!

young master i think you should take rest your condition is not good....!

'Cain' in 'mind'

Rowan has suffered a lot from childhood till today,

Rowan has spent 15 years without his mother. Whenever I see Rowan, I remember her blue eyes and silver hair.

Dunno what else the grand duchess is planning to do with rowan And I can't even tell that I am his maternal uncle because even the walls here have ears.

No matter what I do, I will not be able to get Rowan out of this mess.

young master please sit comfortably..

i want to heal your wounds..

Heavenly Demon in 'mind'

strange healing abilities and this strange world,

But I don't understand what I am doing with this body. Or what am I doing in this strange world.

Rowan' if you don't mind can you tell me about this world, who am I or Can you tell something more openly about mana, magic, you just now?

Cain' But I have to heal you completely,

Rowan' Rather than healing me, I need to know how I will be living my life in this world.

Cain, What on earth....

In mind...

What is he talking about so suddenly..?

Since childhood, I have been seeing young master, everyone has been thinking of him as a moron of Woltar family, and on top of that, he is the illegitimate child of the grand duke, because of this, Rowan has never been accepted as a family member.

Rowan never got mother's love and father's support.

Yes my lord...

my name is cain shalzaar and i am your personal night for some fixed time.

your name is rowan woltar you are the illegitimate child of the grand duke.

your father's name is baron woltar,where are you living There is pure leaf mansion in trebia empire of xerus continent means your house .

Rowan thinking, illgimate Child huh…

Cain' is this much information correct young master for today.




can i ask one last question…!

Cain' Yes yes young master whatever you want to ask feel free to ask…

Rowan' Who were these two chickens that just came into this room?

Cain' in mind, what happened to young master today..

Rowan' is my question too difficult for you...

Cain' no no young master forgive me my attention was somewhere else those who just came to your room they were both elder brothers means legimate childs..

Rowan' elder brothers huh…

Cain' Yes…! Elder Brothers max & Leon…!

The same thing was going on that there the grand duchess amelia comes inside the room…

Ok ok how are you feeling rowan now I heard that you are hurt you don't know because of this I am very sad I haven't even eaten food properly for 2 days because of your worry.

'she keeps on bragging.

Rowan In Mind'

This woman is very adept at manipulating her expression, from her speaking to the expression she is showing, it is all a lie.

Rowan was thinking all this that the grand duke also comes there.

When rowan looks at the grand duke, rowan sees that a strange dark red mix purple aura is moving around the grand duke.

The grand duke releases a lot of aura pressure as soon as he steps into Rowan's room, which seems to go straight to Amelia.

Cain , I greet The grand Duke


clenching fist of right arm and keeping that fist on chest.

Rowan as soon as he see that Cain is greeting the grand Duke he also greets grand Duke as same way as Cain.

Rowan , I greet the grand Duke.

Grand Duke, Relax…!

Grand Duke say's to rowan, your body hasn't heal fully don't move unless it's urgent & drop the all formality with me until your body heals completely.

Grand Duke' I want to know duchess what you are doing in Rowan's room at this time, will you try to tell me?

Amelia' grand duke what do you think you are doing…!


After all, what crime have I committed that you have just now tried to do such a shameful act with me?

I heard that Rowan was hurt, so I just come too inquire about Rowan's well being.

I guess you don't like it either.

Excuse me, I have some work left, so I am going, please allow me.

Duke, hmmm…


Grand Duchess bows head down with hand on chest.

Grand Duke say's to rowan, You are looking much better than before. I heard you were unconscious for 5 days.

Rowan, yes of course because of knight cain i am fine now.

Grand Duke say's to Rowan, don't pay too much attention to them.focus more on getting well now.

because after 1 month you have to go to minshu royal academy.

There you have to study about mana condense, magic swordsman, bloodline powers.

Rowan in mind, Again Mana & Magic huh…!

Sounds Pretty Good…

Rowan Say's to grand Duke "Yeah Sure"…! Father.

"grand duke name will be baron now from here"

Baron, rest well take care of your body.

Rowan, I will definitely take care of myself…! please take care of yourself…!

" He was saying all this with a very stone heart "

Baron, Cain make sure Rowan is safe…!

Cain, yes my lord...!

Saying all this, the grand duke leaves from there.

Cain, young master it's a very late night you take rest if you need anything call me i will help you by staying outside the door.

Rowan, ok.

Cain, rest well please young master…!

Cain leaves the room as soon as he says this.

Rowan in mind, This child also has the same energy that the grand duke has.Not much but this kid has some kind of unique energy.But what kind of energy is this, I do not understand anything, such energy can only be in a demonic body.

It seems that the coming days are going to be bad for everyone because of me.

"he was saying this with a smile"

young master and grand duke ah…!

i'm sure grand duke is the father of this child.

But the sympathy that one should have for his child, that sympathy was not much but it was clearly visible on the grand duke's face.

Heavenly demon remembers his past life that how his father took him away from him and made him just a murderous weapon by training him harshly. & How his father misused her love for his mission.

But in this world, the father of this child, that worrying face makes it clear that the man really cares for his child.It seems that father's love is alive right here.

In the top floor in pure leaf mansion...

Actions, He was looking at the moon with his face near the window.

Grand Duke say's to Cain, After all, what happened 5 days ago that rowan has become like this.

Cain, my apologies grand duke it seems young master anger caused his unique trait shunin blood to release him his suzerian form.

5 days ago, both the big young masters were troubling master rowan beyond limits, master max had pushed him beyond limits, that day he almost cut off young master's hand with sword aura.

As you know, if someone makes Young Master angry, the same anger triggers the Young Master's blood and his suzerian form comes out.

Grand Duke say's to Cain, Rowan's riun seal seems to be getting weaker day by day.

Cain, yes my lord.

Grand Duke say's to Cain, Now you are the her brother & only you two descendants left of that species.If anything happens to rowan, then the whole humanity can be destroyed. Innocent people living in this world do not know that the good and peaceful world they are living in till now is going to become worst and dangerous and the world will be destroyed anytime because of those shurinos.

Cain say's to baron, forgive me my lord for not taking care of the young master.

Baron say's to Cain, There is no fault of yours in this. That seal may weaken again in the days to come. We'll have to make that seal again. If anything happens to rowan, I won't be able to forgive myself. That boy is Charlotte's last sign with me.

Next morning'

Cain enters the room, removes the curtains from the windows, and fresh sunlight hits Rowan's face.

Rowan gets up and lowers one of his legs and puts the other leg on the other and puts it on the other leg.

Cain, good morning young master…

Rowan, yeah good morning sir Cain…

Sir Cain…!

Rowan, yeah sir Cain ! I felt so awkward just calling you by your name.

Cain, but you should not give me the title of sir.

Cain gazes intently into Rowan's eyes and feels something strange about him.

He starts saying in his mind that the young master who always used to fight with others and never respected anyone, today he is speaking very politely to me.

Cain say's to Rowan, I have not yet become an offcial night in young master, so you should not say my name by adding the title of Sir.

Rowan, Looks like you are getting me wrong, I called you with the title of sir because you are older than me and you are protecting me on the orders of grand duke.

Young master.....


cain suddenly starts crying very loudly.

Rowan ask's to Cain, Would you mind telling me why you're crying after all…?


Forgive me young master for doing such a shameful act in front of you. it's just tears of joy.

Saying this, Cain starts crying even more.

rowan grabs his head and in very serious mode says to cain, If you don't stop crying now, I will open the door of hell and throw you to the other side.

Rowan gives a very creepy smile as soon as he says this.

Rowan was saying all this that Cain really starts seeing the door of Hell behind Rowan, Cain started to feel that Rowan has come to take his soul to hell.

Cain starts trembling at the same place after the burst of cain, he starts thinking inside his mind, does the young master really have such power that if he can open the door of hell, will young master throw me in that hell? It is heard that the demons of Hell are very dangerous and very scary, they fry humans inside oil and eat them.

All this Cain was thinking that he faints & falls down on the floor, foam starts coming from his mouth.

Rowan Say's to Cain,

do you really want to see hell…!

As soon as cain hears this, he gets very nervous, he opens his eyes and stands up quickly.

sorry young master for showing you such a bad side.

Leave all this young master, I have arranged for your bath by asking the servents.

thank you cain.

You should take a quick bath because we have to go to the market too.


some special reason…?

Cain, The grand duke has given orders that whatever you need for the academy, buy those things from the market.after we have breakfast.

Cain, hmmm.

ok you wait for me here till i take bath.

rowan gets up and goes to the bath.

Rowan takes off his clothes and wears a towel and goes and turns on the shower tab.

Rowan sees that there are many marks of such wounds on the body of this child as if someone had beaten the child to the point of death.

And he also feels that this body is something special.

Rowan remembers all the techniques of the Demonic cult from his past life.

Rowan closes his eyes and says demonic shuntra eyes third gate open.

rowan's eyes turn red from Balck, And a star becomes in that eye.

The heavenly demon starts checking Rowan's body and he is shocked to see this.

And he starts saying in his mind that, This body is of a very special kind, which is possessed by only one person in millions.

In murim's world this body is named dharma celestial demonic body which can store Qi 100 times more than a high level cultivator.That Played a big role in winning all the battles.

I had such a body too.

But thinking in retrospect is of no use.

There is a special secret of the body of Dharma celestial. The dantian in this body has a celestial core inside it, which on charging the celestial demonic aura- Qi can take the life of any human being in just 1 second, even crossing the human limits. The speed of running away increases by 50 times and many such secrets are hidden inside this body.

I am surprised to think that this body i.e. the curse of doom is present in this world as well, this body was there in my previous life as well, is this the reason I have? my soul to come to this world and this body…?

I have not yet come to know that why I came in this body, what is the reason for the death of this child, I should have died by now, but I have been reincarnated in this strange world. That would be the answer, I'm guessing right now

Whatever may be the reason, I have got one more chance to live life, I will not let it go to waste, let's see what kind of world this is, if I want to spend my life in this world than everyone, then I have to learn the ways of this. I have spent my life in furthering the demonic cult, never thought about myself, but I will live freely in this life according to myself, that too in grand demonic style.

As I was writing in this chapter, I want to show my main character as powerful, but how he did not come to society, I have put grand duke in this chapter and knight cain is going to play a big role in the next chapters.

Kaiwenkoocreators' thoughts