
Reincarnation of a forgotten king

Follow the journey of the forsaken king of Britain Arthur pendragon (alter prototype) in a world completely foreign to him wil he finds his reason to live a fullfilling (I don't own anything related to the original story the only thing i own is my oc characters and story)

Lucius_arcadia · Anime et bandes dessinées
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22 Chs

17. In the quiet confines of the library

In pursuit of expanding his knowledge, Arthur found himself drawn to the extensive library housed within the Boreas mansion in Roa. The air within the library was steeped in the scent of old parchment and ink, creating an ambiance that whispered of untold stories and forgotten lore.

As he stepped through the towering doors, he was greeted by the sight of shelves that reached toward the ceiling, lined with countless tomes and scrolls. The library, a treasure trove of information, held the potential to unveil the mysteries of the vast world beyond the village.

Arthur's eyes scanned the titles, his curiosity piqued by the promise of exploration and discovery. He selected a few volumes that delved into the geography of the Asura Kingdom and its surrounding regions. The leather-bound books carried the weight of centuries, their pages holding the tales of lands untouched by his footsteps.

Seating himself at a polished wooden table, Arthur opened the first volume and began absorbing the intricacies of the world's layout. He traced the rivers that carved through sprawling landscapes, learned about mountain ranges that stood as ancient sentinels and familiarized himself with the names of distant cities and kingdoms.

The maps within the books unfolded like vivid canvases, painting a picture of a world rich in diversity and history. The Asura Kingdom, with its capital Ars, was but a small piece in the grand tapestry of continents and cultures that lay beyond the horizon.

As he delved deeper into the pages, Arthur's mind became a repository of knowledge. He envisioned the terrains described in the texts, each piece of information anchoring itself in his understanding of the world. The library became his sanctuary, a realm where the boundaries of the known expanded with every turn of a page.

Through the window, the moon cast its silvery glow, marking the passage of time as Arthur immersed himself in the study of geography. The interconnectedness of regions, the tales of far-off lands, and the diversity of cultures painted a vivid portrait that fueled his appetite for exploration.

Immersed in the vast volumes of the Boreas mansion library, Arthur delved into the rich history and geography of the Central Continent. His focus shifted to the expansive Central Continent, the largest of the five landmasses that composed the known world.

The annals of the Central Continent unfolded a tale of ancient conflicts and cataclysmic events. Arthur traced the continent's roots back to the Great Continent, a colossal landmass that included both the Central and Demon Continents. The Second Great Human-Demon War, marked by the Mana Calamity triggered by the dying Demon Dragon-King Laplace, severed these lands, leaving the Ringus Sea in between.

During the Laplace War, the formidable Demon God Laplace launched a campaign, plunging the Central Continent into turmoil. The once-thriving lands of the north and south fell under his control, with a relentless assault on the western regions threatening total domination. Heroes rose, sealing Laplace away and initiating a treaty with a neutral Demon King, paving the way for the present age.

As Arthur continued his scholarly pursuits, the allure of the Demon Continent beckoned. A land east of the Ringus Sea, it was home to the enigmatic Demon Race. No roads paved the way; only a single treacherous path traversed its harsh landscapes. D-rank or above monsters roamed freely, their adaptability to techniques making them formidable adversaries.

The demons, rulers of the Demon Continent, were said to have a taste that repelled even the bravest warriors. It was a place where D-rank or above monsters wandered freely, their high adaptability making them dangerous adversaries. The continent's harshness was such that warriors ventured there to train but rarely returned.

As Arthur absorbed this information, a vivid picture of the Demon Continent unfolded in his mind—a land ruled by Demon Lords, a place of constant challenge and danger. He pondered the tales of those who sought strength amidst the relentless onslaught of demonic forces. 

The Red Wyrm Mountains, an imposing chain that cleaved through the continent, caught Arthur's attention. The Laplace War had seen these mountains teeming with wyrm dragons, obstructing human passage. As he read, Arthur visualized the Crying Wyrm and the unique regions formed by the mountain ranges.

The Northern Territories, a cold expanse east of the Red Wyrm's Upper Jaw, unfolded with tales of heavy snowfall, poor soil, and skirmishes over resources. The Kingdom of Ranoa, Sharia, and the Sword Sanctum adorned the northern landscapes.

The western lands, nestled between the Red Wyrm's Upper Jaw and Lower Jaw, showcased prosperity with rivers and fertile plains. The Kingdom of Asura, with its royal capital Ars, stood as the wealthiest kingdom globally. Arthur explored the territories governed by the Greyrat House, each with its unique characteristics

Descending into the fertile south, Arthur encountered tales of Conflict Zones, where nations warred over territories. The complexities of Markien Mercenary Country, the Dragon King Realm, the Shirone Kingdom, and others painted a vivid picture of a region in perpetual flux.

Intrigued by the diverse monster populations, Arthur learned that the Central Continent harbored creatures generally less populous and weaker than other continents. The Red Dragon Mountain Range and King Dragon Mountain Range held formidable creatures, while the Demon Continent to the east remained a perilous land ruled by Demon lords.

As Arthur delved into the pages, absorbing the rich tapestry of the Central Continent's history and geography, he felt a sense of connection with the vast world beyond Roa. The library became his gateway to understanding the complexities of a realm beyond the familiar borders of his village.

Deep in the recesses of the Boreas mansion library, Arthur's scholarly pursuit continued. The Central Continent's intricacies unfolded before him like a tapestry woven with threads of history, geography, and the tales of civilizations.

Turning the pages, Arthur explored the Millis Continent, where the ratio of Human and Beast Races stood at a delicate balance. The people adhered to Milis religion, resembling Catholicism, and practiced strict monogamy in marriage. The Great Forest, harboring diverse races like the Beast Race, Hobbits, Dwarves, and Elves, painted a vibrant image of cultural diversity.

The southwest held the enigmatic Begaritt Continent, shrouded in danger with its labyrinthine landscapes and a high concentration of mana. Monsters equaled those of the Demon Continent, making it the second most perilous region in the world. Towns and safe areas dotted the land, and Arthur's imagination wandered through the dangerous yet alluring terrains.

The north was connected to the Central Continent by an imposing 3000-meter cliff, the Divine Continent housed the Heaven Race. Arthur envisioned this elevated realm, isolated from the rest of the world, and pondered the mysteries that might unfold on its lofty precipices.

As he immersed himself in the knowledge of these distant lands, Arthur felt a growing curiosity about the interactions between the continents. The history of the Second Great Human-Demon War and the consequences of the Mana Calamity echoed in his mind, forming a web of connections between past and present.

His understanding of geography deepened, and he envisioned the landscapes, cities, and cultures that thrived beyond Roa. The library became a portal to realms far beyond his village, offering a glimpse into a world teeming with diversity, challenges, and untold stories.

With each passing moment, Arthur's desire to explore the Central Continent and its neighboring lands intensified. History and geography became not just chapters in a book but windows into an expansive world waiting to be discovered.

As Arthur closed the tome, his mind buzzed with newfound knowledge. The Central Continent, with its varied landscapes and rich history, fueled his imagination. The desire to venture beyond the confines of Roa, to witness the Red Wyrm Mountains, the Conflict Zones of the south, and the mystical Divine Continent, grew stronger within him.

Arthur is immersed in the labyrinth of books and scrolls, oblivious to the passage of time. The soft rustle of pages turned into a symphony of knowledge, and the gentle glow of candlelight painted the library in warm hues.

Amid his scholarly trance, Hilda's voice gently cut through the quietude. "Arthur, what keeps you in the library at this late hour?" Her tone, a blend of curiosity and concern, brought him back to the awareness of the night.

Caught off guard, Arthur blinked at the realization that the library's ambient light now emanated from the moonlit sky outside. " Aunt Hilda," he began, his mind shifting gears, "I lost track of time, engrossed in the history and geography of the Central Continent."

Hilda's gaze softened, recognizing the spark of intellectual curiosity in Arthur's eyes. "You're passionate about learning, aren't you?" she remarked, her voice carrying a note of appreciation.

Nodding, Arthur continued, "There's so much to understand, to explore beyond our village. The Central Continent is a tapestry of cultures, landscapes, and histories waiting to be unraveled."

Hilda, intrigued, took a step closer. "And what about Eris? How is she faring in her training?" Her maternal concern, tinged with genuine interest, painted the scene with a touch of familial warmth.

Arthur's expression brightened as he spoke about Eris's progress. "She's making strides, not just in swordsmanship but in understanding the importance of intellect in battle. There's a change in her, a newfound appreciation for the balance between strength and strategy."

Hilda's eyes reflected a mix of pride and relief. "I'm glad to hear that. Eris can be headstrong, but she's a Greyrat. It's in her blood to excel." Her words held a subtle acknowledgment of the family's legacy.

As they conversed in the moonlit library, the air filled with the scent of old parchment and the shared understanding of a family united by both blood and aspiration. In this nocturnal haven of knowledge, Arthur and Hilda found a connection beyond the immediate concerns of the village, weaving the threads of past and future into the tapestry of the Greyrat legacy.

As Hilda stood in the moonlit library, her gaze fixed on the ancient tomes lining the shelves, a somber expression painted across her face. The flickering candlelight cast shadows, accentuating the gravity of the memories that haunted her.

"I can't help but see the irony, Arthur," Hilda began her voice a delicate whisper against the hallowed silence of the library. "You, Paul's son, a member of the family that was once part of Notos Greyrat, the family that took away my two sons."

Arthur, sensing the weight of her words, met her gaze with a mix of understanding and empathy. "I know the history between our families is complicated, Hilda. The choices made by those before us left scars that linger."

Hilda sighed a melancholic breath that seemed to carry the weight of years gone by. "When I look at you, I see not just Paul's son, but a new generation, a chance for something different. It's a strange dance, reconciling the past with the present."

Arthur nodded, acknowledging the complexity of their intertwined histories. "I can't change the past, but I'm here now, trying to forge a path different from what came before. Eris, Ruby, Norn, Aisha—they're the future we're shaping."

A moment of reflection passed between them, the echoes of lost time resonating in the hallowed space of knowledge. Hilda's eyes, filled with both sorrow and hope, locked onto Arthur's. "You're not responsible for the actions of your ancestors. What matters is what we choose to create in the present and future."

In the quietude of the library, their shared contemplation forged a connection, transcending the scars of history. The moonlight witnessed a moment where the burden of the past met the promise of the future, and in that convergence, a subtle understanding between Hilda and Arthur took root.

As the night unfolded, the library's wisdom became a witness to the ongoing saga of the Greyrat family, a tale woven with threads of redemption, forgiveness, and the enduring spirit to shape destinies anew.

In the ensuing nights, Arthur continued his exploration of the vast library, delving into the chronicles of the Central Continent. The pages of history unfolded before him, revealing the intricacies of the Second Great Human-Demon War, the tumultuous Laplace War, and the present age shaped by the aftermath of conflicts and shifting alliances.

As Arthur pored over maps and ancient texts, absorbing the geography and geopolitics of the vast continent, he found himself drawn to the narratives of different regions.

Amidst these revelations, Arthur's mind swirled with questions about his own family's history, the intricate relationships between the Greyrat and Notos households, and the repercussions of decisions made long before his time.

As he delved deeper, Hilda's earlier words lingered in his thoughts. The library became a sanctuary of introspection, where the echoes of the past resonated with the aspirations of the present.

One evening, Hilda found Arthur once again immersed in his studies. The soft glow of lamplight illuminated his focused expression as he traced the lines of maps and absorbed the tales of nations and heroes. She approached him with a gentle smile, recognizing the earnestness in his pursuit of knowledge.

"What keeps you so engrossed in these pages, Arthur?" Hilda inquired, her voice a gentle cadence in the tranquil ambiance of the library.

"I seek to understand the world we inhabit, its history, its conflicts," Arthur replied, his eyes not leaving the ancient texts before him. "Knowledge is a tool, a guide, and I believe that understanding the past is key to navigating the present and shaping the future."

Hilda nodded in appreciation, her gaze reflecting a mixture of pride and curiosity. "It's a commendable pursuit. The world is vast, and each piece of information you uncover brings you closer to unraveling its mysteries."

As the night unfolded, the library's shelves stood witness to the continuous exchange of wisdom and curiosity between Hilda and Arthur. The threads of their conversations wove through the tapestry of history, connecting the Greyrat family to the broader narrative of the Central Continent.

In the course of their late-night conversations amid the ancient tomes and dusty scrolls, a subtle transformation occurred within Hilda. The admiration for Arthur's commitment to knowledge and his gentle demeanor sparked a realization—a recognition that went beyond familial connections.

One evening, as the air in the library hung heavy with the fragrance of old parchment, Hilda hesitated before broaching a topic close to her heart. Arthur engrossed in deciphering a particularly cryptic passage, looked up as he sensed Hilda's thoughtful presence.

"Arthur," Hilda began, her voice carrying a warmth that transcended familial boundaries, "I've come to see you not just as Paul's son but as an individual with qualities I value. Your dedication to learning and your kind nature have left a profound impression on me."

Arthur, slightly taken aback by the unexpected sentiment, met Hilda's gaze with a mixture of curiosity and gratitude. "I appreciate your kind words, Aunt Hilda. It means a lot coming from you."

With a gentle smile, Hilda continued, "In these quiet moments, I've pondered the future, not just for our family but for individuals who play a significant role within it. And, Arthur, I find myself considering you as more than just a potential member of our household."

Arthur, his brows furrowing slightly in surprise, listened intently as Hilda delicately voiced her thoughts. "Eris, as you may know, can be headstrong and spirited. Yet, beneath that fiery exterior lies a young woman with untapped potential. I can see the positive influence you've had on her, guiding her not just in martial skills but also in matters of the heart and mind."

Pausing for a moment, Hilda took a deep breath before articulating what had been on her mind. "Arthur, would you consider the possibility of becoming more than just a mentor to Eris? Could you see yourself as a potential partner—a guiding force in her life?"

The question hung in the air, laden with unspoken implications. Arthur, absorbing the gravity of Hilda's words, contemplated the intricate tapestry of relationships within the Greyrat family. The library, witness to countless stories, seemed to hold its breath as the future of two young souls rested on the precipice of possibility.

Arthur, thoughtful and genuine, considered Hilda's proposition with a measured response. " Aunt Hilda, I appreciate your trust in me, and I value Eris as a friend and a student. However, the decision to embark on a lifelong journey together involves both individuals."

Hilda, her gaze steady, inquired, "If Eris were to express a desire for such a future, what would be your response?"

Arthur, leaning back against the ancient wooden table, pondered the question. The weight of potential outcomes pressed upon him as he carefully chose his words. "It's a significant step, and I believe it hinges on what Eris envisions for herself. If she were to express a genuine desire for a deeper connection, I would, of course, consider it seriously."

Hilda, perceptive and understanding, pressed further. "And if she were to desire a lifelong bond with you, what would your stance be?"

A flicker of uncertainty passed through Arthur's eyes. He admitted, "Truthfully, Aunt Hilda, the prospect of a lifelong commitment is a weighty matter. While I cherish my friendship with Eris and the bond we've formed, the idea of a lifelong partnership is something I'm uncertain about. It's a complex decision that involves not just willingness but understanding and compatibility."

He continued, his expression a mix of sincerity and contemplation, "I value Eris as a friend, and I would be willing to explore the possibility if it aligns with her wishes. However, I would approach it with caution and ensure that both of us are ready for such a commitment. After all, the foundation of a lifelong bond rests on mutual understanding, respect, and shared aspirations."

Hilda nodded thoughtfully, acknowledging the honesty in Arthur's words. The library, an intimate witness to the unfolding conversations, And so, within the quiet confines of the library, amidst ancient knowledge and the scent of aged parchment, the future hung in a delicate balance—a tapestry of relationships awaiting the brushstrokes of time and choice.