
Reincarnation of a forgotten king

Follow the journey of the forsaken king of Britain Arthur pendragon (alter prototype) in a world completely foreign to him wil he finds his reason to live a fullfilling (I don't own anything related to the original story the only thing i own is my oc characters and story)

Lucius_arcadia · Anime et bandes dessinées
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22 Chs

16. The departure and beginning of a transformation

The training grounds echoed with the clash of blades and the intensity of the ongoing sparring sessions. Arthur, with a focused demeanor, was training Eris, guiding her through intricate sword techniques and reinforcing the importance of strategy in every move.

Amidst the training, an unexpected interruption occurred. Sauros, Eris's grandfather and the landlord of the Fittoa Region approached the training grounds with an air of authority. His stern expression and booming voice signaled the impending disturbance.

"Arthur Greyrat!" Sauros bellowed, his gaze piercing through the training area. "I need you in my office immediately!"

Arthur, momentarily halting the training session, raised an eyebrow but complied. Sauros led him to his office, a place that held an atmosphere of formality and latent tension. As they entered, Sauros motioned for Arthur to take a seat, his countenance exuding an air of authority.

"Arthur," Sauros began, "I've been observing you closely. Eris is my granddaughter, and I won't allow just anyone to be involved with her. I need to know if you're suitable."

Arthur, his gentlemanly demeanor intact, responded with a measured tone, "Mr. Greyrat, I appreciate your concern for Eris. I assure you, my intentions are purely focused on her improvement as a swordswoman. I am here to train and guide her."

However, Sauros's skepticism remained evident as he scrutinized Arthur. "Words can be deceiving, young man. I need to see if you possess the strength and character worthy of Eris."

Without warning, Sauros lunged forward, attempting to test Arthur's mettle. However, Arthur, fueled by a surge of irritation at Sauros's condescending attitude, swiftly sidestepped the attack. In a display of refined strength, Arthur executed a throw, sending Sauros crashing through the window of his own office.

The room fell into stunned silence, broken only by the shattered glass and Sauros's grumbling as he picked himself up from the floor. Arthur, unfazed, maintained a dignified composure.

"I trust that clears up any doubts you may have, Mr. Greyrat," Arthur remarked, his voice carrying an air of restrained authority. "If there's nothing else, I'll return to training with Eris."

Sauros, nursing his wounded pride, reluctantly acknowledged Arthur's strength. It was a test—one that Arthur had passed with flying colors, albeit in a manner quite unexpected.

Philip, having witnessed the unexpected spectacle of Sauros being thrown out of his own office, approached him with a wry smile. The atmosphere crackled with tension as the two men faced each other.

Sauros, brushing off bits of glass from his clothes, shot a stern look at Philip. "Well, Philip, your candidate certainly knows how to make an impression. I've never been thrown through my window before."

Philip chuckled, acknowledging the unusual turn of events. "I told you, Sauros, Arthur is perfect for Eris. But I suppose actions speak louder than words. Did he prove himself worthy?"

Sauros, begrudgingly admitting the truth, grumbled, "I suppose he has some skill. Still, I won't hand over Eris to him without a thorough understanding of his character."

Philip, with a playful grin, retorted, "You should have asked me in the first place. I've known Arthur for quite some time. He's not just skilled; he's got the heart of a lion. Perfect for a spirited girl like Eris."

Sauros, though still nursing his wounded pride, nodded in reluctant agreement. "Fine, Philip. You seem convinced. But I won't tolerate any nonsense. Eris is my granddaughter, and I won't have her heartbroken."

Philip, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, replied, "Rest assured, my friend. Arthur is more than up to the task. Now, let's hope Eris sees the potential we see in him."

The two men shared a knowing look, a silent understanding passing between them. The path to Eris and Arthur's connection was paved with unexpected challenges, but perhaps, in overcoming these challenges, a bond would form that transcended the ordinary.

Arthur returned to the training ground with a composed demeanor, brushing off any signs of the recent encounter with Sauros. Eris, noticing his return, couldn't help but be intrigued.

"What happened, Arthur?" she inquired, her curiosity evident in her expression.

With a faint smile, Arthur replied, "Just a difference of opinion with your grandfather. Nothing to worry about."

Eris raised an eyebrow, sensing there might be more to the story. "Difference of opinion? Did he insult you or something?"

Arthur chuckled, appreciating her concern. "No insults, just a clash of perspectives. Your grandfather is a man of tradition, and I… well, let's just say I have my way of doing things."

Eris, still not satisfied with the vague response, persisted, "So, what did you do?"

Arthur hesitated for a moment, debating how much to reveal. "Let's just say, we engaged in a gentlemanly discussion about my suitability for your hand in marriage. Things got a bit physical, but it's nothing to fret over."

Eris's eyes widened in disbelief. "Physical? You mean you fought my grandfather?"

Arthur nodded, his expression serious yet calm. "In a manner of speaking. It was more of a test, I believe. A test to see if I'm worthy of being with you."

Eris, torn between shock and amusement, couldn't help but laugh. "Well, that's one way to prove yourself, I suppose. Grandfather is a bit… unconventional in his methods."

As they resumed their training, the incident with Sauros lingered in the air, adding an unexpected layer to the dynamics between Arthur and Eris. The path to understanding each other's worlds was proving to be filled with surprises, and it was a journey they were navigating together.

As the training session continued, Arthur couldn't shake off the lingering thoughts about the unconventional encounter with Sauros. Eventually, he found a moment to address a more delicate matter with Eris.

"Eris," Arthur began, choosing his words carefully, "about what happened with your grandfather and the talk of marriage. Are you comfortable with the idea?"

Eris paused, her expression shifting between surprise and contemplation. The topic had always been a sensitive one for her, given the nature of her family's traditions. She took a moment to collect her thoughts before responding.

"Arthur, you're different from what I expected," she admitted, her eyes studying him. "I thought you'd be like every other noble, obsessed with status and tradition. But you're not, and that's… intriguing."

Arthur nodded, appreciating her honesty. "I believe in forging my own path and defying expectations. But I want to ensure that you're not pressured into anything. This decision should be yours as much as it is mine."

Eris smirked, a hint of amusement playing on her lips. "You're surprisingly considerate for a swordsman. But don't worry, Arthur, I can handle my own decisions. If anything, you've made things more interesting around here."

The exchange carried a mixture of tension and camaraderie, a subtle dance between two individuals from different worlds finding common ground. As they resumed their training, the unspoken understanding lingered, marking a shift in the dynamics between Arthur and Eris.


In the vibrant city of Roa, the day of departure had arrived for Paul and Ruby. The atmosphere buzzed with a palpable blend of excitement and anticipation. Paul, the diligent father, meticulously prepared for the journey, ensuring that every detail, from supplies to farewells, was addressed with utmost care.

As the bags were securely packed and the travelers stood at the city's gates, ready to set forth on the journey back home, a reassuring hand rested on Arthur's shoulder. Paul exchanged parting words with a sincerity that bespoke the strong familial bond they shared. "Take care, Arthur. We'll be eagerly awaiting your return," he said.

Ruby, bursting with eagerness, added her spirited farewell. "Train hard, big brother! I'll bring back some fascinating stories for you!"

The city of Roa continued its lively activities around him as Arthur watched his family vanish into the distance. However, his thoughts lingered on the previous night when he had sought a private conversation with his father, expressing his desire to stay and continue training Eris.

In the quiet corner of Roa, Arthur had conveyed the reasons for wanting to stay. "Dad, I see an opportunity here to not only enhance Eris's skills but also to broaden her perspective on nobility and the world beyond. I believe I can make a difference."

Paul listened attentively, understanding the gravity of Arthur's commitment. "If you believe this is the path you should take, then I trust your judgment, Arthur. Just keep us informed of your progress."

With a determined nod, Arthur had turned back towards the heart of Roa. The decision to stay wasn't made lightly, but he saw it as an opportunity for growth, not just for himself but for Eris and their understanding of each other.

The training sessions intensified, blending swordsmanship, magic, and strategic thinking. Arthur pushed Eris beyond her limits, encouraging her to embrace not only the physical aspects of combat but also the mental agility required for battles.

Weeks passed, and the bond between Arthur and Eris grew stronger. Eris found herself fascinated by the strategic intricacies Arthur introduced, realizing that there was more to battle than sheer strength. Arthur, in turn, admired Eris's determination to break free from the constraints of her family's expectations.

As the duo honed their skills, word of their unconventional training spread. Villagers whispered about the swordsman who defied tradition and the fiery noble who embraced change. The once-skeptical community began to witness the tangible results of Arthur's unique approach.

Amidst the training and growing camaraderie, Arthur and Eris found themselves facing not only external challenges but also internal conflicts. Each battle, be it with swords or words, brought them closer to understanding the complexities of their own lives and the world around them.

At the heart of their intense training sessions, Arthur keenly observed Eris's evolving skill with a discerning eye. Her movements, now more fluid and purposeful, reflected a profound understanding of the sword. Recognizing her remarkable progress, Arthur decided it was time to present her with a gift that transcended mere physical objects.

With a grave yet encouraging expression, Arthur chose to bestow upon Eris a unique sword technique, meticulously crafted to align seamlessly with her developing style. This ancient and legendary technique bore the name "Ardent Lycanfury," invoking the essence of mythical creatures. "Eris, this goes beyond a mere technique; it's a manifestation of your newfound strength. I've devised the Ardent Lycanfury exclusively for you," he explained.

The technique embodied the fusion of a lion's grace and the ferocity of a wolf. Each strike resonated with the confidence and precision of a lion's approach, while the underlying power mirrored the untamed intensity of a wolf. It represented a harmonious blend of elegance and strength, a reflection of Eris's burgeoning combat prowess.

Eris listened attentively as Arthur elucidated the nuances of the Ardent Lycanfury, absorbing the essence of this legendary and archaic martial art. Filled with newfound determination, she practiced the technique under Arthur's watchful eye, each motion a step closer to mastering this distinctive facet of her martial journey.

With the sun casting long shadows across the training grounds, the duo resumed their sparring, the Ardent Lycanfury seamlessly integrating into Eris's movements. The clash of blades and the hum of magic resonated, creating a harmonious symphony of growth and camaraderie. As the day transitioned into dusk, Eris embraced her new technique, each strike a testament to the unique bond forged between mentor and student.

As the days unfolded, Eris delved deeper into mastering the Ardent Lycanfury, honing her skills with unwavering determination. The sword technique became an integral part of her combat repertoire, a testament to her progress under Arthur's guidance.

Their training sessions evolved into a dance of blades, where Eris seamlessly incorporated the Ardent Lycanfury into her swordplay. Arthur observed with a discerning eye, offering guidance and encouragement when needed. The bond between mentor and student strengthened with each passing day, transcending the conventional teacher-student dynamic.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple, Arthur called for a brief respite. Sitting under the shade of an ancient oak tree, they reflected on the journey they had embarked upon together.

"Eris, the Ardent Lycanfury isn't just a technique—it's an extension of your spirit and determination. I've seen tremendous growth in you, not just as a swordsman but as an individual," Arthur remarked, his eyes reflecting pride in his pupil.

Eris, while catching her breath, responded with a mix of gratitude and newfound self-awareness. "Arthur, I never thought I'd find joy in spending time learning something like maths or Politics all I ever loved was just holding a sword and Swinging it. Thank you for believing in me and pushing me to be better."

Their camaraderie extended beyond the training grounds, with shared laughter and moments of understanding. Arthur, in turn, discovered a kinship with Eris that transcended the boundaries of teacher and student. The little girl, once wary of the Greyrat family, starts to have a transformation—a metamorphosis fueled by unity, growth, and the bonds forged in the crucible of training.

As the moon ascended to its nocturnal throne, Arthur and Eris resumed their training, the glow of magic-infused blades illuminating the night. The Ardent Lycanfury, now a symbol of Eris's prowess, carved through the darkness with grace and potency.