
Reincarnation of a forgotten king

Follow the journey of the forsaken king of Britain Arthur pendragon (alter prototype) in a world completely foreign to him wil he finds his reason to live a fullfilling (I don't own anything related to the original story the only thing i own is my oc characters and story)

Lucius_arcadia · Anime et bandes dessinées
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22 Chs

13: Blades of Destiny Unsheathed

In the heart of the dense forest, Arthur, accompanied by Artoria, felt the resonance of power emanating from his noble phantasms. With a resolute spirit, he unsheathed Excalibur of the Cursed. The cursed blade, with its black and purple hue, seemed to drink in the surrounding light, casting an eerie glow in the shaded woods. Arthur's grip tightened around the hilt as he swung the blade through the air, testing its destructive might.

"This cursed blade," Arthur murmured, "its power is undeniable, but it carries a weight unlike any other."

Artoria, standing beside him, observed the sinister aura emanating from the cursed weapon. Her expression, usually stoic, betrayed a hint of discomfort. She spoke cautiously, "The essence of this blade... it's as if the shadows themselves are drawn to its malevolence."

Arthur nodded, acknowledging the inherent darkness within the cursed Excalibur. "It's a double-edged sword, both in its physical form and the burden it places upon the wielder. Yet, its potency is unmatched."

As Arthur contemplated the cursed blade's nature, he decided to explore the potential of the unused noble phantasm cards he possessed. With a flourish, he activated the cards, and the air shimmered with magical energy. Two legendary weapons materialized before them, each bearing its storied history.

The first to manifest was Excalibur Proto: Sword of Promised Victory. Its golden radiance bathed the forest in a divine glow. Arthur marveled at the intricate seals that bound this holy sword.

Artoria, still uncomfortable with the cursed Excalibur, turned her attention to the newly summoned blade. "This sword," she remarked, " feels similar yet different and carries the essence of kingship and the promise of victory. A beacon of hope in times of dire need."

Arthur agreed, "Indeed, Artoria. It symbolizes the duty of a ruler to protect and lead, a duty we both bear in our ways."

The second noble phantasm, however, took Arthur by surprise. A Japanese katana emerged, bearing the name Tsumukari Muramasa. Crafted by Senji Muramasa, this sword embodied Muramasa's ideal – a blade capable of purging resentment, severing bonds, and defying fate itself.

As Arthur examined the intricate design of Tsumukari Muramasa, he couldn't help but feel the weight of its potential consequences. "This blade," he pondered, "is a paradox. A tool of liberation that demands the ultimate sacrifice from its wielder."

Artoria, though not as uneasy as with the cursed blade, remained vigilant. "The power it holds is formidable, but the cost is steep. Proceed with caution, Arthur."

With these legendary blades in hand, Arthur contemplated the responsibilities that came with wielding such profound power. Each noble phantasm held a unique history and purpose, adding a layer of complexity to his journey.

In the fading echoes of sword strikes, Arthur, surrounded by the mystique of his noble phantasms, pondered the path ahead. The blades of destiny were unsheathed, and their tales intertwined with his own. The forest bore witness to a convergence of legends, a testament to the extraordinary journey that lay before Arthur and his companions.

The clash of steel echoed through the forest as Arthur faced Artoria in a sparring match of unparalleled intensity. Arthur wielded the dual blades, the cursed Excalibur in one hand and Tsumukari Muramasa in the other. Artoria, resolute and determined, gripped her Excalibur with unwavering resolve.

Arthur grinned, the thrill of the duel coursing through him. "Let's see if the legends hold, Artoria!"

Artoria's eyes gleamed with a competitive spirit. "Show me the strength of the one who bears the titles of forgotten king and wrathful blade!"

With a burst of speed, Arthur lunged forward, his dual blades a whirlwind of black and golden arcs. Artoria met each strike with precision, her Excalibur dancing in response. The blades clashed, sending sparks into the air, as the two warriors moved in a dance of combat.

"You've honed your skills well, Arthur," Artoria remarked, her voice carrying the weight of experience.

Arthur, parrying Artoria's strikes, replied with a smirk. "Centuries of practice tend to have that effect."

Their movements were a symphony of clashes and dodges, each anticipating the other's next move. Arthur's immortality allowed him to take calculated risks, pushing his limits without fear of lasting consequences. Artoria, on the other hand, relied on Avalon, the sheath of Excalibur, to mend any wounds.

As the battle intensified, Arthur decided to test the limits of his newly summoned noble phantasms. He shifted seamlessly between Excalibur of the Cursed and Tsumukari Muramasa, each blade leaving a distinct trail of power.

Artoria, adapting to the changing dynamics, praised his versatility. "Impressive, Arthur. Your mastery of these legendary weapons is commendable."

The forest bore witness to the clash of kings, a spectacle of power and skill. Arthur's dual blades sliced through the air with menacing grace, while Artoria's Excalibur radiated the divine aura of a true ruler.

In a moment of lull, Arthur spoke, "Artoria, your Excalibur is a beacon of hope. Mine, a shadow of curses. Yet, in this dance, both find purpose."

Artoria nodded, acknowledging the duality of their blades. "Indeed, the light and the shadow, coexist in the hands of those who bear the weight of destiny."

With renewed determination, they resumed their sparring, the forest alive with the clash of their noble phantasms. Each strike resonated with the echoes of legends, the embodiment of a past that refused to be forgotten.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows through the trees, Arthur and Artoria continued their dance of blades. The sparring match was not just a test of strength but a celebration of their shared legacy, a bond forged in the crucible of destiny.

The forest stood witness to a momentous clash as Arthur and Artoria, both legendary figures with blades forged in the crucible of fate, prepared to unleash the ultimate power of their noble phantasms.

With a resonant shout, Arthur raised the cursed Excalibur high, the black-purple blade gleaming ominously. The air around him crackled with otherworldly energy as he channeled the destructive force within the blade.

"Excalibur of the Cursed: Apocalypse!" Arthur declared, his voice echoing through the trees.

A dark energy surge enveloped his dual blades, expanding outward like a vicious storm. The ground beneath trembled as the cursed power threatened to consume everything in its path. Shadows danced wildly, amplifying the ominous aura that emanated from Arthur's unleashed Excalibur.

On the other side, Artoria responded with a determined gaze. She held Excalibur high, its radiant glow dispelling the encroaching darkness. The legendary sword, a beacon of light, seemed to absorb the very essence of sunlight, gathering its divine might for the impending clash.

"EXCALIBUR!" Artoria's voice resonated with a regal authority as she unleashed the pinnacle of her noble phantasm.

A blinding wave of golden light erupted from Excalibur, cutting through the encroaching shadows like a radiant dawn dispelling the night. The clash between Excalibur and Excalibur of the Cursed created a spectacle of contrasting energies—one of divine brilliance, the other of ominous darkness.

The shockwave from the clash sent ripples through the forest, the very fabric of reality quivering under the impact. The trees swayed as if caught in a tempest, leaves spiraling in chaotic patterns. Birds took flight, disturbed by the otherworldly resonance of the two opposing forces.

As the clash subsided, a tense silence settled over the clearing. Arthur and Artoria stood facing each other, their blades drawn and energies spent. The aftermath of their ultimate moves lingered in the air, a testament to the raw power that resided within the legendary swords.

Arthur, panting but exhilarated, couldn't help but admire the sheer force of Artoria's Excalibur. "Your noble phantasm is truly a force to be reckoned with, Artoria."

Artoria, her sword still emitting a gentle radiance, nodded in acknowledgment. "And yours, Arthur, carries the weight of a curse but wields power nonetheless."

The clash had not only tested the limits of their noble phantasms but had forged a deeper understanding between the two warriors. They shared a legacy, a connection that transcended time and fate.

As they lowered their blades, the forest embraced the returning calm. The sun, now fully set, cast a soft glow on the clearing. Arthur and Artoria, though adversaries in this spirited duel, stood united in the grand tapestry of their intertwined destinies.

The radiant aftermath of Arthur and Artoria's intense clash left the night sky illuminated in a dazzling display of colors. The villagers, initially hidden in the shadows, peered out from behind curtains and doors, their faces reflecting a mixture of awe and trepidation.

As the vibrant hues painted the heavens, whispers of amazement and concern rippled through the onlookers. Murmurs of an otherworldly event spread like wildfire, and the village square soon became a gathering ground for those seeking answers.

One elderly villager, his eyes widened with a mix of fear and wonder, pointed a trembling finger at the fading brilliance. "By the gods, what sorcery is this? Have we drawn the attention of celestial beings?"

A young mother clutched her child close, shielding the little one from what she perceived as an otherworldly threat. "Is this the wrath of the spirits? Have we angered them?"

The village blacksmith, known for his pragmatic views, scratched his head in disbelief. "I've seen my fair share of strange occurrences, but this... this surpasses them all. Are we under some kind of magical siege?"

As the speculation mounted, fear began to take root. Villagers exchanged nervous glances, uncertain of the nature of the celestial spectacle they had witnessed. Some hastily retreated into their homes, invoking protective prayers and charms against the perceived threat.

Amidst the commotion Arthur and Artoria came back home, their faces betraying a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction from their intense clash. Zenith's eyes widened in a combination of relief and concern.

"What in the name of the heavens was that commotion?" Paul bellowed his tone a blend of paternal concern and frustration.

The Two exchanged glances, fully aware of the chaos they had inadvertently unleashed upon their quiet village. Artoria, despite her stoic demeanor, seemed uneasy with the repercussions of their actions.

"It seems the villagers mistook our duel for something more sinister," Arthur explained, casting a sheepish look at his family.

Zenith's expression shifted from concern to a stern maternal scolding. "You two need to be more mindful of the consequences of your actions. The villagers are frightened, and rumors of a demon lord attack are spreading."

Paul, though clearly relieved that it wasn't an actual threat, couldn't entirely suppress his exasperation. "We've worked hard to build trust in this village. We can't afford to have it undermined by such reckless behavior."

Artoria, realizing the impact of their actions, spoke with a hint of regret. "I apologize for any distress we've caused. It was not our intention to incite fear."

A commotion outside indicated the villagers' unsettled state. Whispers of a supposed demon lord attack echoed through the air. Zenith, her concern deepening, gestured for the siblings to follow her.

"We need to address this immediately and assure the villagers that they are safe," she said, leading them toward the heart of the village.

As they approached the agitated crowd, Paul took a deep breath, preparing to address the concerns of the villagers. The siblings and Artoria stood by his side, ready to take responsibility for the turmoil they had inadvertently caused.

Paul's voice carried over the uneasy murmurs. "Villagers, there's no need for alarm. What you witnessed was a training exercise between skilled warriors, not an attack by a demon lord. We assure you, your safety is our utmost priority."

The air of tension began to dissipate as Paul, with his characteristic charisma, assuaged the fears of the villagers. Slowly, the crowd began to disperse, and the village returned to its usual tranquility.

As both Arthur and Artoria reflected on the unintended consequences of their actions, they realized the importance of balancing their training with a keen awareness of the impact on their community.