
Reincarnation of a forgotten king

Follow the journey of the forsaken king of Britain Arthur pendragon (alter prototype) in a world completely foreign to him wil he finds his reason to live a fullfilling (I don't own anything related to the original story the only thing i own is my oc characters and story)

Lucius_arcadia · Anime et bandes dessinées
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22 Chs

08. Greyrat family's turmoil

With the success of Dragon's Rage, Roxy and Ruby were inspired to delve even deeper into the realm of dragon magic. They spent hours researching ancient texts, studying the intricacies of draconic runes, and experimenting with new spells that harnessed the power of dragons.

As they delved into their research, they discovered that dragons had an extensive repertoire of magic associated with their unique abilities. They explored spells related to elemental control, telekinesis, and even the manipulation of weather. Each discovery filled them with excitement as they unlocked the ancient secrets of dragon magic.

Meanwhile, Arthur was on a different path. He had a unique inheritance from his past life, the Welsh dragon, which granted him the ability to see mana with his Dragon's Eyes. This ability had always been a closely guarded secret, known only to him. As he honed his skills in magic and swordsmanship, he had an ambitious idea to merge the power of his dragon eyes with his swordsmanship.

In a secluded area of their training grounds, Arthur practiced his swordsmanship, integrating the enhanced perception of mana that his dragon eyes provided. With every swing of his sword, he could see the flow of mana and its concentration, giving him a distinct advantage in combat.

Over time, he managed to fuse the precision of his dragon eyes with his swordsmanship, creating a unique fighting style that blended magic and martial prowess. It was a testament to his dedication and the extraordinary capabilities he had developed.

As Arthur, Roxy, and Ruby continued their respective journeys, they all shared a common goal – to unlock the full potential of their abilities and use them to protect their loved ones and the kingdom they held dear.

As Arthur and Ruby's fifth birthday approached, they had become more and more adapted to the enchanting world they now called home. They had grown physically and mentally, their abilities blossoming with each passing day.

Arthur had not only honed his swordsmanship and the fusion of his dragon eyes with it, but he had also become an adept magic user. His understanding of magic had deepened, and he had even discovered new applications for his Dragon's Eyes, such as detecting hidden magical traps and deciphering ancient runes.

On the other hand, Ruby had continued her exploration of dragon magic and expanded her knowledge of the arcane arts. She was now capable of casting high-level spells, including those related to elemental control and illusion magic. Her fascination with the ancient languages and runic symbols had grown, and she had begun to unlock their potential in her magical endeavors.

With their approaching fifth birthday, they felt a sense of accomplishment and a growing connection to the kingdom they called home. They had forged strong bonds with Roxy, who had reached the pinnacle of her abilities as a saint-ranked mage, and with Paul and Zenith, who had become not just mentors but family.

Their birthday was a day of celebration, marked by a gathering of friends and well-wishers. It was a moment to reflect on their journey and the extraordinary world they had embraced.

As they blew out the candles on their birthday cake, Arthur and Ruby made silent wishes, each harboring their own hopes and dreams for the future in this captivating realm of magic and wonder.

Chapter 6: A Memorable Birthday

The day of Arthur and Ruby's fifth birthday had finally arrived, and it was a day filled with excitement and anticipation. Their friends and mentors had been preparing for this special occasion, and the atmosphere was filled with joyful energy.

The morning sun cast a warm, golden glow over their home as Arthur and Ruby awoke to the delightful smell of breakfast. Lilia, the Greyrats' maid, had prepared a feast of pancakes, fresh fruits, and pastries to start the day on a cheerful note. The twins eagerly devoured their breakfast, eager to see what the day would bring.

After breakfast, Paul and Zenith surprised Arthur and Ruby with thoughtful birthday presents. Paul presented Arthur with a finely crafted sword, a symbol of his growth in the Sword God Style. The blade gleamed in the morning light, a testament to Arthur's dedication and progress.

Arthur's eyes lit up as he accepted the gift. "Thank you, Father. I'll wield it with pride."

Zenith handed Ruby an elegant spellbook, filled with advanced incantations and magical knowledge. It was a gesture of recognition for Ruby's relentless pursuit of magical mastery.

Ruby's face beamed with delight as she received the spellbook. "This is amazing, Mother. I'll make the most of it."

The presents from Paul and Zenith were tokens of their love and support, and the twins cherished them deeply.

As the day unfolded, their home was transformed into a vibrant birthday party, adorned with colorful decorations and balloons. Friends and well-wishers from the village had gathered to celebrate the twins' milestone. The atmosphere was brimming with laughter and camaraderie.

Roxy, their dear friend and magical mentor, had a surprise of her own. She unveiled an enchanting magic show, showcasing her incredible abilities. She conjured brilliant displays of fire, water, and even a breathtaking illusion of a soaring dragon. The audience, young and old, watched in awe as Roxy's magic brought wonder and joy to the festivities.

After the magical performance, the moment of farewell arrived. Roxy had decided to embark on a journey of her own, seeking to further her magical knowledge and discover new horizons. Her decision to leave weighed heavily on her heart, but she knew it was a path she had to follow.

With a bittersweet smile, Roxy approached Arthur and Ruby. "I'm going to miss you both. You've become incredible mages, and I have no doubt you'll achieve even greater heights."

Ruby hugged her tightly, tears glistening in her eyes. "Thank you for everything, Roxy. You've been an amazing mentor and friend."

Arthur, too, expressed his gratitude. "You've taught us so much, Roxy. We'll carry your wisdom with us on our journey."

Roxy, touched by their warm sentiments, couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude. She looked at Arthur and Ruby with a sincere smile, her eyes glistening with emotion.

"I want you to know how much you mean to me," Roxy began, her voice filled with genuine appreciation. "Without you both, I wouldn't have grown as much as I have. Your dedication, passion, and friendship have been my greatest motivators."

The twins exchanged heartfelt glances, understanding the depth of their connection. Roxy had been more than a mentor; she had been a kindred spirit on this magical journey.

The twins, their parents, and Roxy shared a heartfelt farewell, promising to meet again someday. It was a moment of both parting and new beginnings, a testament to the bonds they had forged in this enchanting world.

As the sun dipped below the horizon and the stars emerged in the night sky, the twins' birthday celebration continued. It was a night of laughter, joy, and reflection, a memory etched into their hearts as they ventured into the next chapter of their extraordinary lives.


The celebration of Arthur and Ruby's fifth birthday had come and gone, leaving them with cherished memories and a sense of growing maturity. They had both adapted remarkably to this magical world, their abilities expanding and their bonds deepening.

As time passed, Arthur's mastery of the Sword God Style had reached impressive heights. He had achieved saint rank in three different swordsmanship styles: the Sword God Style, the Water God Style, and the North God Style. Each style bore the mark of his relentless training and unwavering commitment to mastering the art of the sword.

But Arthur's journey didn't end there. He had continued to refine his unique fusion of swordsmanship and magic, which he now referred to as "Wrath Style." It was a style born from his deep understanding of both the Sword God Style and the elemental magic he had come to master. With every slash and thrust, he wove magic into his sword strikes, creating devastating and unpredictable techniques that left his opponents in awe.

Ruby, too, had blossomed in this magical world. Her innate talent for magic had flourished as she delved deeper into the intricacies of spellcasting. She had become a mage of exceptional skill, mastering a range of spells that spanned from saint rank to even higher levels. Her special affinity for elemental magic had developed into a true mastery of the elements, allowing her to conjure storms, flames, and torrents of water with a mere flick of her fingers.

But what set her apart was her keen understanding of the intricacies of magic. While others focused solely on power, Ruby delved into the nuances of spellcraft. She could manipulate spells, altering their trajectory and properties with a precision that left even the most seasoned mages in wonder.

However, a series of shocking revelations sent ripples through their world. First came the surprising news that their mother was expecting another child, bringing both joy and anticipation to the family. The news of Zenith's pregnancy was met with celebration, and the siblings eagerly looked forward to welcoming a new member into their family.

But the second piece of news left everyone in disbelief. Paul, their father, had fathered a child with Lilia, the family's maid, causing fear and confusion to grip their household. Lilia's pregnancy had sent shockwaves through their lives, and the situation was a source of both discomfort and uncertainty.


In the midst of the emotional turmoil that had gripped the Greyrat household, Arthur and Ruby huddled together, their young minds brimming with determination. They knew that their family was fractured, and they couldn't bear to see their parents in such pain.

"Ruby," Arthur began, "we have to do something. Mom and Dad are hurting, and it's partly because of what Lilia and Dad did. We can't change the past, but we can try to make things right."

Ruby nodded in agreement, her eyes filled with resolve. "You're right, Arthur. We need to come up with a plan to mend our family. But it has to be something that will make Mom feel better and help her forgive Dad."

The siblings spent hours brainstorming ideas, going over different approaches to address the situation. They knew that the heart of the issue lay in their father's actions, and if they could shift the blame onto him while absolving Lilia, it might ease the tension in their home.

As the night wore on, they finalized their plan, a carefully constructed scheme to make it seem as if their father, Paul, bore the full responsibility for the situation. Lilia would be portrayed as a victim of circumstances, her actions resulting from Paul's alleged influence and persuasion.

Their plan was ambitious and required careful execution. Arthur and Ruby were determined to present a united front and do everything in their power to mend their family's broken bonds. The path ahead was uncertain, but their love for their parents fueled their commitment to this audacious endeavor.

With their pact sealed and their plan in motion, the siblings set out to navigate the complex web of emotions, secrets, and the delicate balance of family dynamics. The journey to reunite their family would be a challenging one, but Arthur and Ruby were ready to face it head-on.

In the wake of the startling revelations about Lilia's pregnancy, the Greyrat household was plunged into a state of turmoil. Paul, the family patriarch, was acutely aware of the pain he had caused his wife, Zenith. He couldn't bear to see her hurt, and so he decided to confront the situation head-on.

One evening, with a heavy heart, Paul sought out Zenith, who had been quietly tending to her own affairs. Their meeting was tinged with tension, and Paul could sense the weight of his actions bearing down on him.

"Zenith," Paul began, his voice quivering with remorse. "I can't apologize enough for what I've done. I never intended for any of this to happen. I was weak, and I made a terrible mistake."

Zenith, her face marked by a mixture of hurt and anger, turned to face him. "Paul, you've put me in an incredibly difficult position. I trusted you, and you betrayed that trust."

Paul's eyes welled up with tears as he continued, "I know I've let you down, and I don't deserve your forgiveness. But please, I'm begging you, find it in your heart to forgive me. I love you and our family more than anything, and I can't bear to see you suffer because of my actions."

Zenith's anger began to wane, replaced by a profound sadness. She had built her life around Paul, and the revelation of his infidelity had shaken her to the core. Her love for him was undeniable, but it was now intertwined with the pain of betrayal.

As Paul fell to his knees before his wife, he pleaded with her, "I'll do whatever it takes to make this right. I'll support both of our families, and I'll make amends. Just please, give me a chance to earn back your trust."

While their private conversation unfolded, Lilia observed from a distance, guilt gnawing at her conscience. She had never intended for any of this to happen, and seeing Paul beg for Zenith's forgiveness only intensified her remorse.


Arthur and Ruby's plan was set in motion. With careful consideration and a shared commitment to mend their family, they embarked on their audacious mission.

Step one involved Arthur confronting their father, Paul, in private. He knew this conversation wouldn't be easy, but it was a necessary part of their plan. He found Paul in the study, deep in thought, and approached him with a determined yet understanding expression.

"Dad," Arthur began, "we need to talk."

Paul turned to his son, his eyes reflecting a mixture of regret and fear. "Arthur, I know I've made some grave mistakes, and I'm sorry for what I've done."

Arthur nodded, acknowledging his father's remorse. "Dad, you have to understand that what happened with Lilia wasn't entirely her fault. She was influenced by you, and she needs our support to make things right."

Paul's brows furrowed in confusion. "What are you saying, Arthur?"

With a deep breath, Arthur laid out the first part of their plan. "We need to make it seem like you were the one who led Lilia into this situation, and that she was just following your lead. It will shift the blame away from her and give her a chance to mend her relationship with Mom."

Paul looked both shocked and relieved, understanding the implications of their plan. "You're willing to do this for your family, Arthur?"

"I am, Dad," Arthur replied, his voice filled with sincerity. "I want our family to be whole again."

Meanwhile, Ruby took on the task of talking to their mother, Zenith. She found her in the garden, tending to the blooming flowers, her face a mixture of sadness and uncertainty. Ruby approached her gently.

"Mom," Ruby began, "I know you're hurt and confused, but we're here to help."

Zenith looked at her daughter, her eyes filled with longing. "Ruby, I don't know what to do anymore. Everything is so complicated."

Ruby took her mother's hand, offering support. "We believe that Dad was the one who influenced Lilia, and we want to make things right. We want to help you forgive him and rebuild our family."

Zenith's gaze filled with a glimmer of hope, and she nodded. "If you believe this will help, Ruby, I'm willing to try."

The siblings' plan was in motion, and it would require careful orchestration and collaboration. They were determined to unite their family and bring an end to the painful chapter that had divided them. With love and determination as their guiding forces, Arthur and Ruby were ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.