
reincarnation of a demon god

Arth is a writer who continues to write about the history of the world, and it deals with the story of himself. He continues to tell about it in books that are difficult for ordinary people to understand. From time to time, archaeologists are surprised to see one of Arth's books because it is very precise with the history and findings of archaeologists. Eventually, archaeologists became interested in him, and became interested in the stories that Arth told. But Arth's goal is to find his past lover (Erina). And it turns out that Arth is the last of the people in the World Of Darkness Light (name before Earth). Arth is the only one still alive because he is the real killer. Arth used to be a God nicknamed The God of magic, but he disobeyed his own people until he turned into a demon. Over time something happens that makes Arth turn into a human and start his new life experience until the moment of murder arrives. ************** there are so many prophecies that prevent the destruction of the world. however, if fate says so then no one can get out of it. however, that life can be repeated again by looking for its history. ************* "the world will be destroyed by someone who disobeys his own people because he has a purpose". that is the dialogue made by a diviner God (Zabtaruk). and those who defied their own people were Silvanus, Siestina, and Arth. the gods continue to try to prevent the three oracles with their tactics so that there is a lot of conflict. however, it was from that conflict that the World Of Darkness Light was destroyed. the name Darkness Light is a pre-earth name used by Totem (ancient) tribes. they believed that the Earth was dark, and that it was full of light.

ARKIMARA08 · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

First student

I returned to the human world. The sound of frogs and silence rang in my ears and many fireflies flew carrying their light in the middle of the night.

"It doesn't feel like night."

I walked down a quiet street, past lights carried by fireflies.

"I think I should go home quickly. I'm afraid Erina and Mr. Agra are worried about me."

But I don't know what to answer if Mr. Agra asks me why I can be separated from the gods.

I kept walking on a slightly muddy road because there were so many puddles on the road. Then I heard a commotion in the alley. I approached him out of curiosity. It turned out that there was a quarrel between the soldiers.

The soldier ranged from 4 people. The three of them looked angry and the other one was lying on the ground and it looked like they did something to the lying soldier.

I kept peering at them carefully. At the end they kicked the head of the lying soldier. Without thinking I went straight to them.

"Hey, stop! What are you guys doing?"I immediately screamed.

"We teach him a lesson, so don't bother us bad boys" said one of them.

The soldier lying on the ground crawled in pain.

"What's wrong with him, isn't the warrior a hero?"

But they laughed so hard that their eyes were watering.

"We teach him a lesson because he is weak, we don't want him to join our group, so we teach him a lesson and we will throw him out" said the warrior leader.

"But why?"

"Because he is weak" they laughed heartily.

"Weak people don't deserve to be soldiers, so we teach him a lesson so he can get out of the Royal Army" said one of them.

"You know what? You're weak too. You gang up on him, if you're strong why not one on one?"I said mockingly to them.

"What are you saying?" they were angry at my words.

Then one of them attacked me while pulling out his sword.

"You will die cut by my sword" he said.

He slashed his sword at my neck. However he attacked without thinking because he was already angry.

"Brugg" the sword hit me in the head.

"Heh, is your sword dull?"I said while holding his sword.

"Huh, what happened, this must be magic" he said surprised.

Then her friend attacked me with fire magic.

"Hahaha, fuck you," said the soldier who let out the fire.

But when they looked at me, they were all surprised that I was not burned in the least. I think it's better if I finish this before something happens.

I returned it to them and threw it until he was badly burned.

"What are you doing son?"One of them looked very angry.

"I just returned the fire"

Then they picked him up and took him away. I immediately approached the soldier who was bullied earlier.

"You okay?"

He stood up while feeling pain, and he also took off his head protector while saying "Thank you sir for your help"

I was surprised that he was my age. I asked about his status. His name was Adis from a very poor citizen and he was very young.

"If you're Okay, I'll go home first okay?"

"Wait Sir!"

I turned to him.

"If I'm not mistaken, the name of the master is Arth right? The one who won the speed test yesterday " he told me.

Then I said " yes " to her. I feel like I'm becoming more famous in this Kingdom hehe.

"Then please make me your disciple" he said while showing his wish.

"Sure," I replied.

She was shocked and couldn't believe my answer, she kept jumping around like a child in general.

"You can train whenever you want, but do you have magical energy?"

"Yes," he replied happily.

"Then I'll see you tomorrow," I said, waving my hand. I remember that I brought the book of gods that I stole this afternoon.

"Who can read it?"