
Chapter 3: The Truth

The walk back through Focis was a quiet one. Akira was left pondering the words of Skadi. His mind was shadowed by the idea that he may have to flee Focis, lest he draw the monster's of Loki's spawn down on his home.

"Boy, you aren't alone. You are my sister's only child, and I know what you face. I'll give you any aid I can provide." Curtis said stirring Akira out of his own thoughts.

"Thank you Uncle Curtis. That's more than I can ask for." Akira knew that his uncle's family was favored by Demeter, Goddess of Agriculture, so they had no skill for combat.

Looking between the two, Amelia was confused and scared for her cousin. "Da, what do you mean by what he faces? Is Akira in danger?"

"All I can say is that he faces a rough road, and it's something beyond us simple folk. I'll let the boy explain if he's willing?" Glancing to Akira with an eyebrow raised in question.

"My Blessing, is from a Goddess by the name of Skadi, ruling over nature and hunting. She apparently is at the forefront of a dispute amongst gods. This Blessing is more a curse than anything as long as the dispute isn't settled. Apparently children of a God by the name of Loki are Oathbound to hunt the Blessed of Skadi. I may have to leave Focis, cousin." Akira was unwilling to leave his only home in these 18 years, but he knew it was necessary.

Once again silence descended on the family trio. Not a word was spoken as they left town to follow the path to their farmhouse.

Opening the door to their home they were greeted by the warmth of the blazing fireplace, as the aroma of beef stew teased their noses. The once somber mood broke as a short, but plump woman made her way out of the kitchen. "Akira! Oh thank the Gods, you are all right! Speaking of th Gods, did you get your Blessing Dear? I made your favorite beef stew and mashed potatoes.

"Olivia hun, slow down.." Curtis said knowing it was useless. His daughter's love of talking definitely came from his wife. "Akira has his parent's Blessing.."

A look of pity flashes across her face before she corrected her expression. "Akira Dear, this is your home whenever you need it." She stepped forward and pushed Akira towards the dinner table. Pulling out a seat, she gestured for him to sit down. " I'll get you a big portion of beef stew, and we'll make sure your well fed before you venture out."


After dinner passed, Akira sat down with his uncle in the attic bedroom that had been his for eighteen years. A look of yearning passed through his eyes as he spoke in a desperate manner. "Uncle, tell me about my mother and father? Skadi made it sound as if they're still alive. I want to know how bad it is that they can't even return once in these eighteen years."

Curtis rubbed the back of his neck and released a heavy sigh before saying, "Boy honestly I'm not too clear on the details. Your mother left Focis when she got her Blessing, but the conflict of the Gods hadn't started just yet. It wasn't until three years later that she showed back up at the village. She was different from before. She had studded leather armor on with a bow across her back, and a blade at her hip. At the time I had just gotten engaged with Olivia so I was preoccupied with my burgeoning family. All I remember is she spoke of a man that led a group of rangers out towards the Blue Rock Mountains quite often.

Akira listened intently and decided the Blue Rock Mountains would be his destination. "Uncle was that the only time she visited before she had me?"

"No it wasn't, she showed up one other time two years after that with the man who was to be your father. I can't forget him as he had an air about him as if he was a great mythical beast. He walked with a confidant, but measured gait. There was steel in his gaze, and voice as though he had gone through hundreds of battles." Curtis had visible awe on his face as he remembered that moment. After a second, he glanced at Akira to see the boy- no young man hanging on his every word. "You look like him you know? You have his strong jaw line and straight nose. You inherited your mother's windswept black hair and green eyes. But I digress, where was I? Ah yes, your mother and father had shown up just the one time. Then we didn't hear anything from them in 5 years, and I caught word from a passing trader that a war had broken out amongst the gods and their families. I was worried sick about my sister, but Olivia had just found out she was pregnant with Amelia. Finally, about half way through Olivia's pregnancy, your mother showed up by herself carrying a squirming bundle, and she desperately begged us to take you in. I of course agreed, but I asked if she wanted to stay the night but she refused. She left just like that, but you know what?"

"What?" Akira asked

"That night an ear piercing, mournful howl echoed from the woods and then as if following came a cacophony of screeching and roars that slowly drew further away. I'm sure, that was your mother drawing away the creatures hunting her and in some ways you. I guarantee if they knew she had you they would have come for you just the same way."

"Here, take this." Curtis pressed an envelope into Akira's trembling hand. "It's what your mom left for you. Also take this cloak with you in the morning. I recommend heading to Alverest, the town a two days walk from here, but with your Blessing you might be able to cut that time in half.

"I know uncle, and I'll make sure to pick up provisions tomorrow in town." Akira smiled, and hugged his uncle.

"I'll let you get a rest as you have a long journey ahead of you." Pulling away, Curtis gave Akira a pat on the back before leaving the room.

Akira couldn't help but to glance at the envelope in his hands in hesitation. 'What is she going to tell me.' He goes to tear the envelope open...