
Reincarnation As A Swordsman

Walking home from detention to find himself lying on the floor of his front door dying from being pierced into from behind by an unknown individual, how will James, a boy reincarnated into a world full of people who use Sword Forms deal with the despair, love, and a quench to fill the mysterious questions that lay in his heart do? and how will he mature and grow. If the story is not up to your standards, then sorry, this is just a work of my own that I made for myself, some of it you might disagree with, however that's just life, however I still hope some enjoy reading it. Main way of posting is via Royal Road, I am using WebNovel to reach a more wider audience, however i will keep it updated with each chapter. Link: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/57392/reincarnation-as-a-swordsman

Nonless_ · Fantaisie
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51 Chs

Chapter Twenty Two-school combat test

Chapter Twenty Two

Once we got to the capital, just as before it was bustling with countless different types of people, the smells of different foods were entangling with each other, and all this was complemented by the clear pitch sky. Today was the perfect day to start school.

From anywhere in the city, the noble atmosphere of Kingwood's Academy shined in every corner, it was truly massive, easily surpassing some of the biggest buildings I had ever seen in my previous life. It could only be described as monstrous. Once there, I, Claire, and Clara waved to the maid that had brought us here and dragged our luggage up to the entrance of the school. Just like us, there were thousands of other students gazing up at this ancient building with awe.

This was truly a school from another world.

When we heard our names being called out, we were greeted by a student, looking to be in his later years of education.

"Hello, I will escort you to the testing room." After he said that a couple of other respectful-looking students took our luggage off of our hands and started to walk towards, what I suspected to be the dormitories. "Now please follow me, when you get back to your rooms, your luggage will be in your room waiting to be unpacked."

While walking through the enchanted-looking halls, we arrived at an ordinary-looking door, slightly drawing me back to reality.

"Now, this is where I bid you farewell, please sit in here until your names are called for the test, have a good day."

After saying so, the older-looking student walked away and out of sight.

He was pretty nice, I wonder if they are all like that.

When we walked in, I noticed a lot of gazes going from Me to Claire and Clara, however, it was only natural to eye up the people you would be spending the next six years of your life with, and so I gazed around the room myself. Surprisingly there was a well-maintained balance between the male and female ratio.

I thought there would be more boys than girls, however, I guess I was wrong.

If most of the girls here are mini gorillas like Claire then that's to be expected.

"James, Claire over here, I found us three open seats." Clara quietly said while walking to sit down. It was clear that she was nervous. But that's to be expected, I could guess that most of the people were in the same boat as her. Surprisingly unlike how I felt before we got here, I was practically feeling fine.

While we watched the people around us being called into the room and coming back out after a certain amount of time, sometimes coming out with exciting expressions, while others came out looking depressed.

I wonder how we will do…

And we didn't have to wait long before one of us was called in.

"Next, Claire Wrathead, please come through the door to be tested.

"I guess that's me, wish me luck you two." She said this while giving both Me and Clara a hug.

I could tell she was extremely nervous.

Although it was natural, since Claire was a natural beauty, almost every boy was staring at her. I mean who couldn't? but that was only possible if you didn't know what she was like on the inside, she was truly an eye deceiver…

After a while Claire came out with a great smile on her face, I could tell she had passed.

"I passed and I was put into S-class!"

In this test you were graded on your combat ability, this would place you in one of the four classes.

Those went as followed from best to worst.

S-class, A-class, B-class, and C-class.

This world likes ranking stuff from S-C

"Congratulations!" both me and Clara got up and hugged Claire for the second time.

When the woman with overly large and bulging muscles called next, it was Clara's turn.

"Don't worry, you will do just fine, just breathe slowly and stay calm, we know you can do it." after some words of encouragement. Clara smiled and went through the door.

while waiting for Clara to finish, Me and Claire chatted about the test she had just finished. Apparently it was pretty easy by the looks of it, however I didn't rule out the chance that each individual would have completely different tests, to stop these types of conversations.

After around the same amount of time it took Claire to finish hers, Clara came out with a huge smile on her face, it looked like she had been put in S-class as well.

"I got put in S-class like big sis!"

Claire and Clara were basically sisters, however, Claire was always seen as the older one, maybe not the more mature one though...

"I knew you could do it, as expected of my little sister!" Claire jumped out and squeezed Clara to the point of almost crushing her.

After wiping away a small tear, Clara who was feeling extremely relieved sat down and smiled.

"Congratulations," I said to her while patting her head gently. "No, no it's all thanks to you two that I have been able to get this far, I'm truly grateful for everything you guys have given me." she blushed.

"Ah, don't be like that, it was you who put in the work, if she could see you now, I'm a hundred percent sure that your mother would be extremely proud to have you as her daughter."

I said so while giving Clara well-deserved hug.

"Yes, I think so too." She smiled.

Now the only person we had to worry about was me.

However I was pretty confident, I mean if the gorilla Claire can pass, then so could I.

Time passed and passed, however, my name was not called out.

I'm guessing it would be near the end, so as I saw more people of variety going in and out of the testing room, I was able to get a somewhat accurate evaluation of the test's difficulty. With Claire and Clara also telling me the sort of things to expect, I'm almost certain that I can pass.

"Finally, can James Wrathead come into the room for testing?"

I guess that was my cue.

"Good luck James," Claire said while hugging me. "Try your hardest!" Clara gave me some words of encouragement before I patted both of them on the head.

"Heh, don't worry about me, I'll surely get into S-class, just give me a few minutes.", and with the envious glares of the other boys who had been watching my interaction with the two beauties all this time. (I could tell they wanted me to fail the test.) I stretched my arms and back before walking in the room.

"James Wrathead, pick up a sword from in front of you.