
Reincarnation As A Swordsman

Walking home from detention to find himself lying on the floor of his front door dying from being pierced into from behind by an unknown individual, how will James, a boy reincarnated into a world full of people who use Sword Forms deal with the despair, love, and a quench to fill the mysterious questions that lay in his heart do? and how will he mature and grow. If the story is not up to your standards, then sorry, this is just a work of my own that I made for myself, some of it you might disagree with, however that's just life, however I still hope some enjoy reading it. Main way of posting is via Royal Road, I am using WebNovel to reach a more wider audience, however i will keep it updated with each chapter. Link: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/57392/reincarnation-as-a-swordsman

Nonless_ · Fantaisie
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51 Chs

Chapter Twenty- touring the capital

Chapter Twenty

Four years have flown by in a flash. And we only have a couple more weeks until the new year starts for Kingswood Academy.

A lot has happened over these past few years, for a start, I have almost completely mastered all my sword forms. Well it's to the point where I can hold my own against someone relatively stronger than me. Anyways I, Claire, and Clara have all turned twelve and are incomparable to what we were four years ago, Gregory has been training us non-stop.

Although I was worried that I wouldn't be able to do good at school, Gregory said this.

"I also went to Kingswood when I was your age. You guys are almost two times stronger than me when I entered, so don't worry. You will be fine.

Kate has also been growing up steadily, and she is very fond of Claire and Clara. Well, I guess they are her little aunties. I don't know what it is but Kate doesn't call me brother, instead, she calls me James.

Elizabeth thinks it's cute, however, I'm not too sure, is there a reason she doesn't call me brother?

Speaking of Elizabeth, it looks like she has aged quite a bit, the woman who looked in her early twenties five years ago, now looks like she is in her early thirties. Was this a sign of stress? I mean I can't blame her, she lost her husband who she loved dearly. I'm also grateful for Liza who has stuck by her side all this time. Elizabeth always looks like she is having a good time with Liza. Both of them Knit with Claire frequently.

Anyways, apart from appearances, not a lot has happened, I mean we went to a couple of festivals and went on a couple of trips to other noble's homes. However, that's a part of what being a noble is. If I have to say, it was extremely boring.

On the odd occasion when we went to one of these parties. Some boys would try to talk to Claire or Clara, in which both of them would hide behind me and let me deal with them. It was truly a pain.

Now that I mention it, Claire and Clara have gotten extremely Clingy to the point in which I think it's unhealthy…

Anyways today I woke up to my face being poked, This was a common occurrence, it was ingrained in my daily routine.

After a while, it stopped and I rubbed my eyes and tiredly opened them, just to see Claire and Clara getting dressed.

"What are you looking at pervert!?" Claire shouted, while I looked over to the timidly blushing Cara. "Hurry up and get ready, we are going for a tour around the capital today!" Claire said while throwing over my clothes.

So I got ready and we went downstairs for some breakfast.

Anyways today Steven was going to take us to the capital for a tour of the shops and other stuff. This was to get us familiar with the place before we went to school in a couple of weeks.

After breakfast, we met up with Steven, who was waiting for us outside, we got into the carriage and made our way to the capital, luckily it was only a quarter day's ride from the family estate. It was pretty close, you could actually see it from the estate.

"Hey, James," Clara said while moving her head from the window to me.

"Yeah what is it?" I responded lazily. To be honest I was still pretty tired.

"Are you looking forward to school?" she said. I guess she was worried about it. I don't blame her, even the outgoing Claire was worried about going to school, a place filled with hundreds of students our age. From when we were young and up until now, we have only been home tutored and have had very little interaction with other kids our age, besides those noble parties we went to, and each other.

"Mhm well… I guess you could say I'm anxious and excited at the same time, I mean think about it, we are going to be there for six years, that's a long time. It's going to be completely different from what we have experienced before, however, I'm excited about it at the same time. That's because I know I'll have you guys with me. So it's not so bad I guess." I said while smiling and closing my eyes to sleep.

Although very faint, I could hear Claire and Clara talking and giggling before I was squished by both of them when they leaned on me.

"We love you!" as they said that in unison, I felt my heart melt. I am truly grateful to have such a loving family.

When we got to the capital, the scenery was truly a step above the rest. Everything felt like it cost an extravagant amount of money to build. However, that was probably the case. The streets were jam-packed with all types of people, just a normal sidewalk was already more crowded than the most crowded place in a large city. You could call this a mega city. Everywhere I looked, I saw things that I had never seen until now.

The different types of markets, which bring in products from other continents, and the never-ending smells that came from the freshly cooked cuisines

And the beautiful women… truly outstanding, a cut above the rest.

"Hey, James! Stop looking at all the girls that you lay your eyes on!" Claire said while pinching my ear.

"Look at that statue! It's the statue of the first human king of Selrone kingdom!!." Clara said while tugging me in the direction of the statue. Now that I mention it, Clara has always been interested in history, like me.

"Now, now Young James, Young Claire, and Young Clara, please follow me so you don't get lost," Steven said. He probably felt pity for me and decided to help me out.

Thank you steven!

After following Steven to the different locations which students used as hot spots while on break or coming or going from leaving the school, we decided to start heading back to the carriage, it was getting pretty late and Clara and Claire were getting hungry.

While we were heading back, I had a conversation with steven, while Claire and Clara were having a short sleep.

"Steven, how long have you been working for the family?" I asked, just a simple question.

"Mhm well, when I was younger I was saved by Old Edward. After that, he asked me if I wanted to work at his home, and so I agreed, I was raised in one of the small villages around the estate, so it was easy for me to commute.

Oh, a pretty nice story, then…

"Have you ever loved someone?" I asked. To be honest, I was hoping for some advice.

"As a butler, I have never had the time to love someone, however when I was young, younger than the time Old Edward saved me. My first love sadly passed away due to disease…

"Ah- I'm sorry for asking such a question." I didn't expect it to turn into something so sad

"Haha, it's all in the past, no need to be polite Young James, now we are almost home, it'd be better if you got some rest into you, it seems the two girls over there are way ahead of you."

After thanking Steven I decided to have a small sleep until we got back…