
Reincarnation As A Swordsman

Walking home from detention to find himself lying on the floor of his front door dying from being pierced into from behind by an unknown individual, how will James, a boy reincarnated into a world full of people who use Sword Forms deal with the despair, love, and a quench to fill the mysterious questions that lay in his heart do? and how will he mature and grow. If the story is not up to your standards, then sorry, this is just a work of my own that I made for myself, some of it you might disagree with, however that's just life, however I still hope some enjoy reading it. Main way of posting is via Royal Road, I am using WebNovel to reach a more wider audience, however i will keep it updated with each chapter. Link: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/57392/reincarnation-as-a-swordsman

Nonless_ · Fantaisie
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51 Chs

Chapter Nineteen- reflection

Chapter Nineteen

After returning to the family estate, there was a lot of panics, I mean, of course there would be. The family head had died, and a new one had to be appointed straight away to keep the house falling apart.

The one most suited for this role was none other than Claire's father, Stuart. Stuart was a reliable man, he quickly got Elizabeth, Liza, Clara and Kate into a comfortable situation before holding a funeral for both Edward and Scott.

The days have been peaceful, however, I keep dreaming of the same thing each night.

Grabbing the Red Gem from the stone monument, why had I done that?

Clenching my fists I decided to pick up a quill and parchment,

"Dear Father and Grandfather. It has been roughly four or so months since you left this world to find a better place, I Claire and Clara have been doing good, we each had our birthdays recently and have all turned eight! Only four more years until we go to Kingswood. How are you? Oh, I forgot to mention, I'm now well into the intermediate Rank. However I wish I could have fought with you once more, maybe I could've won..."

tears staining the parchment, I finished by saying farewell and put it away in my drawer.

After a while of sitting silently, I picked up the quill again and brought out a book.

Recently I have started writing in a journal to keep notes of things that happen. Doing this has cleared my mind of a lot of nasty things and keeps me focused.

There's been a couple things that I have already noted down

Claire and Clara are like real sisters now, and they have been trying their best to act as little aunties for kate. Oh, I forgot. Speaking of Clara, she is fitting into the house very well and often helps Liza look after the baby with Claire.

She's completely different from the timid little girl I saved back from the giant tiger back then….

Claire on the other hand has grown up in a lot of different ways. Her raw strength surpasses me, she's like a miniature gorilla. She still has that extroverted and enthusiastic personality she's always had, however, she has learned to dim down a bit more, and although it's not bad, I feel like she is missing a key element of herself.

I think I have grown up quite a bit, as I said in the letter earlier, I have almost mastered the Intermediate Rank, and have been progressing well on my sword forms. However, I do have to put four times the amount of work into training them. Right now both my Water and Earth Forms are my strongest, but that's to be expected because I trained them first, and they are the only things allowing me to keep up at Claire's pace.

Us three still sleep in the same room and the same bed. Aren't we old enough to sleep by ourselves?

I ask myself this a lot.

However, I think that will change when we go into Kingswood, as I have heard that the boys and girls have separate dormitories.

"Oh, I forgot to write this down" I flipped the pages on my journal over to Clara's page.

She had her name changed from "Clara Strothings" to "Clara Wrathead"

Although at first, I felt that it would be a bad idea to do it, Clara insisted.

Most of today was just sparring with Claire while Clara knitted on the side, so I was pretty dirty and sweaty.

After dinner I went for a bath, and while I was relaxing and thinking over my thoughts, I heard the door open


Usually, when this happens, it's Clara who is trying to sneak in the bath with me, however, I suddenly regretted letting out such a loud sigh.

The person who had come into the room was none other than Stuart! The current head of the house!

"Do you mind if I come in?" Stuart asked, he probably heard the sigh.

He asks although he owns the place…

"Of course uncle, there is no need to be so formal!" I responded while making some room for Stuart who was a bigger build than both Scott and Edward. If I'm going, to be honest, he was huge.

Stuart was a man with dirty brown hair, a huge build, and a scar running across his cheek. I had asked Claire how her father got his terrifying scar before, however, she didn't know herself, it looks like there's a major secret behind it.

When he sat down. a huge wave appeared and the water line went up.

He just sat down in silence for a moment before saying- "James, you are getting to the age that we need to bring marriage up, so I'm going to ask you this now, sooner than later. Who do you want to marry?"

I was shocked, was the serious Stuart asking me who I wanted to marry? Well, it would be akward if I said his own daughter right now, so I lied.

"Uhm it's not set in stone but I have been thinking about someone, however now's not the time to say who." I smiled awkwardly.

"Mhm I guess you are right, please don't take the question to heart, I was just here asking for some opinions. Anyways enjoy your bath." Stuart said while walking out of the bath butt naked and leaving the bath with only half its remaining water!

After getting out of the bath, I got tired and got into my sleeping gown.

When I got into my room, I could see a familiar sight.

Claire to the right and Clara to the left. Both sound asleep, One with smooth White hair, the other with silky black hair. It was like watching an old black and white tv program in the old world.

However what set both of those apart, was that these two girls in front of me were my friends, they were people who I loved with every inch of my bone, people who I would do anything to protect.

I guess I am truly blessed to be loved by such idiots.

And so I got into the middle of the bed and went to sleep.