
Reincarnating To Lead A Happy life Using Universal System

An office worker suddenly got hit by a fist size meteor but after that he find himself in an open space and meet the God Adonoxius telling that his life's hardship was a mistake and only punishment for the people with great sins. God then tell him that he'll give him another go in life to attain for his forgiveness. Will he finally live a happy life without being bound to the misfortunes in his past life. we'll see what is bound to happen about this adventure comedic action entrails

John_K_ · Fantaisie
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42 Chs

Approval With A Birthday Gift

Prior to the time of the venue, in the main kitchen, Luke borrowed the whole kitchen to make his peace, he is making a cake, it was only half way to be completed and it was only two layer

Luke at the age of 3 manage to remember how to make a cake but rarely remember the process of making it, it was a hard time discovering and also many failure that comes after.

There is only a one time he manage to take a look at how to make that kind of cake and it's only the advertisement in the TV in his past life, more so it was only a glimpse.

Luke got a hard time recreating it also he still got no permission from his parents, because of that, Luke tried various ways to make an appealing desserts and pastries like Purple Yam Cookies, (Puto)steamed rice cake and Halu-halo

Making them agree to let Luke in the kitchen, Luke got a little hard time on it because of their refusal, They worried that Luke will only get hurt

Having said that, he never gave up, he started to convince the head chef everyday, and after a few days he make the head chef give up and finally allowed him, "Yes!! Finally!" but there is only two condition, he will only stay still on the chair and he will only give command of what needed to be done.

His first dessert that he want to make is the simpliest of all that he can remember, He has a part time job in his past life and that is delivering Puto (Steamed Rice Cake) in his hometown's market, when he was only in elementary school he always see what they do so he memorize it to the fullest.

Luke give ingredients to the chef that needs to be bought to make what he wants, Two days later all ingredients are brought back, there is nothing missing or in bad condition

All the ingredients are only Rice flour, coconut milk, an egg and sugar, it was only the basic ingredients that is needed, but it is enough to make a difference if added butter on top of it.

Luke give a basic instructions for the head chef and it's already Enough for him to fully understand,

the head chef was once a chef in the royal palace but retired and decided to serve the Dragnount family, his Name was Chef Arolight he has a strict personality but has a soft spot for kids because they remind him of his grandchildren he has a large body build that makes him seems like an adventurer

The two of them had an easy time in making Puto, it was like any other day to the head chef but has a slightly different vibe, faint unique aroma started to ooze to their dessert, mostly the bread in this world has only plain flavor

Because of the unprecedented attacks of monsters and destruction of many villages, the remnants of recipes that has been made is almost wipe out, time goes by they didn't even bother the taste for a new recipe and they remain stagnant in pastry making

But that time will end and a new born craze for new things will be born in the near future


[New Quest]

- Convince Your parents and get their full approval...

- Requirements

- Convince your parents

- Make them acknowledge you

- Get their full approval

- (0/3)

- Reward: 4 stat points

- Failure: -30% Exp Acquisition

"Ahh!? Another one..." Said by Luke "Well its not unfair it's just a high risk high return well still, thanks..."

[Your welcome Host]

" It's ready..." Said by Luke, The head chef gulp in excitement and as he opened the lid steamed rose from the pot leaving a nice aroma, for the second time in his life the head chef believe that he still not see the end of his journey to culinary arts

Luke use the dessert that he make to convince his parents, Luke first give the dessert to his father he got that idea because " Why?, because he's easier to convince"

Luked knock at the office door of his father


"Father it's Luke, may I come in" Luked asked, " Yes, the door is already open just pull it" said by his father

Luke immediately pulled the door knob after twisting it, and what he witness was a father that seems like he didn't sleep for three days

"Father are you ok?" Question by Luke , his father immediately smile slightly with a dark circles below his eyes "Yeah... I'm alright I just didn't sleep for a while"

"Um, father, could you have some of my dessert that I make?..." Asked by Luke " Wait!? Did you really do this didn't we tell you not to, because you might get hur-" Luke immediately halt the scolding of his father by making an excuse before he finished his words " But I didn't do anything, I just give instructions, just asked the head chef, He'll tell you, so will you eat it or not?"

His father left a big sigh " Alright I'll just eat it right " his father pick the smallest Puto and bite it, his father's eyes change immediately as if a new profound research is made, his father was left in shocked and just keeps grabbing and eating as he start to wonder in his mind " what is this, this fluffyness with a hint of milky taste..., I bet it will taste so good if mix with a drink! Is my son a genius or what!?"

Luke made a suggestion after seeing the blissful expression of his father " It's also taste great with tea" hearing what Luke said, he immediately grab the remaining tea on his cup and cast a fire spell to make the tea warm, his father grabbed another Puto(Steamed Rice Cake) and bite it, after biting he slurp his last remaining tea "*slurp*... Hah..."

Satisfaction remains in his father's face as if he's reminiscing his past, seeing his expression Luke decided that it's the chance that he's been waiting for "Um, Father you know I have... A talent in it right!? so won't you let me in the kitchen?..."

He's father answered with a relaxing voice " Yeah~... Alright~... Just be careful... Alright~" after hearing his answer Luke jump in joy



he clench his fist in excitement and shout "Yes! 2 more to go!"

Just like what happened in his father it was almost the same with his mother, she was stressed out because of the sudden rampaging of the magical beast, monsters and training her cadets to maximize their survivability

His mother was resting in the barracks and Luke stayed by his mother side for a while, His mother Sigh in exhaustion, noticing that her child is on her side she asked him " what are you doing here is something wrong?" Asked by his mother, Luke offer a Puto and said " Mother if you eat this it will change your mood " his mother answer in a teasing voice" Really?... " "Yep it's yummy! even father approve it, also I'm the one who make that!"

"Wha!, I thought I told you to-" the head chef appeared on the back of Luke then help in explaining and convincing his mother after understanding the whole thing his mother gave up on scolding her son, "so is this the thing that he create? You really didn't make it?" Question by his mother to the head chef "Yes ma'am" answered by the head chef

His mother first sniff the Puto and manage to dissern the ingredients in it " Hm... Sugar, Rice flour, milk,and butter?" The two of them got surprised by the ability that his mother has, but for the Sword God it was already a given who heighten there senses, his mother bite the Puto and there is no change in expression in any kind of way.

A few seconds past and tears on her eyes pour down , she cried all over and keep saying " Bwaaah!... What is this, this texture this softness My son is a real Genius! wahh! Bohoo!"

After another few minutes his mother calm down " Um sorry for my misbehaviour, it just that, the stress pour out suddenly I couldn't help it Ehem! I'll approve Luke to the kitchen but still he won't hold a knife or anything dangerous"



The Talk move smoothly after that and got their full permission as time past by making various things that he remembered

[Quest complete]

-Reward: 4 stat points

[Status Screen]

[System Lvl: 02]

NAME: Luke Von Dragnount

[LVL: 01]

HP: 17

MP: 27+2

VIT: 15

DEX: 13+1

INT: 32+1

Skill: Pastry (Begginer)

His Mother's birthday

The venue was bustling and many people attended everyone was communicating happily with each other and introducing themselves to everyone.

Luke and his father keep welcoming their guest as they also keep coming to them, having no choice Luke make a sudden excuse to leave that hectic place "Um, I think someone was still outside I'll go check it out!" And run after saying his good bye "Hey where are you going Luke!" Asked by his father in a dilemma.

The birthday administrator this year was none other than the head butler Michael he was known for he's loyalty to the duke and duchess

He announced the Host who invited the guest " Ladies and gentlemen the one who's everyone's waiting for, the Sword God also known the Heavenly Sword Dancer! and also A mother, Miss Andrea Von Dragnount!" Everyone give a round of applause as his mother appeared on top of the stair way and goes down elegantly in a red dress

Greetings keep coming to His mother Andrea that even his father can make an excuse to leave, and that's how the two meet outside.

The two get their preparation and their gift for her mother, Luke go to the sub kitchen and brought the cake that he make in a kitchen table on wheels, after taking their gifts they immediately head to the top of the stairs

He's father use a telepathy magic to get in conversation with the Head butler and give signal that they are ready, After That the head butler immediately announce a sudden announcement "Ehem! Ladies and gentlemen There is a special someone who would like to give a gift to a special person of the day, I present the gift of a father and son to their lovely mother"

A few small light appeared on the top making a sign directed to the ceiling and after that his father cast another magic spell "reveal and break the boundary, Transparency!"

The ceiling started to get transparent and stars started to become clear, then a noise from the outside making a sizzling sound and a flicker of fire appeared rising and burst making a bang sound, particle of light separated as it make a round shape, it also make a crackling sound, then another few of it burst making a different shapes and also a shape of heart at the end

Before the birthday celebration happened his father already prepared the fireworks on the backyard and the idea comes from Luke

The butler then said another surprise gift and it was a Cake, his father make another spell "give a sharp wind Wind cutter, make the object light... Levitation" after cutting the cake into pieces he then make it float in every person in the venue and a specially made Cake was brought to his mother with a word on it saying happy birthday

Everyone was curious of what it was, but because of the sweet aroma that it gives, they didn't even think twice, everyone eat it at the same time and everyone was awe struck that they react in surprised " what is this!?" "This cheesy texture!?" "What an amazing after taste it makes you want it more!" Said by the crowd's

And at the last to bite was his mother and she just eat it as tears of joy keeps dripping and said a word " You really two are... Sniff... Come here" as she opened her arms for a hug the two of them immediately head down the stairs and chuckled and said

"Yes! We're coming!"

"Alright! We're coming!"

Said by the two as they come down and get their warm hug " You two are much sweeter..." As she cried and smile at the same time.

I'm still new to this but expect an improvement everytime I'll try to make everyone's expectations and just continue to enjoy reading also kindly share it to everyone

John_K_creators' thoughts