
Reincarnating To Lead A Happy life Using Universal System

An office worker suddenly got hit by a fist size meteor but after that he find himself in an open space and meet the God Adonoxius telling that his life's hardship was a mistake and only punishment for the people with great sins. God then tell him that he'll give him another go in life to attain for his forgiveness. Will he finally live a happy life without being bound to the misfortunes in his past life. we'll see what is bound to happen about this adventure comedic action entrails

John_K_ · Fantaisie
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42 Chs

A Vomit's Journey, Hot Spring Secret Conversations

A strange sounds coming from the other side of the gate of light. A sound similar to the call of a creature or even monster. So intense that even demon will feel fear.

*Attention to dear readers the next might upset your stomach so read in caution*

"Ueaaark!! Eughhh!... Help... Ueaack!*intense vomiting* I felt like sh*t. Urgh!!" Connor complain while his eyes are bursting of tears.

' Is this even consider a mild dizziness?' Luke thought

Raven's eye's was as red as blood and his vein in his eyes seems to tear out in any second. Most of all, his mouth was releasing an extreme amount of drool, soon after he laughed "Hehehe...Urk!!*hold his vomit in he's mouth and soon after he swallowed it in a single breath.* You're weak for someone...who likes to boast. Urghb!*

Everyone else in the vicinity have an extreme amount of vomit in their clothes, leaving the students in a dead like state. Where they couldn't even move a single finger, as they plead with a little voice left in them "help us...".

[Enthiel's Telepathy] "Uck! Ew...*his eyebrows raise up high while his mouth goes down as well as he's eyes squinted with a disgusted expression* humans are really fragile even a slight disruption in their mana they can already get sick. heh."

"I kind of felt dizzy, it might be different for you because your a dragon. We're human, we may be fragile but if we band together we are tough as steel."

[Enthiel's Telepathy] "yeah, yeah, o' great master. *Glance at the fallen students* Erk! Is that a cocumber? The sh*t. Oh this one has a chicken for lunch. This one has a vegetable on his cheek. Still. ew."

[Used telepathy] "Oh your right. How about the two? *Peek at their vomit* hmm... Oh? A western style meal, is this sausage,egg,and bread? As for raven hmm... Typical of him that's a sandwich I'm sure of it.

I'm the one who teaches that to him. Well mostly because he really likes to complain on his lunch, that's why I decided to teach him it might be teaching but it's just a basic skill.

In the past raven used to say every morning "What a hassle... What a pain in the ass... I give up, I'm gonna sleep"

He can actually just say that he want a meal, and the dorm mother will get the meal ready. But he has a strict sense in his food he's kind of paranoid of food poisoning. The reason might be because of the dark books he used to read in the library corner."

[System] {It appears that what Raven eat this morning is a sandwich, ingredients that are used is slices of ham, cheese, tomatoes, cabbage, and another portion of ham. As for Connor a bread, a sausage and two peices of egg that is all ]

"I don't particularly ask though..."

[The system's A.I Seraphim will forcibly shut down...]

*Flustered*"Ahh no! That's not what I mean!"

[Shutting down cancelled]

"Phew... What the heck happened to the other person in our group? Oh there he is, *look at him carefully* ohh... A reach kid huh... having a grand meal, so many that it's kinda turn into a small lake. Where does it even come from his body."

[Mysterious Woman] "what are you mumbling around there for a while now?"

Luke didn't notice her until she spoke up with a few steps left until she can approach him."I didn't even notice her? Who's this lady?"

A woman that has a strange alluring beauty, that have a black hair that as smooth as a silk and a glossy lips. But as you look at her deep eyes it's like being pulled into the abyss. Her eyes was as feirce as a vipers eyes that might bite you if you let your guard down for even a second.

A single sweat fall on his head, as it slowly fall down on his face a reflecting of him showing an expression of weariness to her was reflected. Soon after he swallow his saliva.

"You're quite a tough one for a first timer, you might be worth teaching. Give them this *throws three bottles of medicine* make sure they chew it not swallow"

Luke hesitated wether to give it them or not because it may have been a poison all along.

The woman glance at him "Also I'm not a stranger I'm the head Professor everyone on my class calls me Professor Amine"

"Y-yes ma'am!"

After a an hour of making all of the students eat the medicine. They recovered somehow in just a second, it already taken it's effect.

"Urk! Bitter! *Cough* my stomach is in turmoil" Connor complain

The area became chaotic and the vicinity became noisy but with a single flicker of her hands their body became hard as stone making them incapable of moving even an inch. Except for Enthiel who's scratching his neck.

Professor amine got surprised 'What's with that dog?! Setting it aside, this one seems to be a kind of unique.' she noticed that on Luke's hand that there was a slight movement .

"This may be called a field trip but that might be wrong.*Shows a vile smile* you all will stay in an inn for 5 days. You may decide what to do in the next 5 days. But after that there will be an exam that will test each students survivability in outside world. That's all if there's any questions just raise your arm."


"So there's no questions then just follow the roads direction it will guide you to the town square. The inn is called Morning Sunrise Inn. There is also other students of the same year who check in there. the school already paid the lodging so no need to ask. Then so long~..."

[Crowd of male students]

"Phew... Finally I almost wet my pants there"

"What's with her smile it makes me shiver"

"Still professor is a beauty right...?"

The male students smile in a mischievous way "Right...?"

Luke sigh heavily "*sigh* I actually want to ask though, but my body won't budge. Maybe I should asked the other students later for information. Like for example the place, what kind of creature living there. I already have a guess what it might be,"

It took them less time to find the inn thanks to how much students are in line outside. Also it's probably of how big the establishment is saying Morning Sunrise Inn.

'I noticed earlier of how much trouble the students give to the establishment. It's mostly likely because of how much their vomit smell, it's practically evident on how they look at them.

When it's finally my turn they definitely sigh in relief. After that when I came into my room I noticed that Enthiel put a cotton on his nose the entire time and decided to take it off when the three left.'

" I might need to take a bath right away"

"Yeah you should" said by Enthiel with a serious face.

"*Sniff* yuck I kind of smell like barf"

Luke head to the hot spring of the inn where his classmates are currently in.

As he open it they seem to swiftly take a seat in the hot spring while whistling.

"Oh? It's just luke what the you scared us to death" Connor said with a hint of relief evidently on his tone.

"Wha- I didn't even do anything tho?"

"You still wear your necklace even in the bath?" Connor asked

Luke check his neck and he really did still wearing his necklace. "Haha! I might've forgotten to left it in the room."

[Miguel Bersckin]"Shh just come here..." Waving his hand to make him come.

Luke unintentionally glance at Raven.

"I don't know about this, I promise" Raven denied as he furiously wave his head

As he come closer he sees a small hole on the side of the wall. To his surprise "What do you guys even, *Gasp*Y-you guys!"

It seems that the bathhouse in the hot spring is split into two. On the right side is the woman's area and the left side is the man's area. Where they are separated by a tall wooden wall in the middle.

The two grab his mouth making him quiet.

[The girls beyond the wall] "what's that?"

[Girl 1] " it's nothing"

[Girl 2] "don't you think your skin is getting smoother? Mine is not as it used to" said in sad tone.

[Girl 3] " stop kidding around yours is much smoother and this bouncy skin. I wish I have just like you have."

[Girl 4] "me too...!" Said with a longing eyes

[Connor]"Hey could you see that, that's paradise! Luke which one do you prefer? For me that one! That bouncy knockers! they're the best!"

[Miguel]"No.no.no. too naive! Medium is premium!"

Raven cough first and said " I kind of like the slightly smaller than me also flat is justice!"

"Lo-Lolicon!!!" x3

"Ah no! that's not what I meant I said smaller not younger!"

Connor and Miguel pat his shoulder and said with a look of pity for him " we know... You don't have to explain." x2

"The heck are this guys discussing!"

The three look at him with their eyes full of curiosity. Without a single word he already knows what they want." I really don't have any preference. As long as she is a kind hearted and a nice woman who can make me fall in love with her that's all i need."

"Che! boring..." x3

'I can't tell them that I'm a middle age man plus 13 years old. They might really brand me a lolicon. My preference is actually an older woman by the way.'

"Well this really a feast in the eye, I'll continue to eaves drop for a little bit more"

As Miguel look on the hole a nail greet his eyes. "Eh? *Said by him with a dumbfounded look. Soon the finger poke his eyes making him tear up like crazy.* Uaack it hurts!!"

[Girl 3] a murderous aura surface the other side. "you perverted bastard! I'll cut down your thing so that you won't even think of ogling to others again!"

"Kyaaaaaahhhhh" Miguel run hurriedly as he scream all the way out. Soon after the matter is solve through my great persuasive skill.

Also he didn't get his clothes and just run straight ahead running butt naked.

"Phew... I'm glad I didn't peek"Connor said as he exhale slowly in relief.

I really appreciate if someone notify me on some mistyped one

John_K_creators' thoughts