

After Pidgey's hearty meal they continued traversing the forest.

Along the way Pidgey and Jin picked any berries visible to them, though they made sure to continue trekking not letting the berries distract them.

As they were deep in the unknown they came across multitudes of Pokémon.

They ran into a squad of Beedrills though they didn't pay them any mind as they simply buzzed through.

They walked on top of a high hill whose surroundings were a steep cliff, falling wouldn't kill you, possibly break your legs but would most definitely injure yourself if you don't land correctly.

The altitude allowed Jin to see just above the forest allowing him to see at a distance a flock of Pidgeys whose leader was Pidgeot along with several Pidgeottos 

On the other side if one looked closely between bushes and leaves one could see many Metapods.

There was also the occasional Butterfree that he would see.

It seemed that his way back to town would be peaceful compared to yesterday.

Looking at the sun it was already afternoon.

Just as Jin passed the last stretch of unknown, disconnecting him from known territory on the map.

A tiny hint of a body of water appeared on the side of the map.

Jin wanted to stop and take a look but he decided another time would be best.

He quickly took a look at the known territory taking note of any icons that should be avoided.

Seeing no huge icon, Jin released a sigh and continued to trudge forward as he reached his 

physical limit.

The Pokémon along the way were simply Pokémon who left their flock or were abandoned so they would grow up by themselves.

When Jin first entered the forest and didn't find much trouble he thought that God and the Guards had exaggerated the danger the wild has.

Nevertheless Jin exercised caution and it paid off.

If he hadn't been watching his map when the Arboks were coming his way and ran, then he and Pidgey might have been eaten.

Eventually as he got closer to the gate, the guards quickly took notice of him before one of them ran to him to offer help.

It was John who ran over to help, seeing a child so bruised and battered, his fatherly instincts kicked in.

He held the Teddiursa in one arm and offered his other for Jin to lean on.

"Thank you," said Jin, grateful for John's actions.

"Don't thank me, I was just shocked to see your state. In the back of my mind I thought you were dead since you didn't return yesterday but seeing you back like this made me uneasy so I couldn't stay still."

'Seeing you like I can't help but imagine how my son would look like if he were in your place.'

As John helped Jin get to the gate, Jin could see a big grin on Captain Bren's face, "You're one tough nut aren't ya boi?"

Bren noticed bruising here and there on Jin's body at least what showed itself.

His clothes were more torn than what they already were when he left, there were also smudges of dirt everywhere.

What caught his attention was the Teddiursa John was carrying. Bren looked uneasy as he looked at Jin giving a stern look, 

"Boy you've been through some stuff we can tell but explain how you got your hands on a Teddiursa. Their species always live in groups."

Jin too exhausted sat on the floor as he told them about the Arboks, running into Teddiursa, how he gained Ursaring anger because it got poisoned, how he ran unknowingly to the mountain located to North of the town, luckily at the base of the mountain he found a hole he could hide in.

Jin paused and wondered if he should tell them about the cavern.

Thinking about all the minerals that are in there Jin decided not to.

In the future he could possibly head back and take it for himself.

"The hole was small enough just for me and Pidgey.

The Ursaring weren't letting me go so they tried to open the hole wider.

Eventually their entire group was there, as I could hear Teddiursa and Ursarings, but for some reason they stopped their attacks.

Until quaking was all I could feel, and their screams.

Eventually the smell of blood started to fill the air, I quickly realized that I had wandered into another Pokémon's territory.

The fighting subsided around midnight or so, at the time all I could tell it was dark.

I waited and waited even after the sounds of bloodshed stopped.

Eventually I came out of the hole and saw corpses everywhere so I tried to take Rhydon's horns hoping to sell them but my knife couldn't take them off.

Instead I took their claws along with Ursaring's, it was tough and bloody but I managed to get a lot until I ran into that Teddiursa.

It was still alive, unconscious and hurt. I could have killed it, but I wanted to take a gamble and see if I could sell it.

As for why the two packs fought to the death, I'm not sure, I'm just glad the other party was offended enough to cause the destruction of both parties.

Not only did I live but I managed to get something out of it, right?"

Bren whistled, "You're one lucky bastard that's for sure. You managed to live through two groups of Pokémon fighting each other and benefited from it.

Though I hate to break it to you, Rhydon's claws aren't that great. You could probably sell them as decorations.

On the other hand Ursaring's Claw could sell for a good price, not only are they long and sharp, they are really durable.

They make great knives.

As for Teddiursa, you could have tried to sell it to any passing trainer though most of them wouldn't bite as Teddiursa is injured, not only that but it also hasn't been trained.

Another option is that you could sell them to Pokémon dealers, who capture and train Pokémon to sell them. There's one in every town, though since the last Pokémon stampede they all pulled out of town.

The security of the town has been compromised so the Poke dealer turned to a safer frontier town. Less chance of losing their business. While trainers prefer to have a base they fall back on.

Pokedealers aren't really in town, while our trainer traffic is low, you're left with only one choice."