
Reincarnating as a smallest living Entity in a Micro World

As an ordinary man that is having a depression Zekk wanted to be someone else in life. He wants to change his life somehow but powerless since having his parents died when he was young there is no one he can rely on and develop a depression. As one day he was walking down along the street there is suddenly a clamor above his head as there was a fight that happen to shove a heavy object that came flying down above his head. As he was dying slowly he curses his bad luck and regret not changing as a person as his life came to an end. As he died his soul having been sent into the wrong world by a God that governs his world sending his world to the micro organism world that contain the power of origins of a universe. Having been sent in a micro organism world he reincarnated as a smallest living entity that have an OP power that can change his life and gain power as he ascend his potential and keep perfecting his strength. Let us witness his journey how he survive the darkness of the universe and survive as the strongest.

ZankkaPoonta · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Chapter 4 - Learning (2)

As Zekk learns the power structure of Micro world he can now embark in his journey in getting stronger. Just he was about to go he remember that he didn't know where to go as even he does not know where he is currently.

"Master i can just send little by little information about the Micro world for you to adjust and if you permit me to fuse my truesoul to yours i can always inject information and adjust your power instantly"

Dike informed Zekk as he did not know what to do at the moment.

"Okay" now that Zekk has learn how to control his soul power he can fuse Dike into his truesoul in order to categorize his power into data that he can see.


As Dike and his truesoul fuse he can feel his soul enjoying the pleasure of getting stronger as it gain a new power.



Level: 10

Race: Equitians

Stats:Body of Equitans

Strength: 1- : Ω Agility:1- : Ω

Soul power:

*Nothingness 10 - : Ω

*Order 100- : Ω

Place: Kingdom of Archaea

Abilities of truesoul:

Power of Nothingness

*Obliterate- can erase everything that touches

it and protect the truesoul

*Devouring- can devour everything and convert or digest it to for the owner to use (currently hibernating)

Power of Order

*Order- can digest information and present it into data and arrange it into a system and can order any law or origin that has lower power that itself.

*Balance- can balance anything that has the same power or lower for the host in its advantage

"So this my new power huh." Zekk marvel at his newly obtain power as he can see his stats or information. "By the way as what does that symbol mean ?" (: Ω)[1]Zekk wonder as he see a weird symbol in his stats.

"Oh that is your potential power master as your truesoul can devour anything it can continue to grow stronger and as my truesoul already fuses to yours i can also get stronger" Dike explain as she knows that by devouring others it can help digest the power of other origin and law as it already fuses its truesoul in the power of Nothingness.

"I see well you can just assist me in getting stronger" Zekk already learn everything about himself.

"So Micro world have kingdoms to huh" Zekk was flabbergasted as he sees his new body as an small living entity.

"Yes as you already know master the kingdom is just an empty space as we are in Micro world we just uses our power to form a domain to divide the space and the organism living here is just weak compare to other world.( well they fuse so they are basically one now) We are currently in Archaea Kingdom the one that i rule and my subordinates are around 80-90 of power of level and the citizens are below 80 level. In the west and south are my territory and Khaos(Chaos) is the one who has the same level of power to me rules the north and east as it rules the Proteo kingdom. The center are the one who has the almost the same power as us basically around level 90-99 are Mystery, Fate or Destiny, Space and Time, Karma or Casualty, Yin and Yang.They divide the center and band together as they can't confront me and Khaos as they are a big gap between 99-100." Dike explained as they have been at loggerheads in order to level up their true soul and break free from Micro world.

"So the limit of power of the body in Micro world are 1 and truesoul are 100 so we need to breakthrough in order to ascend in other world" Zekk ask Dike as he can see it in his stats.

"Yes master in order to break the shackles we need your devouring power and strengthen ourselves" Dike said as in a long time she have been finding clue in order to breakthrough in the Micro world in order to leave the center of universe.

Now that Zekk have a plan he just need to bid his time for his devouring power to recover from its slumber in order to ascend in other world and achieve his goal in finding his parents.

1. It is the symbol of absolute infinity