
Reincarnated With The Strongest A.I System

When brilliant scientist Yun Feng dies and is unexpectedly reincarnated into a strange new world, he's grateful to find a family to call his own. But as tragedy strikes again and again, Yun Feng realizes that he must rise above his mortal limitations and become something greater. With steely determination and a fierce desire to conquer the very heavens themselves, Yun Feng begins a transformative journey to become a deity who wields unimaginable power and commands the very elements of the world. But as he grows stronger, so do his enemies, and Yun Feng must face increasingly deadly challenges that threaten everything he holds dear. Can he overcome the odds and emerge victorious, or will the universe continue to take everything from him? Follow Yun Feng on his epic quest to attain godhood and discover the true meaning of power, sacrifice, and redemption in this thrilling tale of reincarnation, rebirth, and ultimate destiny

Pizza_overlord · Oriental
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14 Chs

Reunion In The Ruins

Chapter 9 : Reunion In The Ruins

"hey Zenki, can you tell me how long it will take me to reach back water village" Yun Feng asked, his heart pounded with worry as he raced through the dense forest, his only thought on finding his two daughters.

[Negative, insufficient data on locations to fulfill this request]

"useless again it seems" Yun Feng snorted taking his mind off Zenki, his eyes looking at the bracelet in his right hand, there two colors on it , red and blue, both colors signify the bracelet on Yun Mei and Yun Fei's hands, the fact that they were still going meant the girls were still alive however judging from how dimly their lights were shining it was Yun Feng could infer they were in danger.

His mind was a jumble of fear and determination as he pushed his body to its limits, knowing that every moment counted.


Suddenly, the piercing howls of a pack of wolves close to hims shattered the silence.

Yun Feng froze, his instincts kicking in as he drew his sword (sorrow( and advanced cautiously forward.

Soon His eyes narrowed as he spotted the ten wolves, their eyes glinting with malevolent intent. These were no ordinary wolves; they were magical beasts, twice the size of normal wolves and with fur as black as the night sky, this were once normal wolves that have now been transformed by speckles from the red pillar of light, their strength and frightening aura was far more powerful than any he had ever felt before.

Yet despite standing face to face with them Yun Feng oddly felt no fear, it wasn't from ignorance of their strength but a new found strength even he couldn't explain coursing through every fibre of hus being, gripping Sorrow firmly he steeled himself, ready for the fight of his life.

"trust me, you guys don't want a piece of me," he growled, his voice laced with determination, after inspecting them more he discovered although this wolves presence was frightening and nearly suffocating, there was no way they would be as strong as those hundred year old or thousand years mysterious beasts that even Deities feared. at most they were just slightly more powerful than any other wolves otherwise they wouldn't be here at edge of the forest instead of the depths were fully evolved mysterious beasts lived.


.The wolves snarled in response, and then launched themselves at him with a vicious ferocity.

Yun Feng fought back with all his might, his sword flashing in the sunlight as he swung it with deadly accuracy. The battle was fierce and unrelenting, and for a while, he was out numbered ten to one it seemed that Yun Feng might be defeated. However, he refused to give up.

As the wolves closed in on him, Yun Feng's movements became more fluid and graceful, his swordsmanship wasn't precise or anything but it was just enough.

He parried their attacks with ease and retaliated with swift, powerful strikes that left the wolves reeling. The battle raged on, and soon the ground was littered with the corpses of the fallen beasts.

At one point, a wolf sneaked up behind him, sinking its sharp teeth into his shoulder. Yun Feng grunted in pain, but he refused to falter. "get off me" he snarled, grabbing the wolf by the neck and crushing its windpipe with a fierce grip. The battle continued, and Yun Feng was soon surrounded on all sides.

His movements were becoming slower, and his body was racked with pain, but he refused to give in. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for the final confrontation. With a fierce yell, he charged towards the remaining wolves, his sword raised high.

"Fuck off !" he roared, as he swung his sword with all his might. The wolves lunged towards him, but Yun Feng was too quick for them. He deftly dodged their attacks, delivering swift, deadly strikes that left the wolves writhing on the ground. The battle was finally over, and Yun Feng stood alone in the middle of the battlefield, his sword dripping with blood.

He let out a deep breath, his body trembling with exhaustion as he looked at the corpses in front of him in disbelief. "did I really just do that?" he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper, although this was not his first time hunting wild animals, all his previous success was largely due to the help of other hunters from the village, but now he killed almost ten wolves in an head on clash all by himself.

"when did I become so powerful " Yun Feng whispered to himself, he could feel immense power bulging through his muscles, "Zenki can you tell me what is happening "

[Affirmative, during host's states of unconsciousness, a portion of the red sphere which is actually blood from an unknown creature melded with your body , enhancing your physical strength to the point that your body should rival weaker cultivators] Zenki explained.

"oh I see, so you are saying that I only manage to absorba small portion of the black sphere's blood and might become stronger the more my body absorbs?" Yun Feng asked as He staggered away from the battlefield.

[Affirmitive, following the trend from before that should be the case, there's still 99.98 percent of the black sphere content from host to absorb]

"wow thats a whole lot more" Yun Feng said, curbing his excitement As he cintubued running,, the girls were still in danger and he couldn't afford imself the luxury to stop and celebrate.

"argggghhhhh" he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his back, One of the wolves had managed to sneak up behind him, sinking its teeth into his flesh.


Yun Feng gritted his teeth, the pain nearly overwhelming him. in his rage he struck the wolf with all his might bashing its head inwards, then it's body exploded from the immensity of the attack, its fur, blood splattered everywhere leaving two sharp fangs on Yun fengs shoulders.

"now that's more like it" Yun Feng relished in the feeling of being strong from a brief moment before removing the two fangs that deeply stuck into his body, before continuing his journey back.

After nearly ten hours of running and battling some crazy wild beasts he finally arrived at the edge of back water City, what his eyes saw made his heart sink.

"it really happened!" his premonition was spot on this time The city he thought would be safe was attacked and destroyed too.

Yun Feng's heart was heavy with dread as he approached the ruins of the city where he had left his two precious daughters in the care of an old couple.

The city had been ravaged by a beast tide, and the devastation was evident even from a distance. Smoke rose from the ruins, and the sound of distant crying and screaming echoed through the air.

As he got closer, the sight that greeted him was one of horror. The once-bustling city was now a scene of utter destruction. Buildings were burned and collapsed, and bodies littered the streets. The stench of death and decay was overwhelming, and Yun Feng had to cover his nose to prevent himself from retching.

Yun Feng moved forward, his heart heavy with fear and anxiety, calling out his daughters' names. He searched every nook and cranny, checking under debris and rubble, but there was no sign of them.

As Yun Feng walked through the city, he saw families crying and wailing in agony over their loved ones.he saw the agony etched on the faces of several families who were searching for their loved ones. Some were kneeling beside the corpses of their family members, crying in anguish. Others were wandering aimlessly, looking for any sign of life amid the ruins

He could feel the grief and despair in the air, and his heart clenched with each step he took. He desperately hoped that his daughters were safe and alive.

He searched every corner of the ruined city, checking every building and every nook and cranny, gripping his bracelet firmly as he as he searched, he saw the devastation left by the beast tide. Bodies lay scattered everywhere, some torn to shreds, others with their throats ripped out.

The once-beautiful city was now a ghost town, filled only with the echoes of its former glory. "huh?" As Yun Feng turned a corner, he saw two wolves by tye corner eagerly eyeing a hidden well.

with His heart racing, he crept closer, trying to get a better look. ....that's when he saw them....., his two daughters, Yun Mei and Yun Fei, huddled together at the bottom of the well.

The corpses of several other children lay scattered around them, their faces twisted in agony. Yun Feng could feel the tears welling up in his eyes, the grief and despair he had been suppressing for so long finally bursting forth.

But before he could do anything, the two wolves snarled and lunged at him. "Another dumb beast looking to die!" Yun Feng didn't think, he acted purely on instinct. He punched the first wolf in the face, feeling the satisfying crunch of bones as its snout shattered under his fist.

The second wolf leaped at him, but he sidestepped it and landed a hard kick to its side, sending it sprawling. The two wolves circled him, their eyes blazing with fury.

He dodged their attacks, using his fists and feet to strike at them whenever he could. The wolves were fast and agile, but Yun Feng was cunning and resourceful. He fought with all his might, his heart filled with the determination to protect his daughters.

"Die!!"Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Yun Feng landed a killing blow on one of the wolves, driving his fist through its chest and ripping out its heart.

The second wolf growled and lunged at him again, but Yun Feng was ready. He dodged its attack and delivered a swift kick to its head, knocking it out cold. Panting and covered in blood from the beginning to the end he chose not to unsheate Sorrow,

Yun Feng staggered over to the well and looked down. "girls , daddy is here"

His daughters were staring up at him, their eyes filled with a mixture of relief and mock anger. Yun Mei spoke up first, her voice filled with a irritation and pain. "Daddy, you're late! You promised to come back and protect us, but you didn't come in time. granny and grand pappy from the village are both dead"

Yun Feng sighed, his heart overflowing with gratitude, he could imagine how hard that couple.must have worked to keep the girls alive and bring them here.

"Daddy is sorry , it won't happen again, I'll keep you safe from now on I promise" He reached down and pulled his daughters out of the well, holding them tight and never letting go

"you better!! hmmmph". Yun Mei harrumped amidst tears but she still hughed him so tight, Yun Fei silently smiled her icy demeanor warmed.

The city may have been destroyed, but his family was still intact. And that was all that mattered