
Chapter 18:Endangered Goblins

Like almost all road trips, I felt bored. But this time I didn't have a working phone or tired enough to go to sleep.

Shomei:Hey Eva, is there anyway for me to leave and come back unnoticed?

Eva:The User can leave a teleportation marker and illusion of yourself inside the carriage before teleporting wherever the User wants.

Shomei:Oh yeah, I forgot that I had [SSS+. Illusion Reality]... I wonder if the merchant has found out that Valliere and Viviana are gone.

After making a teleportation marker and illusion of myself inside the carriage, I teleported back into my Inner World.

Thinking of what to do, I checked out on how the slimes were doing.

The slimes were still absorbing the tons of aphrodisiacs I've gave them.

Leaving the slimes alone for now, I checked on the Goblins.

Currently the Goblins were sparring with each other. Since I gave them [B-. Lvl:1 Enhanced Intelligence], the Goblins quickly learn what the guards taught them within the one hour time period they had. Although the Goblins are still beginners, their were still better when yesterday.

Taking the Goblins back into the forest outside Appleby, I started collecting more slimes while the Goblins started hunting more monsters again.

When the Goblins encountered a pack of Dire Wolves, I had to step in and save them.

Although I wanted to make a calvary of Goblins and Dire Wolves like in "That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime", Eva told me that I should use better monsters for a calvary since there are better wolves or monsters out there.

Wanting the Goblins to still get the Xp, I used nature magic to bind the wolves with tree tendrils before letting the Goblins kill them.

After killing the wolves, I thought about getting more Goblins to make a more balanced team.

Finding a nearby Goblin village, I used a spell call [S+. Fog of Somnolence] to put the entire village to sleep.

Walking into the village, I let my Goblins kill every Goblin in the village.

Searching for the female Goblin, I found her sleeping on the floor with another Goblin in her.

After taking the female Goblin, I casted [D. Clean] on her before putting a slave crest on her.

After killing and gathering all the Goblins, I added them into the slime pit since they'll increase the chances of the slimes becoming a humanoid.

Since I had to see so many dead bodies, I gave myself the ability [B-. Cool Mind] so that I wouldn't throw up when looking at the dead bodies.

After also taking any loot that looks good and putting into my Inner World, I left to find another Goblin village. Although there wasn't really anything besides money that I looted from the village.

Before going into another Goblin village, I woke up the sleeping Goblin I captured. Just like the other Goblins, I let her choose whatever weapon she wanted.

Somewhat copying the other Goblin, she chosed a sword. After giving her armor, the stat increasing and intelligence abilities we headed to the next village.

Just in case if anything happened to carriage, I went back on to the carriage whenever my Goblins were busy killing the Goblins I put to sleep using [S+. Fog of Somnolence].

Taking a break once it was noon, I was able to "visit" 4 Goblins villages, and add 5 more female Goblins to the party, and collected 38 slimes.

Out of the 5 newest Goblins, 2 chosed to use a sword, 2 chosed to use a bow, and the last one chosed use a sword and shield.

Making sure that no Goblin is ahead in terms of level, I made the newer Goblins kill the sleeping Goblins while the other Goblins carried sleeping Goblins to the newer Goblins. Making the Goblins around level 18-22.

After letting them experience hunting as a group, I let the Goblins rest and relax by taking a bath.

Leaving the Goblins, I checked on how the slimes were doing. Currently the slimes have absorbed 1/5th of what I added into the pit, which is a lot considering that they absorbed 10ft^3 of aphrodisiac plus the trash and Goblin corpses I also added.

Seeing that the slimes were absorbing nice and fine, I thought of what to do for lunch since it was a little past noon already.

Wanting to eat the monster meat, I teleported back to the carriage to suggest lunch. But before going back to the carriage, I made food for the Goblins to eat once they get out of the bath.

Shomei:"I'm getting kinda hungry, why don't we stop and eat for a little bit?"

Guard:"I think that's a good idea, I also want to get out of this carriage and stretch a little bit"

Opening the carriage window, and putting his head out. Guard:"HEYY! LETS STOP FOR A BIT AND EAT"

After saying that, the carriages were lead to the side of the path before I setup a grill.

Taking out the monster meat that was hunted, I let the maids and guards dismantle them.

Meanwhile, I got the maid who's leading the carriage to show me where we are at on a map right now.

Maid:"Right now we are taking this path going, we'll pass these five towns before reaching Mournstead"

Shomei:"Why aren't we using this path? It's a straight line to the second town while the path we're taking is going around it"

Maid:"That's because the path goes through the part of the forest owned by some witches, the nearby towns made a treaty with those witches in exchange for the witches potions for land"

Shomei:"... Is Mournstead part of that treaty?"

Maid:"No, but It's best not to incur the wrath of a witch"

Shomei:"How bad are some witches"

Maid:"Although you might not have any problems handling witches, it's different for a town. A witch can curse towns and people with diseases, death, and famine. Especially a group of witches"

Shomei:Hey Eva, how do witches look?

Eva:Like normal girls unless they have the resources to make themselves look better.

Shomei:I might want to check them out when we're in the carriage again.

Shomei:"Ok, I guess it's fine if take your route"