

"How many days has it been...? 7...? No, eight." A low voice was heard inside a big wooden box.


"You still alive ?" Macro said as he knocked on the wooden box from the outside.

Mike didn't replied...his lips are dry due to not consuming blood for 8 days straight.

"Well look what I've bought for you." Macro said as he showed mike a bottle filled with red liquid.

As soon as mike saw the bottle through the gaps of wood planks his eyes immediately turned red.

"B-Blood...." He said in a low voice.

"Here." Macro said as he throwed the bottle of blood towards mike.

Mike caught it at once and immediately opened it up as he drank it in one go.


"It's time for you to face your judgement Mikelson." Macro said with a laugh.

"How do you know my name ?" Mike asked.

"Your little wife has made and pasted your flyers all over the town that says you are missing....hahaha."