

"What do I have to do... In order to free you from the system ?" Anon asked with a smile.

"I don't know... It's your thing, You deal with it." Link replied with a neutral expression.

"I don't know, How to free you..." Anon replied with a smile.

"Don't mess with me, Anon. I will really trigger the bomb-" link spoke with an angry expression.

"Do whatever you want... I really don't know, how to free you from the system but, If that bomb goes off in my city.

You will be as good as dead." Anon spoke with a smile.

"You think, You are god... Don't you ?" Link asked with an angry expression.

"That's the only thing that I don't consider myself, Link. There is always someone stronger in this world." Anon spoke with a Smile.

"No, Anon... I am the strongest in this world and I will become the god of this world one day." Link spoke with an attitude filled voice and a very confident facial expression.