

"Why would he steal my soul ?" Anon asked with a confused expression.


"Your soul is darker then Anyone else on this holy land... Do you know that ?" Damon asked with a serious expression.


"Okay... Is that a compliment or an insult ?" Anon asked with a Confused expression.


"It's the truth... Your soul is so dark, that if a creature that feeds on souls... Consumes it. He will either become the strongest creature on the planet or die a very horrible death.


When I punched your soul with my soul... Some of my soul's outer defensive layer got destroyed by your soul's darkness." Damon explained.


"How did my soul got so dark ?" Anon asked.


"Really ? You don't know the reason why your soul is so dark ?" Damon asked with a straight face.


"I mean, I may have killed some guys-"